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In 1998, I did not really want to go but I really pushed myself into going because I knew that it would be good for me. So I went, and it was my worst year. Every hike we took I was the last one to the top. I think that the only one worse than me was Chris F. He was the last down Washington and he came out in the wrong parking lot. We took off without him and we thought he was with us because his twin was with us. We did pass the parking lot on the way back to camp and saw that it was him. So we decided to let him in and take him back to camp.
Other than that nothing different happened. So here are the pictures.

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At the top of New England!

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Pastor Smith, aka Old Man of the Mountains.

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The Reverend on Bald Mountain.

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The group resting at Indian Head.

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These are Dan, Jared, Justin, Jacob, Emily, and Adrienne. Bruce is the guy standing up behind Emily.

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The 1999 crew.

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