Welcome to "Royce Penny's Money Machine" Trivia Page

for the

Canada Lotto 649

******* Updated to September 25, 2003 *****

The estimated jackpot for the draw on Saturday, September 27,2003 is $2,000,000!!

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I wish to thank all the loyal followers of Royce Penny's predictive theories for the Canada Lottery 649.
For those who do not know Royce Penny, he has been developing predictive algorithms for the Canada Lotto 649 since 1986. His basic theory is:

"In the period of time from inception of the Canada Lotto 649 to plus infinity, all numbers drawn in the Canada Lottery 649 will appear an equal number of times. In a very short period of time though, only certain numbers will have their turn and occur over... and over... and over... again.

This site will be updated biweekly and will provide all the actual statistical data for the Canada Lottery 649.

Index of Data available to September 25, 2003:

Latest Winning Numbers

Summary of prize payouts and total ticket sales

The Canada Lotto 649 Bell Curve

The Canada Lotto 649 Winning Numbers by Summation Totals

Winning Combinations by Odd/Even Ratios

Winning Combinations By Previous Draw Repeats

Winning Combinations by "Hot Warm Cold" Number Blocks

Canada Lottery 649 "Hot Warm Cold" Numbers

Royce Penny's Number Guessing Game

Convinced?? - Here's what one Web Surfer wrote...

© 1997 Royce Penny
Material on this page may not be reproduced in any way without prior consent


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