"My Back Yard"

Today is June 18, 1998. My backyard goldfish pond is officially finished. It is gorgeous and I feel so at peace sitting, watching, listening and meditating. The pic's will be uploaded soon. We have had so much fun making the pond. I hope you enjoy it as much as we do!

I sit on this swing and drink my coffee and ejoy the many sounds of Nature. I have many wind chimes, made of pewter, I've collected them for several years.

One of my favorite things here in the back yard is my wildflower garden. I have humming birds that visit me often.

These butterfly flowers are known as butterfly weeds grow wild here on the farm. If you look closely, you will see the butterfly on the flowers. I now have some hybrid butterfly bushes. Soon their pic's will be proudly displayed!

These blackeyed susans also grow wild on the farm.

Cone Flowers and Daiseys. These are also wild flowers. Some say the dried cornflowers can be used for medicinal purposes...but I've not tried it..*s*

Lilies. At the time I only had a couple day lilies...now this particular spot has several different colors. Soon a pond will be added to this spot.

Java Red Wegala bush and Snowball
The flowers in front of the snowball bush is known as a blue marsh iris. I have these in my pond and thru out all of my gardens. The snowball bush was given to me by a wonderful gal, she knew I had been looking for one of these, I remember my Mother had one on our farm. I wanted one as well. Now thanks to Delores I have it...Thanks Dee! Now I am looking for a White Ash....If anyone has one of these rare bushes, please let me know...they're hard to find.

A mini garden on my back deck. We have 40 acres of land, and I still have to put mini gardens on my decks. *s*

I also like this little spot by my blue spruce. These tress were only about 12 inches tall when I put them out. My My!!! They have grown into such beautiful adults.

This is one of my most recent flower beds. The white birch is very young. Jim and Sandy gave it to me last year. We had a flood this year much worse than the 1996 flood. It was time for another face lift in my yard. I made the wooden girl...and her name is Carrie. :-)

If you have the time before you leave visit the barn and maybe you will see John's garden. If not come back soon to look around.

Barn & Garden

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