A Rape Survivor's Page

If you know of any links that should go on this web site, e-mail me at onesurvives@hotmail.com.

If You are Raped some immediate steps to take
Links to Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Information
Links that deal with Rape, Assault and Abuse.
General Links.
A page for Male Survivors
Links to Survivors' Stories
Links for Loved Ones of Survivors
My Front Page.
Sign My Guestbook
View My Guestbook

Secondary victims are those such as the loved ones of the survivor -- who are hurt by the rape or abuse, but are not the targeted victims of it. Secondary victims are often deeply affected by their loved one's assault. This is a page dedicated to resources for secondary victims.

When a Friend is a Victim: What you can do to help.

If a Friend is Raped -- How you can help

Partners of Rape Survivors

A Page for Parents and Loved Ones of Rape and Abuse Survivors

SAIP's page for secondary victims

Click on this icon to e-mail me

I was a victim of violence against women. This candle is a symbol of my survival.