The Holy Grail The Seven Sacraments

Jesus taught us many things.  He taught us how to behave.  He built our Church.  He gave us a Pope to make sure that His Words were explained correctly.  The Pope is Jesus' representative on Earth, and the lineage traces directly to the Apostle, Peter, who was the first Pope.

We all want to follow Jesus and be just like Him.  You must remember that Jesus is God and we aren't.  We fail all the time.  Jesus knew that we'd fail and He helps us on our way by giving us what we call graces.  All we have to do is ask for them and if it's His Will, He will give them to us.

Sometimes we don't know what to ask for.  Sometimes we ask for the wrong things.  Our church gave us the sacraments so we can get some of the graces Jesus has to give, to help us get started.  With those graces, we will be smarter and know better what to ask for.  We'll still make mistakes but with the Grace of God, maybe they won't be as bad as before and maybe there won't be as many mistakes.

There are seven sacraments the Church offers us.  Some of them we only get once but others we can get many times.  The next few pages will tell you of the sacraments and what they're for.



Holy Eucharist

Holy Matrimony

Holy Orders

Anointing of the Sick
Madonna & Child

Church Directory

The Catholic Church
Catholic Beliefs
Manners for Church
The Seven Sacraments
Stations of The Cross
The Holy Rosary
The Pro-Life Rosary
The Right To Life
The 10 Commandments
The Beatitudes

Chapel Directory

Chapel Door
The Catholic Church
The Alaska Highway
My Son
My Daughter
My Parents

My Favorite Poems,
Stories & Other Things

Click on any of the text in this box to see some wonderful and uplifting stories, poems and other goodies I've collected from many sources.