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Australian Pioneer Families

Families featured
Duncan Anderson, Peter Apppleyard, George Argles, Jacob Ashman, Lindsay James Austin,

James Anderson

James Anderson possible Birth: 18 Jul 1802 Place: Dunfermline, Fife, Scotland Mother: Janet Robertson and Father: Thomas Anderson
James Anderson wed 07 Dec 1826 to Isabel McPherson at Cromdale and Inverallan and Advie, Inverness, Scotland - Extracted marriage record for locality listed in the record

14 members of the Anderson family came in Feb 1855 on the Athletae who brought 420 Assisted British Immigrants.
John Anderson appears to have come and then sent for his family - parents James Anderson and Isabella MacPherson, brother James 14, sisters Rebecca 23, Isabella 19, Margaret 17, Jane 14 and Agnes 12.

9 Children 1. John Anderson 1828 - 1878 #2838 aged 50
2. Rebecca Anderson 23 - c1832
3. Isabella Anderson 19 - c1836
4. Margaret Anderson 17 - c 1838
5. James Anderson 14 - c1841
6. Jane Anderson 14 - c1841
7. Agnes Anderson 12 - c1843 - 1861 #1992 aged 18

Also on the Athletae was Duncan Anderson and his wife and 2 children

Duncan Anderson

Duncan Anderson Christening: 17 Sep 1820 son of Margaret Gauld and John Anderson at Logie-Coldstone, Aberdeen, Scotland
Duncan Anderson wed 25 Dec 1848 to Agnes Stevens Beckwith, daughter of George Beckwith, at Saint Cuthberts, Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotland

Duncan Anderson (aged 33) 1820 - 1871 #4276 aged 51 son of Margaret Gauld and John Anderson of Aberdeen, came Feb 1855 on the Athletae with Agnes Stevens Beckwith (aged 26) and lived at Forest Creek then at Chewton

9 Children 1. John Anderson aged 3 - c1851
2. Mary A Anderson aged 1 - c1853
3. Margaret Anderson 1855 #3418 - 1855 #2656 lived 6 weeks
4. Edward Anderson 1856 #13774 - 1944 #4549 aged 87
5. Robert Anderson 1859 #21129 - 1861 #5347 lived 1 year
6. George Beckwith Anderson 1862 #1282 - 1951 #7664 aged 89
7. Violet Anderson 1864 #20705
8. Henry Beckwith Anderson 1867 #1285
9. Annie Isabella Anderson 1870 #3616 - 1950 #22069 aged 80 wed Metcalf
2. Edward Anderson 1856 #13774 - 1944 #4549 aged 87 wed 1881 #2470 to Elizabeth Wurr Kingston 1860 #11935 at Melbourne and lived at Hotham
3 Children 1. Arthur Kingston Anderson 1882 #10741
2. Sydney Beckwith Anderson 1884 #10198
3. John Edward Anderson 1887 #4088
4. George Beckwith Anderson 1862 #1282 - 1951 #7664 aged 89 wed 1885 #3098 to Isabella Kirk Todd
1st Child 1. George Beckwith Anderson 1886 #11171
5. Violet Anderson 1864 #20705 wed 1887 #1181 to Joseph Jewell


From on Tue, 8 Feb 2005

Hi Elizabeth,
I think the error is a simple misunderstanding:
Peter Appleyard married in England in 1829 his first wife Anne Sheppard. So the couple Peter&Ann are not the parents of the poacher Peter Appleyard but Peter's first marriage. And his parents are the couple Samuel& Elizabeth nee Wood.
Bye - Sigismund

From on Tue, 8 Feb 2005

Subject: Appleyard Genealogy
Hi Sigismund
It was very interesting to hear from you and I am glad you are interested in the Appleyard family.
Peter Appleyard was born on 29 August at Lofthouse Gate, a small village near Leeds in Yorkshire.He was the second of 9 children of Samuel Appleyard and Elizabeth Wood - I can give you the names and birth dates of the others if you need them. Peter married Anne Sheppard in England in 1809 and they had 3 children before Peter was convicted of poaching ducks and transported to Australia in 1835. He was freed in 1840 and married Harriet Wheatley and had 8 further children in Australia. Peter's father Samuel was listed as an agricultural labourer in the 1841 census. I don't have any more information about Samuel at the moment and the informaton I have about John and his ancestors is all on my web site.

The Appleyards were not jews as far as I am aware. They were all baptised in Anglican churches. Biblical names such as Isaac, Samuel, Joshua, Joseph etc were very common in England in the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries - in fact the majority of English people were given biblical names at that time.

John Appleyard's father was a farmer and miller and owned a farm at a little village called Thorpe-on-the-Hill near Leeds - most of his ancestors were farmers also.
I would be interested to know the pedigree of your son-in-law from Peter Appleyard. The only child of Peter about whom I have more information is Arthur Horatio Appleyard - which child is your son-in-law descended from ?

Good luck in your research.
Mike Appleyard

Peter Apppleyard 1805 - 1861 #3819 son of Ann and Peter of York, wed 1843 - Hobart, Tasmania to Harriet Ann Wheatley and came c1849 to Victoria from Tasmania, lived at One Tree Hill and later at Alberton. In 1850 they had 3 sons baptised Church of England, Gippsland & Tarraville. Tasmanian index lists two unnamed daughters 1843 and 1845. Not in Convict records for Tasmania
10 Children 1. James Apppleyard
2. Alfred Apppleyard
3. Frances Louisa Apppleyard
4. William Apppleyard 1850 #25063
5. George Apppleyard 1850 #25064
6. Arthur Apppleyard 1850 #25065
7. Harriet Ann Apppleyard
8. Clara Apppleyard 1854 #2970
9. Thomas John Apppleyard 1858 #9044
10. Mary Jane Apppleyard 1862 #11884 - 1865 #7938 lived 3 years
1. James Apppleyard from Lincolnshire wed 1866 #1831 to Mary Skaife Macfarlane and lived at Mortlake
1 Child 1. Geo Macfarlane Apppleyard 1867 #17015
2. Alfred Apppleyard from Hobart Town wed 1866 #467 to Catherine Kennedy and lived at Alberton
10 Children 1. Sarah Ann Apppleyard 1868 #6535
2. Catherine Apppleyard 1870 #12799
3. Alfred Henry Apppleyard 1872 #13202
4. Margaret Apppleyard 1874 #13212
5. George Apppleyard 1875 #20527
6. James Alexander Apppleyard 1878 #6222
7. Harriet Emily Apppleyard 1880 #12731
8. Robert Apppleyard 1882 #20356
9. Thomas John Apppleyard 1882 #20355
10. Florance Louisa Apppleyard 1885 #14712
3. Frances Louisa Apppleyard from Tasmania wed 1869 #3852 to Joseph Edward Kelsall from Sheffield, lived at Cape Otway
8 Children 1. Frances Harriet Kelsall 1870 #14320
2. Joseph Edward Kelsall 1874 #6165
3. Edward William Kelsall 1875 #20360
4. Claude Tickell Kelsall 1877 #19525
5. Mabel Otway Kelsall 1879 #14277
6. Edgar Earnest Kelsall 1881 #21716
7. Henry Collingwood Kelsall 1883 - 1883 #10387 lived 7 weeks
8. Cuthbert Gordon Kelsall 1885 #15546
5. George Apppleyard 1850 #25064 wed 1877 #422 to Jane Scott from Oldbury, and lived at Alberton
6 Children 1. Unnamed Female Apppleyard 1878 #20230 - 1878 #10209 lived 1 day
2. Walter George Apppleyard 1879 #20438
3. Charles Courtney Apppleyard 1881 #20708
4. Ernest Apppleyard 1885 #7113
5. William Gordon Apppleyard 1886 #15153
6. Bessie Louisa Apppleyard 1887 #25359
6. Arthur Apppleyard 1850 #25065 wed 1875 #1643 to Mary Ann Gallagher 1854 #7455, and lived at Alberton
5 Children 1. Alice Jane Apppleyard 1876 #13227
2. Annie Apppleyard 1878 #6225
3. Harriet Emma Apppleyard 1880 #11
4. Henry Christie Apppleyard 1884 #13958
5. Frederick Wm Apppleyard 1887 #6
7. Harriet Ann Apppleyard is the mother of two children, and then she wed 1885 #2374 to Thomas Leonard who gave his birthplace as Fermanagh
2 Children 1. Florence Harriet Ellen Lucas Apppleyard 1872 #16212 born at Foster
2. Isabella Apppleyard 1876 #7623 born at Carlton
8. Clara Apppleyard 1854 #2970 wed 1882 #308 to Edward Russell Kelsall from Warwick, lived at Krambruck
4 Children 1. Robert Henry Kelsall 1883 #44
2. Edward Ernest Kelsall 1885 #3732
3. Florence Eva Kelsall 1886 #27306
4. Margaret Hilda Kelsall 1888 #21836
9. Thomas John Apppleyard 1858 #9044 wed 1886 #5883 to Alicia Mary Warner
1st Child 1. Thomas Lytton Appleyard 1887 #28156


Argles Geo aged 24 came Jun 1857 on the War Spirit

Caroline Hill 33 came Apr 1858 on the Empress Eugenie as Assisted British Immigrant with children Frederick 4 and Caroline 2, and Rebecca Hill aged 16

George Argles 1833 - 1871 #6653 aged 38 son of Thomas Argles wed 1860 #143 to Rebecca Hill and lived in Geelong

3 Children 1. Emma Marian Argles 1862 #20851
2. Edward Alfred Argles 1865 #15523
3. Robert Thomas Argles 1870 #17118
1. Emma Marion Argles 1862 #20851 wed 1887 to Charles Carter
2 Children 1. Florence Mabel Argles 1882 #7720
2. Ethel May Argles 1884 #23140
2. Edward Alfred Argles 1865 #15523 wed 1887 #4526 to Sarah Ryan
1 Child 1. George Frederick Argles 1888 #10326


Benjamin Ashman 33, came Oct 1854 on the Neleus with Harriet Ashman 28, Elizabeth Ashman 7 and Matilda Ashman 5 as Assisted British Immigrants

From on Tue, 13 Sep 2005

Hello Elizabeth
Benjamin Ashman, wife Harriet, daughters Elizabeth & Matilda came out on the Neleus, leaving Southampton 10 August, 1854. Their son James was born in Melbourne, to become my great-grandfather. Benjamin never was able to read and write, but left two houses, one to his daughters, the other to his son's widow in trust during her lifetime. It appears that Matilda dabbled a little before actually marrying William Key, having a daughter Louise/Louisa registered in 1867 without a father's name, and a rape charge is in the Victorian Police Gazette records. The charge was not followed through. Maybe she made up a story, and her parents high-tailed it to the police, only to find out that it was a story!

Benjamin was looked after in his later years by his daughter-in-law Edith Georgina (also known as Edie, or Georgina Edith). His Will is dated 10 March, 1904, and he died about 1908/1909.

Harriet's sister Susan and her husband John Reeves also migrated to Melbourne, having left Southampton via the Elizabeth on 14 April, 1853.

Horningsea is a small village outside of Cambridge. The day we visited, a wind from Siberia was blowing, and one could imagine poverty-stricken villagers struggling to keep out the cold! Have you cottoned on to anything by Colin Holt, who has extensively researched Cambridgeshire and its emigrants, and whose research I have found to be most helpful?

BOOK- (on two Genealogical Society bookshelves)
Holt, Colin S ‘No Sirs or Esquires’. The Story of assisted Emigration from Cambridgeshire to Port Phillip and Victoria 1840-1867 (SFHG location: 620 HOL - Shepparton)

No Sirs or Esquires, the story of assisted emigration from Cambridgeshire to Port Phillip and Victoria 1840-1867, Colin S. Holt M.A., Holt, Doncaster East, 2001 Index to Assisted Emigrants-Cambridge to Port Phillip District 1840-1867, A.I.G.S., Blackburn, 2000.
We thank Colin Holt for providing resources relating to Assisted Emigrants from Cambridge to Port Phillip District 1840-1867. His book, "No Sirs or Esquires", is described by Don Grant, President of the AIGS, as a "magnificent contribution to our history and to the history of Cambridgeshire … the most comprehensive treatise written on the history of immigration from Cambridgeshire to Victoria … a significant contribution to the general history of immigration to Australia …", whereas the "Index to Assisted Emigrants" has, until now, been available only at the AIGS.

Charlotte Ashman 18 came Apr 1855 on the Northumberland as an Assisted British Immigrant
George Ashman 40 came Sep 1857 on the Hornet with Eliza Ashman 34, Sarah Ashman 16, Catherine Ashman 15, Maria Ashman 11 and Harriet Ashman 10 as Assisted British Immigrants
Jacob Ashman 31, (son of Ann and William Ashman), came Oct 1852 on the Sir Edward Parry with Elizabeth Ashman 27, Mary Jane Ashman 4 and Lambert James Ashman infant as Assisted British Immigrants

Ann and William Ashman lived at Stratton On The Fosse, Somerset,
1. Richard Ashman - Christening: 10 Jan 1813
2. James Ashman - Christening: 11 Jun 1815
3. Sarah Ashman - Christening: 13 Jul 1817
4. William Ashman - Christening: 23 Aug 1819
5. Jacob Ashman - Christening: 07 Jul 1822
Jacob Ashman wed to Dec 1846 at Bristol district, to Elizabeth Baker and lived at Bristol for nearly 6 years

Jacob Ashman 1822 - 1880 #3156 aged 57, son of Ann and William Ashman from Bath, came Oct 1852 on the Sir Edward Parry with Elizabeth Baker and lived at Ballarat, then at Brandy

7 Children 1. Mary Jane Ashman c1848
2. Lambert James Ashman c1850
3. Sarah Anne Ashman 1854 - 1855 #1200 lived 1 year
4. Sarah Ann Ashman 1856 #12227
5. Henry William Ashman 1859 #2189
6. Alfred Jacob Ashman 1861 #19956
7. Arthur John Ashman 1866 #7884
1. Mary Jane Ashman c1848 wed 1864 #119 to Antonio Delmue and lived at Daylesford
The James Cheston came Jun 1858 with Battista Delmue 39, Francisco Delmue 30, Soafino Delmue 19, Santoni Delmue 17, Sebastiano Delmue 17, Antonio Delmue 15 and Giovani Delmue 14
2 Children 1. Letice Elizabeth Delmue 1865 #1947
2. Eveline Louisa Ashman Delmue 1866 #14310
Mary Jane Ashman and Thomas Le Poidevin lived at Matlock then Yarr?
3 Children 1. Olive Maria Le Poidevin 1877 #10132
2. Harry Le Poidevin 1879 #26823
3. George Le Poidern 1882 #6384
2. Lambert James Ashman c1850 born in Bristol wed 1881 #2567 to Harriet Burgess and lived at Yarr?
4 Children 1. May Ashman 1882 #6388
2. George Ashman 1883 #6372
3. Arthur Ashman 1884 #13910
4. Emma Ashman 1886 #23194
4. Sarah Ann Ashman 1856 #12227 as Sarahan wed 1874 #301 to William Arthur Scrimgeour Morrison and lived at Traralgon, Tangil
6 Children 1. William Arnold Edward Morrison 1875 #4216
2. Eveleen Elizabeth Morrison 1876 #19824 - 1877 #9659 lived 1 year
3. Arthur John Morrison 1878 #5712
4. Walter Henry Morrison 1879 #26297
5. Colin Bazil Morrison 1886 #6693
6. Phillip Victor Morrison 1888 #7144
7. Arthur John Ashman 1866 #7884 wed 1897 #7026 to Elizabeth Whinray 1874 #4219


Lindsay James Austin wed to Sep 1857 to Priscilla Ann Fairservice and lived at Sunbury
9 Children 1. Lindsay William Austin 1858 #6221
2. George Frederick Austin 1862 #17838
3. Priscilla Ann Austin 1864 #10002
4. Robt Nunn Austin 1866 #18219
5. Montague Edwd Austin 1868 #19986
6. Joseph Henry Austin 1870 #26655
7. Arthur Alfred Austin 1874 #5771
8. Edith Ellenhor Austin 1877 #25394
9. Albert Andrew Austin 1880 #12063
1. Wm Henry Lindsay Austin 1858 #6221 wed 1882 #269 to Louisa Elizabeth Normand 1861 #269 born at Woodend, no known chn
2. George Frederick Austin 1862 #17838 wed 1887 #2843 to Jane Gentles

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