"One Step Forward..Two Steps Backwards"

This is the avenue anyone of us could take, on our journey through this world. This is a true story, its my words from me to you, if it applies to your life, then take into consideration what it may mean to you. What steps you need to take to get to the end of this avenue.
As a new born we are covered by the blood of Jesus Christ. We are pure, clean and whole. Just as He was. We will take a journey down lives avenue. A new born, as far as its soul is concerned is all right. If anything should happen to that baby, its soul will go to Heaven. We are sure of that. We as a new born have no worries, no burdens, because its someone else's responsibility to see that we are taken care of and as comfortable as possible.
As we reach the age of accountablity, we need to make a decision. Whether or not to take Christ as our Personal Savior. We know right from wrong. We've been taught by our parents and grandparents. If we are lucky, we had christain parents, who taught us about God's Love. I had a wonderful Mother and Maternal Grandparents, they were strict, but loving.
Teen age years or adolescence years are sometimes very difficult, even more so if we've not yet accepted Christ as our Personal Savior. The ones who have accepted him may start to slip and slide. We may take one step forward and two steps backwards!
Worldly things become attractive to us, we get real curious. People around us talk about what is going on in their lives, if they've never accepted Jesus and not living as a born again christain. Their world seems more attractive, more glamorous, more permissiveness. One step backwards....just those thoughts make your life seem really dull and boring. You may decide to fit into their world, you take a step with them and the adversary (that is God's Adversary) gets a hold of you. Two steps backwards!
You may start to feel more important to your new friends, and you start to have feelings you've never experienced. So you venture out a little further and before you realize how many backward steps you've taken, you're so far off the original avenue you can no longer remember being saved or the promises you made to God. You've broken your parents heart, you've married and have a new born to care for and nurture. One step forward! Your parents have moved to another city, on the other coast. Your husband has not been faithful to you or helpful with the baby. you feel trapped in a situation that no longer looks so glamorous.
As an adult you start to revert your attention back to your life as it use to be, you may think, "was it really so bad? When did everything go wrong?" As you sit and hold in your arms the most precious thing that you've ever endeavored. Tears begin to flow down your cheeks and drop onto the baby's blanket. One Step Forward! You feel so empty, you burst into tears, you feel so trapped, like you're in a cage and the door is locked. You don't know which way to turn. As you remember your Mother and Grandparents advice to you...like a brick falling from the sky, you suddenly know what to do....One Step Forward!!! you put yourself and your child into God's hands once again. You beg him to have mercy on you and forgiveness. A Big Step Forward!!!
Now, this will be the start of a better life, an easier life. The burden has been lifted from your shoulders. All those steps backwards have been wiped away. God will give you another chance. Its up to you to do, what you now know as an adult, as a born again christain, the best you can with God back in your life. You choose to keep him there, after all he didn't leave you......You left him. You will still sometimes take a step backwards, but if you hold to God's hand and allow him to guide you, if you put Him first....those Steps Forward will go much further than ever before.

Written By: Carrie Shimp
Copyright (c) Carrie Shimp
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