For Male Survivors

If you know of any links that should go on this web site, e-mail me at

If You are Raped some immediate steps to take
Links to Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Information
Links that deal with Rape, Assault and Abuse.
General Links.
A page for Male Survivors
Links to Survivors' Stories
Links for Loved Ones of Survivors
My Front Page.
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It seems to me that when rape is discussed as a problem, male survivors are left out of consideration. While males are less likely to be raped than are females, this does not mean that male rape is not a problem. In that spirit, I am gathering links that are of specific interest to male survivors. I hope they are useful.

The Quiet Type A safe place for male survivors

Information for and on Male Rape Victims

Male Survivor Issues and Resources

When Men are Raped Information for survivors and their loved ones

The National Organization on Male Sexual Victimization (NOMSV)

NOMSV information page includes links to pages about adult and adolescent male survivors, myths about male rape and other information

Male Survivors of Rape

The Vancouver Society for Male Survivors of Sexual Abuse

Kate Orman's Male Rape Information

Rainbow, a resource for male survivors

Sexual Abuse of Males: Prevalence, Lasting Effects, and Resources by Jim Hopper Ph.D.

Male Rape Bibliography

The Men's Rape Prevention Project

When the Survivor is Male ...

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I was a victim of violence against women. This candle is a symbol of my survival.