PostTraumatic Stress Disorder Links

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Many rape survivors have a psychological disorder called PostTraumatic Stress Disorder (or PTSD). PTSD is sometimes called Rape Trauma Syndrome. It is your brain's reaction to an extremely traumatic experiences. PTSD sufferers have panic attacks, nightmares and flashhbacks that center around issues of safety, sex, or other issues related to the rape. A counselor or therapist can help you if you believe that you have PTSD. Below are some links that may provide you with some more information about PTSD.

The Blue Cocoon Things that can help you through bad days


PostTraumatic Stress Disorder: Angel's Story

Your reactions are normal. Many people behave in ways that would normally be considered insane after they have been raped. You are not insane.

Panic/PTSD Triggers People who have been raped often experience 'triggers' -- that is, sensations, memories or thoughts that trigger flashbacks, panic attacks, or other episodes associated with PTSD. This page has information on how to live with PTSD and how to deal with triggers.

MJO's resource page

A PTSD symptoms checklist from the University of Minnesota at Duluth

The American Psychiatric Association's Description of PTSD Has information and links to PTSD organizations

An article on Rape Trauma Syndrome

Rape Trauma and PostTraumatic Stress Disorder

The Anxiety and Panic Internet Resource

A Survivor's Page on Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

David Baldwin's PTSD and Trauma Resource Page

NotVictims Resource Page

Psychological Trauma and Substance Abuse in Women

Trauma Anonymous

American Psychiatric Association Info on PTSD

PTSD Overview, National Center for PTSD

Anxiety Disorders- The Decade Of The Brain

Hidden Scars

Anxiety Disorders: Progress Promises New Insights and Treatments

PTSD Finding Help

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in the Workers' Compensation Setting

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

When a Friend is a Victim: What you can do to help.

Partners of Rape Survivors

A Page for Parents and Loved Ones of Rape and Abuse Survivors

SAIP's page for secondary victims (secondary victims are those such as the loved ones of the survivor -- who are hurt by the rape or abuse, but are not the targeted victims of it)

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I was a victim of violence against women. This candle is a symbol of my survival.