I want to thank each of the presenters of these awards. They mean so much to me!! I feel so blessed, and the ones that I receive totally by surprise are the most precious to me. I love all of my awards, but like I said....Don't you just love surprises????

I received this award on September 8, 1997. I was so excited and completely surprised to receive such an award. It's the very first one.

I got this award on September 9, 1997. This really nice person gave it to me, after she viewed my homepage. She told me on icq that she made it for me because I deserve it, for working so hard on my www home. Pennie it was so nice of you to award me. This is wonderful!! I am having fun making my pages, I do not use any kind of a program. I just love making them. I think its called "Cyber Addiction"!! I almost feel guilty for being awarded for something that is so much fun. On second thought I feel great!! Thanks Pennie....You are a wonderful person.

I received this award on Sept. 13, 1997. My husband nominated me for this one. Thanks John for nominating me. You are the best. Most of all thanks to Lenny for thinking my page was worthy of his award.

This award was given to me Sept. 15, 1997 from a very nice LOTH sister. Thanks Kaby.

Loris one of my LOTH friends gave this award. Thanks Loris.

This was given to me, Oct. 6, 1997, by "A Touch of Country". Thank you so much Teresa. It's beautiful!! I love it..

Jausten, you're very kind. Thanks for this award. I did not expect this at all. Don't you just love surprises?

Thanks Mornin' Glory, we now have truly come full circle. Thanks so much for this wonderful surprise!!

I received on Jan. 10, 1998. This award from my dear friend Carol. She is so sweet. She has taken over for Pennie at our PenCar Creations. Thank you so very much, Carol. I cherish this award. You are very understanding and kind.

Blue Ribbon Award
"When I met Carrie, I was depressed, lost my son in a divorce, and living in an old farm house in the country. Since then she has brought love into my home, backed me and supported me in my chosen profession, and cared for my family in such a manner that my son, who is now in the army and married calls her MOM. With our families together we have 5 wonderful grandchildren. We only need to hear our special song, stop the car and turn up the radio and get out and dance. (The folks in the Lowes parking lot are still shaking their heads) My life is complete only because of what she has brought into it, this is why I want her to have the Blue Ribbon Award."
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