- Home
- Introduction
- My Story
- The Gift Unopened
- I Asked God
- A Piece Missing
- The Unspoken
- What Love Is NOT
- Myths About Abuse
- Bill Of Rights
- Tips For The Victim
- Where To Get Help
- Memorial
LOVE is sacred and should be treated as such

It is a gift ~ given from one to the other. The greatest gift that you can ever give someone.

LOVE is unconditional. In order to love someone fully ~ you must accept the good and the not so good. For  the only  "perfect"  love is God's love.

LOVE is totally trusting. A strong foundation built on trust can withstand the most difficult of circumstances.

LOVE is giving to the other person what their heart needs.

LOVE is putting each other first. And  being able to "understand" the times when life seems to get in the way of that.

LOVE is borrowing God's glasses ~ and seeing through His eyes

Love is patient....

Love is kind.

It does not envy......it does not boast....it is not proud.

It is not rude.....it is not self-seeking.

Love is not easily angered.....it keeps no records of wrongs

  "Love does not delight in evil        
                           But rejoices with the truth
                    It always protects.....It always trusts
                   Always hopes......Always perseveres
                                   Love never fail

Love......is looking into someones eyes....and seeing right into their soul. It is the "want" and the "desire" to give of  yourself, all that you have to give....and receiving the same back.

Love is endless hours...of  "making love" and being able to totally melt into each other while doing so.

Love is ...softly running your fingers across his chest as he runs his fingers through your hair ~ while you hold each other after you make love.

Love is accepting all....sharing all....and giving all.

Moon And Back Graphics ~ Alone With My Thoughts

Oh heart of mine....
      Tell me....
  What Is Love??