My Family

This picture of John and I was taken was taken just before the Jr/Sr prom of 1997...yes we went to the prom...and yes...we danced...I call this picture the look of love...This is one of my favorite photos of John and I...we fell in love and still loving one another, maybe more as each day passes..if that is possible. *S*

Jim is our oldest son, he and Sandy were the first of the three children to get married in 1986. Theirs is a true high school sweetheart story. They have given us three beautiful granddaughters. The first two were identical twins. They were a real hand full. Of course they were a complete surprise, I mean we knew of only one at first...and within 2 months we found out why Sandy was gaining so much weight so

In the picture here they are standing on the bleachers in the gym where PapPap teaches physical education. They have been cheerleaders, played T-Ball and this year they are playing basketball. All of this sports stuff is so cool. Both girls are very talented, they sing in perfect harmony and have learned to play the piano.

Brittani Dawn, this was taken in August 1996.

Brooke Lynn, this was taken in August 1996.

This is one of our favorite photos of Haley, isn't it the most precious thing you've ever seen?

This is our little Haley looking out of our tv room window, photo taken July 1997

This is our daughter and her husband. Paul and Sheri were married in 1990. They gave us our other two beautiful granddaughters.

This is Heather LeAnn, taken in 1996

April is my little Pooh Girl. She hardly ever does anything without her Pooh beside her.

This picture of the girls together is also one of my I have lots of favorites...if I put all of them up..I would run out of space...thank goodness geocities gave us a wonderful Christmas gift this year...can anyone guess how I am using my extra space???

Everyone who has chatted with me on icq or played cards with me in the zone, knows by now how proud I am. You should also know that Josh exchanged wedding vows with Stacie on Nov. 29th of 1997.

The happy couple lighting the candle of Unity.

Dale Theresa Shimp

Dale was given to Stacie as a gift from Joshua before he left for his overseas tour in the Army. Well, as things go Stacie lived in the city and Dale became a real burden for her to Dale was moved to Whip-Poor-Will Farm and has been here ever since...she is loved by us all..

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