<bgsound src="//www.oocities.org/Wellesley/4580/mids/breath_again.mid" controls="smallconsole">
(Currently playing "Breathe Again")

~ ~ Dreams ~ ~

The following is a list of "dream interpretations" that I've run across ... Remember, this is just for fun and entertainment .. Also if you have any you'd like me to add, just Email Me.

ALIMONY - To dream you pay alimony, means you may be indulging in pleasures which are costly, however, to dream you receive alimony means you will become ill or injured.

ARENA - To dream you are watching an event in an arena is a sign that you will be offered a job.

AUTOGRAPH - To dream that someone asks for your autograph means that you can look ahead to high accomplishment in your work. Dreaming you are collecting autographs, means you will gain by studying the lives of people who become famous through their achievements.

AXE - Dreaming about a sharp, shiny axe fortells receiving a promotion. If you dream you are using a dull axe, you need to make better choices in your appearance.

BASEBALL - To dream of seeing a baseball game is a prediction of being able to maintain an optimistic attitude toward life. If a woman dreams she participates in the game, she will achieve satisfaction in social matters.

BIRTH CONTROL - If married people dream about this, they will have children who will be a source of pride to them.

BONDS - If you are investing or are given bonds or stocks, this means you will have good cooperation with people in construction work.

BUS - Riding on a bus, in your dream, means you will undergo some money worries.

CABARET - Whenever you dream of being a performer or guest at a cabaret, the sign is that you are going to have dissention among your friends.

CATHEDRAL - To see a cathedral in your dreams means you will work very hard to achieve your aspirations.

CORPORAL - A girl who dreams she is socializing with a corporal will be gossiped about by others. A man who dreams he's a corporal will suffer money worries due to extravagance.

CRUTCH - To dream either you or another is using a crutch is an omen of good living in social and financial circles.

DECAY - To dream you eat or see rotten food or other decayed matter, shows you will have to tackle some heavy troubles.

DERRICK - If you dream of a derrick, you will gain your aspirations, and find life gratifying.

DIAMONDS - To see diamonds in your dream, means you will have a happy married life. To wear diamonds foretells a friend is going to be unfaithful and troublesome.

DOORBELL - If you dream you press a doorbell, you will have some stimulating adventures with the one you love.

EPITAPH - If you read epitaphs on gravestones, you will be interested in developing your mind through library and research channels.

EVIL SPIRITS - If you dream of evil spirits, you will be faced with difficult situations in putting through your plans, but you will clear this up by trying a new path of endeavor.

FEATHERS - To dream of feathers flying in the air, or on a big bird, you will fulfill your aspirations and will be financially rewarded.

FIRE ALARM - If you dream yu turn in a fire alarm, you will enjoy more money soon.

FLOOR - To dream you are sweeping a floor indicates that you will go on a pleasant trip. If you lie down on the floor, you will be made unhappy by someone who is close to you. Putting a new floor in a house predicts good returns from business.

FOREMAN - If you dream you are a foreman in a factory, or on a jury, you can look for good news that could mean more money to you.

GENIE - To see any form of a genie in your dream is a prophecy of reward coming to you after you work hard.

GIRL - If you dream of a pretty girl, you will find that your love life is not smooth, but a plain-looking girl is a sign of you being jilted.

GROANING - To hear someone groaning signifies your wish may not come true. If you groan, you may have to explain your income tax return.

GUTTER - If you dream of lying in a gutter, you will have to treat others with consideration in order to avoid dissension. If you clean out a gutter, you will be successful in a new job.

HARPSICHORD - If classical music is being played on this instrument, you may expect happiness through love. If jazz music is played, you will be confronted with confusing situations.

HEAD HUNTER - If you are captured by head hunters, it is a sign that you must avoid friends who are not of highest standard, also you should apologize for anything you feel has hurt another.

HEAVEN - To dream you died and went to heaven means you will have to do new and harder work, but will be better paid.

HIEROGLYPHICS - If you dream you are deciphering the inscriptions or hieroglyphics on old Egyptian stones, you are capable of coming up with new ideas which will bring you recognition.

ILLITERACY - To dream you are with an adult who is unable to read or write, forecasts you will get a higher and more responsible poisition.

IMPURITY - If you find impurities in your food, drink or other things you will have disappointments with those you love.

ITCHING - If you suffer itching in any part of your body, you will have petty annoyances.

IVORY - To dream you are carving lovely things out of ivory is a sign of people respecting you for your deeds. If you dream of hunting ivory in the jungle, you will be helped by rich relatives.

JAM - If you dream you are putting up jam preserves, you will find interesting friends in your community.

JOCKEY - If you dream of a jockey in a horse race, you will be advanced in your job or get a better job.

JUGGLER - If you dream that a juggler is doing his act, it's a sign that you will participate in a contest which involves high reward.

KEYHOLE - If you look through a keyhole, you will suffer embarassment in relation to others.

KINDERGARTEN - Children in a kindergarten are a happy omen of a good marriage.

LAZINESS - If you dream you are enjoying yourself in a lazy manner you will have good luck. If someone scolds you for being lazy, you will have arguments at home.

LEAPING - If you dream you leap over a fence or anything that is high, you can win out over obstacles.

LIBEL - Dreaming that you are being libeled or you are libeling someone, means unpleasant social relationships.

LIVERY STABLE - If you see a livery stable in your dream you will find happiness in love and marriage.

LUTE - If you play this stringed instrument in a dream, your love life will be happy.

MASCOT - If you dream you see a mascot at a sports game, you will have harsh words with someone in a taxicab.

MANURE - To dream you are shoving manure into piles is an omen of being the subject of others gossip. If you see garden or farm soil treated with manure, you will receive help from someone to further your plans.

MILITIA - Dreaming you are serving in the militia forecasts you will be advanced in social and business matters.

MOTHS - To dream of moths in your clothes, it means some family disappointment. If you watch and kill the moths, you will triumph over those who are unkind to you.

OPERA GLASSES - To look through the glasses at an important person predicts interesting meetings with people in the theatre. If you use the glasses to spy on someone, you will have to defend yourself against those who say you lie.

PALM TREES - Any dream about a palm tree means disappointment in business and friendships.

PAROLE - To dream you want to be of help to a paroled person means you will get a good job, perhaps with a newspaper.

PARSLEY - If you eat parsley in a dream, you will be happy in pleasant community activities.

PEACE - Dreaming that the world is at peace, predicts a spiritual power to enable you to help others in simple ways.

QUOITS - To dream you play the game of quoits, predicts peaceful love and marriage.

RADISHES - To dream of radishes means you will meet a beguiling person of the opposite sex.

RECORD PLAYER - To hear or record your voice mans you will lose self-confidence in front of others. If you listen to recorded music, you will undergo interesting new experiences.

REFORMATORY - To dream of being an inmate in a reformatory, is a warning for you to choose your friends carefully.

ROCKING CHAIR - If you rock in a chair, you will have an easy life. To rock an empty chair is a prediction of unhappy family affairs.

SILO - If you see a silo in your dream, you will have to guard against over drinking and getting into debt.

SOAP - If you dream of perfumed toilet soap, you will be happy in love. Strong-smelling or household soap or detergent forecasts hard work for you in your older years to earn a living.

TARANTULA - If you dream that you get bitten by this large spider, you will need to guard your health and avoid accidents.

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