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Shin-chan's Family

Shin-chan's Kindergarten Classmates

Shin-chan's Teachers

Others characters


Nene-chan (Nene Sakurada)
Shin-chan's female classmate. She's a normal, maybe almost generic, kindergartener. When asked what she liked, she responded with Sailor Moon (of course, Shin-chan when asked the same question said "t-back oneesan" = "woman in a thong"). She'll happily spend her time "playing house" but her close proximity to Shin-chan makes her a target for his shenanigans. She seems to be able to shake them off fairly easily. However, it doesn't take a far stretch of the imagination to see her contact with Shin-chan resulting in a need for some serious psychotherapy a few years down the road.


Masao-kun is one of Shin-chan's friends who can be easily identified by his monk-like, shaved head. He's extremely submissive and it doesn't take much to make him cry. He could be labelled a crybaby.


In everyone's childhood memories, there's that one kid who was always a little bit "slower" than everyone else. Boo-chan is that kid. With what seems to be a perpetual cause of postnasal drip, he follows the other kids around like a miniature version of Frankenstein. He rarely speaks but once in a while, he will catch his friends off guard with a witty retort which they don't think him to be capable of.


With everything in the universe, there is an exactly equal opposite. In this case, Kazama-kun is the Anti Shin-chan. Kazama-kun is the perfect example of your typical "Young Republican" kindergartener. Always immaculately groomed and perfectly mannered (well, most of the time), the disaster called Shin-chan is inevitably drawn to him like a magnet. The outcome of the resulting conflict is almost always in favor of the "dark side".


Shin-chan's Family

Shin-chan's Kindergarten Classmates

Shin-chan's Teachers

Others characters










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