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Jim's Big Fishing Homepage

Jim and Striper I will try and make your visit interesting.  If you like fishing and hunting as I do then there are lots of pictures for viewing.  "How to use methods", that I have found successful will be continually added as time and learning allows.
  If you see anything you would like to discuss please e-mail me and I will get back to you as soon as possible. 
I live in the western part of Kentucky and I am fortunate to have three rivers the Tennessee, Cumberland and Ohio to fish as well as Kentucky and Barkley lakes.
If you need any information on these please contact me and I will help if I can.   Kentucky Lake Outdoors is also a great place to get area info.  It includes info on water conditions, hotels, motels, camping etc.  Once again thanks for stopping by and I hope that you find the time well spent

At the bottom of each page I will have buttons.Click on the next buttons to go to the next page in the list in the table of contents or click on the back button to return to this page.
Striped Bass make great runs, the sound of the line zipping thru the guides is music to my ears.
Attempting to stop a striper's run by thumbing the spool or tightening the drag will leave you with a busted leader and a frown on your face.
Striped Bass are my favorite species to pursue. If you have never fished for striper's you are missing a lot of fun and great eating.
Table of Contents
Fishing and Life To Me
Personal Rambling's
Fishing Dam Tailwaters
How to fish for striped bass in dam tailwaters.
Catching Striped Bass
Tips for catching striped bass in dam tailwaters.
Striped Bass Info
Description and general information on the striped bass.
Gizzard Shad Info
Description and general information on the gizzard shad
Skipjack Herring Info
Description and general information on the skipjack herring
Threadfin Shad Info
Description and general information on the Threadfin Shad
Bait Tanks
Two homemade bait tanks I use in fishing for striped bass, black bass, and crappie.
Fishing Live Crayfish
This is an introduction to fishing live crayfish, crawdads, or just craws as some folk's call them.
Knots I Use
This page has the four fishing knots I use the most.
Lake Levels and Dam Releases
This Link will take you to another site so please hit your browser back button and return here.
This link will give you info on lake levels, observed and forcast dam releases for the following lakes. Barkley, Kentucky, and most TVA Lakes
Picture Pages
Jim's Fishing Friend's

Catching Bait~~Tom~~Dad

Friends Links~~Fishing Links

 I will try and list the names of those pictured in the table of contents to help direct you if you are looking for a certain picture.
Striped Bass Pics #1
Bill~~Jim and Alice
Jeff & Clark
Amy~Tom G
John F
Around 1948 The Santee and Cooper Rivers in South Carolina were dammed for hydroelectric power.The landlocked striped bass survived, reproduced and flourished.
The Striped Bass has been stocked in our rivers here since the late 1950's, we get some natural reproduction of the striped bass here. 
Striped Bass Pics #2
John R~John P
John S~The Judge
John R~~Nathan
Bill and Norb
Travis~~John S
Bill D~Bill P
The Striped Bass has been stocked in our rivers here since the late 1950's, we get some natural reproduction of the striped bass here. Striped bass have provided sportsmen with another game fish as well as taking care of a baitfish overabundance of gizard and threadfin shad that were to large for other species.
Striped Bass Pics #3
John R~John P~Nathan
Travis~Don P
The Striped Bass caught in the tail-waters of dams here use current to their advantage in both feeding and when hooked.
Bass Pics




Largemouth and Smallmouth Bass are my lifemate's favorite fish to catch. Included in this page will be pic's and info on fishing for this great game fish.
Catfish Pics
Zane~Tom G
Tom~~Don P~~
Don P~~David P
Catching any fish is fun and catfish are scrappy fighters and often the largest fish in certain waters. They also can be some fine eating.
Hunting Pics
Hunting is another of my passions.  I will try and gather pic's of hunting all over to include in this page.
Downunder Bob Pics
Picture's of Bob with some fine fish he has caught in New Zealand
Story Pages
Elks Breath Promtional Tour

Kentucky Lake Rally
This is a story of folk's I met on the internet at bass pro shop's fishin' hole.
Visit to a New Zealand Dairy Farm

Internet Friends from New Zealand
This is a story of folk's I met on the internet and pic's of nz dairy farm and family.
Lake Applets
This is a deer and it's reflection, just something nice to look at.
This is a raccoon and it's reflection, a favorite animal of many.
This is a friend and his reflection while fishing.
This is a reflection of a friend and I fishing.
Visitor's Input and Info
Friend's Links and Web Rings
This page has links to friend's pages and Web Rings I belong to
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Please sign my guestbook and tell me what you think of this page
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E-Mail me here
Fishing Dam TailwatersFishing Dam Tailwaters

Table of Contents | Fishing Dam Tailwaters | Striped Bass Info | Gizzard Shad Info | Skipjack Herring Info | Threadfin Shad Info | Homemade Bait-Tanks | Fishing Live Crayfish|Fishing Knots| My Fishing Buddies | Striped Bass Pics#1 | Striped Bass Pics#2 | Bass Picture Page | Catfish Picture Page | Hunting Picture Page | Elks Breath Tour | Visit New Zealand Farm | Deer Lake-Applet | Raccoon Lake-Applet | Fishman/Pa Lake-Applet | Fisherman Lake-Applet | Friends Links and Webrings | Sign My Guestbook|View My Guestbook | E-Mail me here

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Since update on 6/12/99

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