What Else Is There On Veggie Roxs?

You can't be bored already can you? Gosh, you're hard to please : ) You know I don't mean it, I'm nice you know! lol! Here are those other things inside Veggie Roxs that you can have a look at, ways to contact us, ways to get awards, ways to post your pets pictures and ways to find out about us... if you dare!!! Have a nosey around!

Awards Up For Grabs!

 For those of you that are being SO nice to us and have given us awards than here is you chance to see them again on this part of the site. We posted up all of our awards here and then some. We also have our own award up for grabs if you fancy applying for one and we also have a special award for those you that want to try the ways of a vegan or vegetarian. Have A Go!

Become A Member Of Veggie Roxs

Now even better and updated you too can become a member of Veggie Roxs by sending us your email address, user name and about yourself you can get advise and facts whenever you want on becoming a vegan or vegetarian. Click on the link and find out who is a member.. okay I'm not a big HTML person so I can't do any 'members only' things so... sorry!

Animations And Fun Things

The good old PETA2 has aloud me to use these icons, wall papers and other thinks that you can post on your site and stuff. There are many things in here that you might find useful on the icons for your MSN Messenger ID picture, or AOL Messenger or any messenger for that fact. Have a look through and check out the cool stuff you have have.

The Veggie Roxs Pets Page

Time for the animals! We have here a new version of Veggie Roxs, our very own Pet's corner were you can send us pictures of your pets and you can view others here. Please send emails to the contact address above and don't forget to post your pets name, the picture (it would help!) A name you want to be displayed as and why you LOVE your pet!   

Online Help!

Do you want to help animals, but don't want to get into trouble? Don't worry, we all know the feeling, but posting some of these colorful banners on your site can update our records (if you add a link back to us with the banner) and boost our ratings. We could have more people coming to our site, and why is that a good thing? We have links to some of the greatest animal sites, with your help we could convince more people to ditch animal entertainment, experimentation and most importantly animal products!

Contacting Us

Do you want to contact us for help advise or anything else, than send us an email and we will help you as best as we can. We accept all emails, although you must write in the reason for sending 'Mail To Veggie Roxs' because we have already had many junk emails (damn the junk!) and we will get back to you!