- Home
- Introduction
- My Story
- The Gift Unopened
- I Asked God
- A Piece Missing
- The Unspoken
- What Love IS
- What Love Is NOT
- Tips For The Abused
- Bill Of Rights
- Where To Get Help
- Domestic Violence Memorial
MYTH: Battering is only a momentary loss of temper

FACT:  Battering is the establishment of control and
            fear in a relationship through violence and
            other forms of abuse.
The batterer will use
            a series of behaviors, including intimidation,
            threats, psychological abuse, and isolation to
            control the other  person. The majority of
            women are victimized over and over again by
            the same person.
MYTH: Domestic violence occurs mostly in poor, urban areas.

Women of all cultures, races, occupations, income
           levels, and ages, are battered by their spouses,
           boyfriends, or lovers.
           Approximately one-third of these men are well
           respected in their community. Many of them are
           professionals....such as doctors, lawyers, ministers,
           psychologists, and business executives. I, personally,
           know this to be fact, as my abuser is well known and
           respected. Being in the business world himself....he
           would always have someone come up to him to pay
           their respects...while we were out together. Little did
           they know the side of him that was reserved "only for
MYTH: It is easy for battered women to leave their abuser

FACT: Women who leave their abusers are at a 75% greater risk
           of being killed. This does not mean you should STAY!
           This just means there is a right way...and a wrong way to
           leave. The majority of women leave without a plan of action.
           Also...half of all the homeless women and children on the
           streets, are there because they left an abuser. The sad fact
           is..."there are nearly 3 times more animal shelters in the
          United States..then there are shelters for battered women
          and their children. SAD INDEED!!
MYTH: Domestic violence is just a push....a slap...or a punch. It
            does not often produce serious injuries.

FACT: Battered women are often seriously injured. About a third
            of women in emergency rooms are there because of ongoing
            abuse by their partner. About one fourth of pregnant women
            have a history of partner abuse. Many of them ending in
MYTH: An abuser is often times not a loving partner during his
            "calm times"

FACT: Batterers are often appologetic and affectionate after an
           episode of abuse. This is one of the things that can be so
           confusing to a victim. Their partner can indeed be very
           loving, and gentle when he is not raged.
MYTH: Alcohol causes partner abuse

FACT: Alcohol is just an excuse for many socially unacceptable
           behaviors.  The real cause of abuse is the "need" for
           power and control. Many times when a person is under
           the influence of alcohol they will do things that are wrong.
           Please do not accept alcohol as an excuse for anything.
           We are all responsible for our actions...no matter what.
           NO EXCUSES!
To see the face of beauty....
Look in the mirror!