Rush 101 Rush Limbaugh

"With talent on loan from God."

This is a man!  Rush Limbaugh was born in Cape Girardeau, Missouri on Jan 12, 1951.  (That makes him just a bit younger than me)  He started in radio at a local top-40 station while still in high school.  He attended, but didn't graduate from, Southeast Missouri State University.

Finally, in the mid-80's he started working as a radio talk-show host in Sacramento, California.  In 1988 he took his show to New York where it went national, then international.  The rest is history. 

Today, he's heard weekdays on over 600 radio stations with an estimated 20-million listeners each week.
I'm one of them, and proud of it!

As I start this page, the news is filled with interesting things - mostly to do with the recent "theft" (where have we heard that word before?) of the Senate by the Democrats after they paid-off a Republican pretender to change his party so they could come into power again.  It's the same old stuff now, more "mean-spirited" Republican-directed retoric.


Anyway, I'm a ditto-head, in case you hadn't guessed.  This entire section of Bumper Stickers will be devoted to Rush, to the Republican-right, and to life as it should be.  For openers, I'm going to copy an article from AP that appeared on June 7, 2001, concerning the Bush tax cut -- along with a few comments of my own.  Then, we'll go on from there.

Taxpayers urged to give tax refund money away

From the AP  (Washington, June 7, 2001 05:44 p.m. EDT)

Democratic critics of the tax cut President Bush signed into law Thursday want taxpayers to give their refund checks away
(so what else is new?  You're about to find out).

The Democratic National Committee says on its internet site that taxpayers would be better served to contribute their refund checks to the party
(Right!  I should give more of my own money to "the party" [Democrat party, of course] so they can spend it for me).  Those checks will total up to $300 for individuals and up to $600 for married couples.

If a taxpayer wants, the Democrats are offering to "send George Bush an electronic postcard" telling the president about the donation and the taxpayer's opposition to Republican policies.

Rep. Tom DeLay of Texas, the House Republican whip, did not find the DNC's offer amusing.

"Democrats have some nerve," he said.  "They will do anything to get their hands on taxpayers' money."
Finally!  A Republican with enough guts to say it like it is!  I, also, don't find it very "amusing" that these blood-suckers have set themselves up to get a raise, every year (unless they vote not to accept it) automatically and then ask us for more of what's ours to do with as we wish.

At least one other group is advocating that taxpayers give away their refund checks.  The New York-based Reform Jewish Movement urged its 1.5 million members to donate the money to charity.

Did I read that right?  A Jewish movement, based in the country's most liberal-Democrat city also wants us to give our own money away.  It figures!

Rabbi David Saperstein, director of the group's Religious Action Center in Washington, said, "Jewish tradition teaches us not to be hardhearted or tightfisted to our needy neighbors."  The group has criticized the tax cut as too beneficial to the wealthy.

Tell you what!  I'm not wealthy - shoot, I'm not all that far from being one of the Democrats' "poor and needy".  If you don't want your tax cut money, send it to me!  After all, I'm my own favorite charity.  Our family is a non-profit organization (wasn't supposed to be that way, it just works out that way every year) and I'll gladly accept all the donations I can get!
There's a lot more to all this too!  Click below to enter my "Rush World".  I promise you may not agree, but you'll certainly learn something.
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Rush Limbaugh

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The EIB Mission Statement

The 14 Commandments of the Religious Left

35 Undeniable Truths of Life

Rush's List of Clinton Campaign Promises

Rush's famous Kook Test

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William Jefferson Clinton
The Clinton Thefts From The White House

George W. Bush
An Honorable President - One who respects Americans.
Thank God we have him!

The Confederate States of America
The real meaning of the Confederate flags

Our Vote Protest
Protesting the shady acts and attempts of the Democrat Party in the 2000 Presidential Elections

History Forgotten
American History that has been erased from today's school text books. Our Christian roots

Gun Control
Guns aren't the problem, People are

Rush Limbaugh
Is Rush Always Right?

While "Conservatives" Sleep
One man's look at how government is stealing our rights