Skylla Llythia
Lissa Starstorm
Driven and Trustworthy
Assitant Artificer
Lorien Niarei
Artificer Trainee
Good Humored & Teasing
Keri D'Estera
Artificer Trainee
Beautiful & Respected
Hildegarde Mariana Colleen
Artificer Trainee
Reserved & Pessimistic
Ysandre de Courcel
Artificer Trainee
Brilliant & Shy
Shy & Loves Animals

Artificers: the people who make civilization possible in Velgarth. An Artificer, commonly known as a “Blue”, is basically an engineer or merchant. They’re the ones who design the houses, bridges, palace walls, and the people who run the businesses of Valdemar.

Blue Trainees are some of the most brilliant children in the country. They are students blessed with another Gift- intelligence. The Artificer Collegium teaches a variety of children: those who are blessed with intelligence and wish to further their education after basic schooling, as well as those whose parents can afford to continue their child's education.

The Artificer Collegium is essentially a university. Through rigorous academic testing, the teachers learn which subjects are a student’s strongest and can recommend certain fields of study, and careers they might be interested in and excel at. When their studies are finished, many decide to work as engineers and design structures. Others may take their skills and apply them to trades, becoming a caravan merchants, small business owners, and so on. The possibilities are limitless.

Artificers are trained all throughout Valdemar, but the main Collegium is in Haven. Artificers wear blue clothing while attending classes at the Collegium.

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