Viruses: The Unknown Frontier

What is a Virus?

A virus is defined as: an ultra microscopic, metabolically inert agent composed of DNA or RNA core and protein coating, capable of replication only within living host cells. To put it more simply a virus is a thing (it's not agreed whether living or non-living) that is capable of making more of itself only in a cell of an organism. There are both plant and animal viruses. They form all types of diseases. Some of the less deadly viruses cause the flu or chicken pox. Others, such as Ebola or Marburg have almost a 100% fatality rate. They are also some of the most contagious.

How does it reproduce?

As stated earlier a virus can only reproduce in a living cell. What it does there is a very complex process. But, the process can not take place unless the virus has a protein that makes it fuse to the outer surface of the cell. After it fuses it releases its genetic material into the host cell and the outer covering of the virus is done with it's job. After entering the cell the genetic material makes its way to the site of replication of the cell. After this there are two possible outcomes, the virus then takes over the cell and convinces it to start producing the virus, or the virus stays dormant until it is reactivated by something. In both cases the cell becomes a virus producing machine. It produces viruses until it is so grossly swelled with viruses that it literally pops and the viruses are released to make more machines of distruction. The cell full of viruses are called "bricks" because they are so chuck full of viruses.


What is a Virus? 

  Types of Viruses

  Level 4 Viruses



What is a virus?

Types of Viruses

Level 4 Viruses


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