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Howdy y'all! Summit Seekers this year was very exciting. We had a ton of great kids who attended, from the little kids who are track runners, to the big guys who walk around eating tacos (myself included). Well this years schedule was pretty similar to previous years:
Tuesday night we all met at the church and got to knew each other a little bit. We watched th previous years video, which was encouraging ... that is to say, we got a taste of what we were in for. After the video we sang worship songs, then headed to bed. But few, if anyone, got to sleep that night. It was more humid and hot than any of us could handle.
Wednesday we got up, and ate breakfast. We always have a wide variety of cereal to choose from (Thank you, Sandy). We packed everything up into the van's and the trailer. After that was all set we went inside for some worship and study time. We headed off for our 6 hour trip to New Hampshire, afterwards.
Once we got to NH and our camp site, we set up tents, and the canopy, and explored our new home for the next 3 days. After much confusion we got everyone into the right tents they wanted. After that we got ready and hiked up our usual Bald Mountain and Artists Bluff. But no matter how many time we hike those mountains the view is always awesome.
Thursday morning from about 2:30 to 7 it rained ... it was a beautiful, warm rain, that didn't put a damper on our trip at all. Although one tent did get a little flooded.
After breakfast we got all set and went over to hike the ever famed Lonesome Lake. From there we could see the 3 enormous mountains we'd be climbing the next day. We went back to camp only to eat lunch ... then we headed to Mt. Willard, one of the most gorgeous views of the Crawford Notch there is. We then headed back to camp and did our usual thing ... pool and ultimate frisbee.
Friday Morning we were woken up at 5 AM. Silently we got all set to do the big climb ...
We drove to the base of the three mountains we'd be on. We got a group shot, then headed up the Falling Waters trail to the summit of Little Haystack. We then climbed the 1.5 mile ridge to Mt. Lafayette. We took a rest for lunch, and recuperation. We then headed down the mountain in record time of 1.5 hours. Well, it may not have been a record ... but it was faster than the book said.
That night we had the talent show. We had the Franconia News, Summit Seekers Jeopardy, Crest Commercial (Ewww), a tale of real life toenail clippings, the Preacher and the Bear, as well as others.

Saturday morning we packed up everything and said goodbye to our temporary home. And the White Mountains. We drove to the Church, unpacked, then went for a swim at the Ruwets. The we had a rededication, and many of the children came to the alter. After that we went to the Beach Resort and had a wonderful pizza dinner. Then many of us went rowing, kayaking, and canoeing. Everybody loved it.
Sunday morning we had the church service, and we all sang for the congregation. Then we has our group photo outside of the church, then had to say goodbye to each other.
Well, that was pretty much it for this year ... y'all come back now, ya'here.

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Addrienne and Gaelan resting at the summit of Lafayette.

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I don't think these guys want to be bothered while washing the dishes.

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Some of the crew on Bald Mountain.

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Just chillin' at base camp.

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Chris F. looking out over Crawford Notch at Mt. Willard.

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Playing the cup game at the Beach Club after dinner.

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Ethan and Eli going around Lonesome Lake.

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Making the fruit salad for dinner.

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Gaelan, watching the pool games.

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Uhm ... what can I say? She's enjoying her cookie.

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The group taken a rest stop at Green Leaf Hut on the way down Lafayette.

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An informal photo of the group.

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Another group shot.

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Gaelan and me on Little haystack.

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The crew of 2001 on Little Haystack!

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Katie, washing dishes.

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Eli and Gaelan on Mt. Lafayette.

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Us on Mt. Lincoln.

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Some of the group at Lonesome Lake.

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More crew at the lake.

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At the other side of the lake. You can see the ridge from Lafayette to Lincoln to Haystack in the background.

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Going around Lonesome Lake.

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Your Webmasta' on Mt. Willard.

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An intense game of pool.

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Playing tetherball on the campground.

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Adrienne and Me ... taking away Jeff, who did a very bad thing!

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Going up Little Haystack.

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Near the bottom on Little Haystack.
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The crew of 2001.

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The group on Mt. Willard.

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