Animal's In Experimentation

I'm sorry to be the beast of the burden to all you young ladies out there that wear make-up to impress the boys, but that A Dog Is Skinned... ALIVE!make-up that you wear was probably tested on animals and caused them blindness, deafness, paralyzed limbs or even death, would you still wear it now?

Animals were used in experimentation since the birth of our species, when the cave men would test foods and water on animals to check whether it was safe to eat or drink, but with so many alternatives today, should we still continue to use animals for this purpose. With dermatologist (people with strong skin) people volunteering their own skin for experimenting on why should animals (like the dog to the left <<<) have their skin ripped off and be gassed and have perfume squirted into their eyes? It's cruel, it's useless and it's WRONG!

It is not only cosmetics such as mascara, eye shadow (I know, it's a powder and apparently it's still dangerous!) lip stick, perfume and other looking good things that use animals to torment, but also thingsRabbits In Retraint like bubble bath, soap (most soaps contain... get this... whale) body wash and lotion and also shampoo are tested on animals, but to top all of this off, it's the places like 'The British Heart Foundation' that seriously annoy animal lovers such as myself and those who I have befriended on PETA2.

The British Heartless Foundation use the money that you donate to them to proceed with horrible experiments to Beagles, Rabbits, Turtles and Cats by cutting them open and placing all sorts of different chemicals to help their hearts, well it might have helped a human heart... but remember these are experiments and the outcome is unpredictable... Sheep Undergo An ExperimentThese animals have to suffer with things being taken from their bodies and having to stand, sit or lie in a painful restraint that they are forced into so that they are unable to struggle or free themselves. The people that end up experimenting have little hearts at all, they would do anything to animals to continue with their 'top of the mark' outcomes, Gosh! How Good Are They?!?!?!


Dissection is probably the most well known of all animal experimentations! Whether it is just a sheep's lung, a living frog or just an animals blood vein, if you have agreed to slice it open, you are supporting a deadly and gruesome crime called Dissection! This is a killer because many animals are killed with their bodies left to the slaughter of experimentations. You may probably be thinking, well, if it is that important why is there not a section dedicated to Dissection than? Well, the thing is that Dissection links in with experimentation... why? Because it continues to be a subject in schools worldwide - Yes, even here in Milton Keynes and London!

Not only is the poor frogs and rabbits that are given this horrible lives, but in some countries animals like cats and dogs are also dissected in school for that scary word to all school children 'education'. Well, in actual fact, if you have brains than you will know that this is not education, but murder and abuse to school kids worldwide. Even today rodents are sliced open by some unfortunate child that is being forced to dissect against their will. Even I, Stephanie, have been forced to dissect against my will, but you know what, I stuck to my gut and said NO! This is what happened to me, please take note of this because you can help by doing what I did;

'Today we are going to dissect a sheep's lung' said the teacher at the front of the class, in my head I knew something wasn't right about dissection, but I watched as the sheep's bloody limbs were brought out and placed on a tray in front of me. I nearly threw up so I asked the teacher politely if I could not dissect, she said 'Don't be pathetic Stephanie. The sheep died of natural causes' Stuff that I thought, the sheep was probably slaughtered for it's limbs for no reason. So, with my orders I picked up the knife and dropped it again, I stormed out of the science lab whilst everyone was looking and started crying. My teacher came out and sent me to the head teacher were I explained to him that it was wrong to dissect. He didn't care and I was left alone, whilst everyone else was laughing the animals lifeless lung... what education was it that a sheep should die to have its lung torn open. There wasn't any, and by choosing not to dissect I showed that I cared and that Dissection was a pointless attitude to science!'

Below are some teachers opinions of dissection in school. Please remember this is a British website so these opinions come from English people and not Americans. I'm sorry to those American people who are stilled forced to dissect constantly!

'Dissection in schools is pointless, especially for biology classes. You can get as much benefit from dissecting as watching a film about animals or doing research on animals, not dissecting. So many objects have been created to imitate the insides of an animal, so why should a child have to slice open a frog that did not deserve to die? ~ Mrs Stych, Chemistry Teacher.

'Dissection is only acceptable in schools that need it desperately, not for secondary school or junior school it is not acceptable to kill a frog that did not deserve to die. I wouldn't teach it to my class' ~ Biology Teacher


Click on the link below to see some pictures of animals undergoing experimentation... again, word of warning these pictures are very explicit and may contain disturbing or upsetting pictures for younger people.