Feeding the Birds

Feeding birds is the most common way to attract birds to your yard.  There are many types of bird feeders, and many seeds or food that can be used to attract various birds.


A type of tube feederNot all birds like the same type of feeder.  There are tube feeders, housefeeders (or hopper feeders), platform feeders, finch feeders, suet feeders, and nectar feeders.  And not all foods or seeds that you can use in a feeder is appropriate for all feeders.   I have a variety of different feeders in my yard to help attract a larger variety of birds.


Hopper Feeder.

Birds love seeds and grains.  There are various types of seeds you can put in your feeders to attract birds.

Kitchen Scraps

That's right, Kitchen Scraps.  Leftovers from your kitchen are the cheapest foods available for birds.  Scraps are often rich in carbohydrates and fats, which help birds build up vital reserves of body fat necessary for surviving cold winter nights.

Fruits and Nuts

Birds love fruits and nuts.

When you have store bought fruit that is past it's prime and no longer fit for human consuption, the birds will love you if you feed it to them.  You can just toss it out on the lawn, put it on a tray feeder, or impaled on spikes.  Oranges attract orioles, tanagers, and rose-breated grosbeaks.  I've seen robins pecking merrily away at apples.   Good fruit choices for birds are oranges, bananas, grapes, pears, raisons.  Dried fruit can also be used in a suet mixture or put on a tray feeder after soaking.

All kinds of nuts are popular with birds.  Most species prefer kernals, but nuthatches and woodpeckers will open nuts with shells.  Chopped or grated nuts will attract smaller birds.  Coconut can also be used if you hand half upside down (this attracts chickadees, titmice, and woodpeckers).  Nuts most popular with birds are almonds, walnuts, pecans, and filbirts.

Ways to Attract Birds to your yard.
 Back to the Main Page  Providing Water for the Birds
 Providing Housing for the Birds  Landscaping and Gardening for the Birds
Other Methods to Attract Birds Providing Safety for Birds

Specific Birds You May Want to Attract
Attracting Cardinals Attracting Hummingbirds
Attracting Bluebirds Attracting Orioles
Attracting Finches  Attracting Buntings
Attracting Woodpeckers  Attracting Tanagers 


Since May 30, 1999