Animal Abuse

It is scary to even admit that thousands of animals each year are beaten and killed in their own homes each year. A Wild Stallion Is Wresled To The Groud By A 'Cowboy'Many die from either not being feed or given water or for some it's even a planned thing, like places in Japan were they now eat cats and dogs, people now rear cats and dogs in their own homes and slaughter them.

In places like Western United States horses (like the one to the left) are rounded up from their peaceful homes in the wild and are sold to rodeos, slaughter houses or just plain MAD owners who rear them up and ride them when they were born wild and with nature intending them to remain wild! So, why does man treat God wondrous animals as dirt, filth and inferior, we can only guess what is going through the minds of those who are hurting animals, we can never comprehend the pain and agony of these once proud and wild animals... so were did it all begin? Why does man treat animals like they did to the blacks once upon a time. Like the coloured (trust me I'm not being racist, well I hope I'm not) animals should be treat equally. So why don't we?

Man thinks he lives on top of the food chain, which in fact we are, but for those that live vegan or vegetarian it is a different story, we live one step down, we are not second or third or forth in the food chain, but aThis Cat Was Resuced After It's Face Was Set On Fireround tenth, letting animals such as sharks, orcas, lions, tigers and other meat eating predators take our place, but there are humans who live at the top, devouring ever single living thing that crosses it's path (yes, even become cannibalistic sometimes!) but man does not want to step down, they refuse to admit defeat. Animals are not like us, they have their own language and ways of life and with this comes a responsibility to man to keep God's animals alive and living, God put animals on the earth for a reason and it is known that they were not placed here for our pleasure in watching them leap at a dolphinarium or watching them be slaughtered in a Bull Ring or even to watch them race on television, but they were most defiantly not placed on the earth to be eaten and that is a well known fact... I myself am a strong Christian and I believe that God did not place animals on this earth for abuse and to be devoured, but we were meant to care for them, love them and cherish them, like we should will love Gods gist, not to love them on a plate and smothered in sauce with chips on the side!

'Man Survey's The Animal Kingdom With A Foggy Glass Of His Limited Knowledge, We Must Understand Animals... They Are Not Inferior Or Underlings, But A New Species Of Life That Must Be Respected And A WielderBeat Is Killed In A SacrafiseAcknowledged...' ~ Lolita: Slave To Entertainment

Even today many new ways of animal abuse are being discovered, such as the famous religious ceremonies that cut and slice animals (See Left) for the name of man, what use does this do? Nothing! It kills an incident animal that had it's own religion and way of life, so why kill it for your religion when it doesn't even know what it is? Killing for God is wrong because God placed animals on this earth for us and he does not want them back because we have slaughtered them for him. Doesn't is say in the bible 'I am leaving you in charge' so does that give us the right to slaughter, beat, abuse and kill every living creature there is? That's for you to deicide... Not me.

There isn't much I am able to write on this page about animal abuse and there are so many pictures of animal abuse I wouldn't be able to fit them all on a picture page, but for a few abusive pictures please have a look. These pictures may be unsuitable for young people.