My Biography

(Well, you did come here goes)

I am a native Texan, but have been transplanted to New Jersey where my husband, Steve (Yes! I finally got a picture scanned!), and I have been living for approximately 9 years. While it's not Texas, not even close .. it is beautiful here. I live in the north western part of the state, called the Skylands region of New Jersey. We have mountains (such as they are) which have snow-skiing during the winter months, usually from mid-December until April. The spring and summer can be spent swimming in many of the lakes that are scattered throughout the area. During the fall of the year, usually the end of September, the colors and beauty of the landscape are breath taking as the leaves begin changing color ... It is truly a magnificent part of the country.

I was born and raised in Texas a long, long, long time ago! Being the 3rd of 5 children (bless my mother's heart!) I was a bit of a free spirit (bless my mother's heart!). We moved around quite a bit when I was a kid, my dad worked in heavy construction and so consequently we were all over the state until one day he got the *brilliant* idea to pack us all up and move us to California. I went to high school out there and didn't really learn much, but I had a heck of a time! (It was the latter part of the 60's, after all...) I did manage to graduate and even do a small stint at a junior college before doing the "marriage thing" and moving back to Texas ... yadda yadda yadda .. boring stuff actually!

I have two daughters, Jennifer and Ami who are currently enlisted members of the United States Air Force . I also have a son, Jimmy, who lives in Texas with his dad. His dad and I are "allowed" to call him Bud. Hopefully, soon, everybody's pictures will be shown here. (That is if I can ever figure out how to make this darn scanner work!) I also have a 8 year old son, Mikey. He's going to be in the 4th grade this year and is a real handful, but a great kid.

I don't currently work, (outside of my home) but I manage to keep myself busy doing housework, cooking for my family, bowling in three leagues and generally just hanging out here at the computer. I also love TY Beanie Babies©! You can visit those links here, as well as another terrific one at

I can usually be found on-line in NannyMud, where I am known as Misery, Knightess of the Round Table. I will include a page about MUD's at some point, it is currently under construction, but it won't take very long .. hopefully it'll be done someday!

Steve and I have just recently returned to CompuServe after about a 4 or 5 year absence. There we enjoy playing a couple of games, British Legends and Mega Wars III. I can't put a link to these games on here since they are available only on CompuServe, but if you're ever there, just ask for Misery or Polecat, I'm sure somebody will know us!

I love to travel, and have done extensive traveling in the continental United States. I am hoping at sometime to go to Europe, which would include England, Italy, Prague, Helsinki, Stockholm and maybe even Germany (which is where my mother's family originated). I'd also like to go to Cancun, Aruba and some other tropical locations (who wouldn't?). If you've visited these places, or even live there, please drop me a line and let me know what it's like. I do surf around the net and try to gather as much information as possible, but, nothing is like getting first hand information. I'd appreciate any and all information I can get! Travel has always fascinated me!

I'm also an "avid" sports fan, to be specific, New York sports! Mostly basketball! Be sure and check out that part of my website, it has a few good links and I test out my prognosticating skills. (Yes, that word *was* pretty big.)

Well, that pretty much covers it. See? It wasn't that bad, now was it? Actually, I will probably add more as I think of it, so, please be sure and check back often!

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