Lotions and Creams

A cream and a lotion are basically the same. There is more solidifying agent such as lanolin or beeswax in a cream.

Basic Cream
Rosewater Cream
Moisturizing Vitamin E Cream
Basic Lotion
Rose Petal Lotion
Milk and Honey Lotion
Elderflower Cold Cream

Basic Cream

1 1/2 Ounce Solidifier and/or solid fat such as 1 Ounce Lanolin and 1/2 Ounce Beeswax.

3-4 Ounces Skin Oil such as : 2 Ounces Almond Oil and 2 Ounces Soy Oil

1 Ounce Herb Water

5 Drops Essential Oil

Melt the solidifier and/or solid fat together in the top of an enamel double boiler. Add the oils a bit at a time. Stir continuously. Turn off the heat and slowly add the herbed water, stir continuously until cool. Add the essential oil and stir in completely. Spoon or pour into a 6 ounce jar. The jar should be opaque.


Rosewater Cream

1/2 Oz. Beeswax

2 Oz. Olive Oil

1/2 Oz. RoseWater

1/2 Oz. Sweet Almond Oil

Make as directed for Basic Cream


Moisturizing Vitamin E Cream

Good for rough, dry or chapped skin

4 Oz Olive Oil

3 Tablespoons Beeswax

2 Oz Orangewater

5000 Units Vitamin E

5 Drops Oil of Orange Flower or Orange Peel

Melt the oil and wax using a double boiler. Remove from heat and add orangewater. Stir Thoroughly.

Pierce 10 capsules of 500 units of Vitamin E. Squeeze contents into the cream.

Add essential oil and stir continuously until cool.


Basic Lotion

1 Ounce Solidifier or Solid fat Such as : 1 ounce lanolin or Cocoa Butter

3 Ounces Skin Oil : 3 Ounces Almond or Vegetable Oil

2 Ounces Herb Water

5 Drops Essential Oil, Optional

Melt the solidifier and or solid fat together in the top of a double boiler. Alternately, add oil and herb water, stirring continuously. Remove pot from heat. Add the essential oil and stir. Pour into a small 6-8 ounce opaque glass or plastic bottle. Shake the bottle continuously until cool.


Rose Petal Lotion

Wonderful treatment for areas of parched, chapped skin, and smells terrific

1/2 Ounce Anhydrous Lanolin

1/2 Ounce Cocoa Butter

4 Teaspoons Almond Oil

4 Teaspoons Glycerin (preferably vegetable)

6 Drops Rose Essential Oil (rosewood or rose geranium oils may be substituted)

Put the lanolin and cocoa butter in a heat proof bowl and place in a saucepan half filled with water. Heat gently until melted and the mixture forms a smooth paste. Remove from the heat and stir in the almond oil and glycerin.

Allow to cool before adding the rose oil , stirring well. Pour the mixture into a small jar.

Apply liberally to dry skin after bathing.


Milk and Honey Lotion

This lotion may be used on your face or your whole body.

Melt some honey and add an equal amount of skim milk.

Apply the milk and honey lotion to your skin. Massage gently then take a warm bath to rinse off.

Elderflower Cold Cream

1 Generous Cup Almond Oil

3/4 ounce White Bees Wax

Scant Cup Elderflower Water

1/2 Teaspoon Borax

Melt the oil and wax slowly in a bowl over hot water. Mix the water and borax in another pan. Put the pan over hot water and stir with a wooden spoon until the borax has dissolved. Then pour the borax mixture into the oil and wax. Remove from heat and beat until smooth and creamy.


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