my words SCRIPTURE, or Scriptural perspective WT view / quotes / info EMPHASIS
My view of the WT & JWs

I'm an honest seeker of truth - a straight-shooter that enjoys discoverring the bottom-line, heart of the matter.

I'm NOT a Jehovah's Witness or an "ex-JW".

"I try to make a distinction between going to the Bible seeking to prove a point already set in one's mind (eisegesis = reading into the text)...,
& coming to the Bible and allowing it to set the agenda & make the points (
exegesis = reading out of the text),
which is more demanding...."
(chat site)

Watch Tower PEOPLE: Many people strongly dislike Jehovah's Witnesses because of their behaviour, &/or beliefs (e.g. blood transfusions, Christmas, birthdays, non-JW family relationships, shunning, etc.). A person's belief system strongly affects behaviour. Having the courage of one's convictions, is a positive quality. I acknowledge that it's not easy to be a JW, because Watch Tower (WT) theology demands total acceptance, personal sacrifice, active participation, & instant global conversion for theological corrections. (WT theology is aggressively biased, & fundamentally wrong.)

However, individual JWs are fellow earth-travelers & should be treated with respect & tolerance.

"In most ways Jehovah's Witnesses are like everyone else....
They make mistakes at times, for they are not perfect, inspired, or infallible.
But they try to learn from their experiences and
diligently study the Bible to make needed corrections....
In all their activities they seek guidance from God's Word and his holy spirit."
(Jehovah's Witnesses in the 20th Century booklet)

If the above quote is true then JWs should really enjoy the Scriptural focus of this website.

In 1872 Charles Taze Russell (Feb 16, 1852 - Oct 31, 1916) founded "The International Bible Student’s Association" in Allegheny, Pennsylvania.
In 1878 he organized his followers as an independent church.
In 1879 he co-published "The Herald of the Morning" magazine (founded by N.H. Barbour).
By 1884 Russell controlled & renamed it "The Watchtower Announcing Jehovah's Kingdom".

In 1881 Russell founded the Zion's Watch Tower Tract Society (William H. Conley as president, Russell as secretary-treasurer).
In Dec 1884 it was registered in Pennsylvania (Russell as president).
In 1896 the name was changed to The Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society of Pennsylvania.
In 1908 Russell purchased the former Henry Ward Beecher home & church (Plymouth Bethel in New York City) & renamed it the Brooklyn Tabernacle.
In 1909 he formed a subsidiary called the People's Pulpit Association.
In 1939 the subsidiary's name was changed to The Watchtower Bible & Tract Society, Inc.
In 1956 its official name became The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc.

In 1917 Joseph Franklin Rutherford (Nov 8, 1869 - Jan.8, 1942) succeeded Russell as WT president (in controversy).
At the 1931 Convention, Rutherford's followers were named "Jehovah’s Witnesses", to make a distinction from the independent Bible Students.
In 1942 Nathan Homer Knorr (Apr 23,1905 - June 7, 1977) became the 3rd president.
In 1977 Frederick William Franz (Sept 12, 1893 - Dec 22, 1992) became the 4th president.
In 1992 Milton G. Henschel (Aug 9/20 - Mar 22/03) became the 5th president. In 2000 Don A. Adams (born in 1925) became the 6th WT president.

In 1975, 18 men were appointed to The Governing Body. Some felt that "To question their interpretation was to speak out against Jehovah himself."
In Oct 2000 the ruling Governing Body was stripped of its legal power but not abolished. It now oversees only religious affairs (e.g. Bible doctrine, evangelization, & pastoral care).
Governing Body members (as of May, 2008) =
John E. Barr (b.1913, appointed 1977), Samuel F. Herd (1935, 1999), Geoffrey Jackson (?, 2005), Theodore Jaracz (1925, 1974), M. Stephen Lett (1949, 1999), Gerrit Lösch (1941, 1994), Anthony Morris (?, 2005), Guy H. Pierce (1934, 1999), David H. Splane (1944, 1999). See's_Witnesses for more info.

The WT has an incredibly strong tendency to criticize ALL other groups. For example a search for the word "clergy" on the WT 1997 CD provides the following results: Bible references = ZERO; Insight (Insight on the Scriptures is their Bible Dictionary) = 2; Tracts = 2; Booklets = 8; Brochures = 23; KM's (Kingdom Ministry newsletter) = 29; Books = 539; Yearbooks = 553; Index = 560; Awake (magazine) = 825; WT (Watch Tower magazine) = 2560. That's an obsessive # of references for a non-biblical term. The 5,101 references do not present the "clergy" in a positive light. For example:

"14 The case is similar to that of many of the clergy-and remember, we are speaking about the clergy of all religions. While what they say often sounds impressive, nevertheless, in their lives they do not live up to their own teachings. It is as if they were selling a hair-restoring drug but were bald themselves." (1983 booklet, The Part Religion Has Played, p.13)

"12 The clergy's political meddling, support of wars, and false teachings such as saying that God is responsible for this world's suffering, or that he even burns people in a literal hellfire forever, are repugnant to reasoning persons, and to God. Religious leaders who teach and practice things in opposition to God are called "hypocrites" in God's Word, which also says to them: "You resemble whitewashed graves, which outwardly indeed appear beautiful but inside are full of dead men's bones and of every sort of uncleanness. In that way you also, outwardly indeed, appear righteous to men, but inside you are full of hypocrisy and lawlessness." (Matthew 23:27, 28) In fact, Jesus said of hypocritical religious leaders: "You are from your father the Devil."-John 8:44." (1975 booklet, Is There A God Who Cares?, p.10)

However, the WT (officially) INVITES SCRUTINY of its own theology, as shown in this next section.

Watch Tower THEOLOGY

From my point of view, a good way to approach ANY theology is to ask: "What is the view?" & "What is the BASIS for the view?"

From the WT's point of view, they claim:

"It is of vital importance to them that their beliefs be based on the Bible and not on mere human speculations or religious creeds. They feel as did the apostle Paul when he expressed himself under inspiration: "Let God be found true, though every man be found a liar." (Romans 3:4, New World Translation) When it comes to teachings offered as Biblical truth, they strongly endorse the course followed by the Beroeans when they heard the apostle Paul preach: "They received the word with the greatest eagerness of mind, carefully examining the Scriptures daily as to whether these things were so." (Acts 17:11)

"Jehovah's Witnesses believe that ALL religious teachings should be subjected to this TEST of AGREEMENT with the Scriptures, whether the teaching is offered by them or by someone else. They INVITE you - urge you - to do this in your discussions with them."
(Jehovah's Witnesses in the 20th Century booklet)

INVITATION accepted.

So, is WT theology correct? "What does the Divine Pronouncement say?" (Rom.11:4)

My favourite WT quote is the following admission.

"IT IS TRUE that Jesus spoke of the holy spirit as a
"helper" & spoke of such helper as 'teaching,' 'bearing witness,' 'giving evidence,' 'guiding,' 'speaking,' 'hearing,' & 'receiving.'
In so doing, the original Greek shows Jesus at times applying the personal pronoun "HE" to that "helper" (paraclete)."

(Insight, Vol.2, p.1019)

Is "The Holy Spirit" a FORCE, or a Sentient BEING -- or BOTH ?

The Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society's view on "The Holy Spirit"
deviates dramatically from the over-whelming majority of Bible-believing Christians, scholars, & researchers.
WT dictionaries contain the following very brazen & shocking statement that summarizes their view
& executes THE SPIRIT THE HOLY ONE !!!.

" The Scriptures themselves unite to show that
but is God's active FORCE

by which he accomplishes his purpose and executes his will

Insight p.1019, & Aid p.1543 ~ INSIGHT On The Scriptures (1988) is the updated version of AID To Bible Understanding (1971)

WOW !!! ~ IF The Holy Spirit is just a force, then I (& any truth-seeker)
would be compelled by intellectual honesty & integrity, to abandon belief in the Trinity & become a JW !!!
An honest, careful, thorough comparison of WT opinion with Scriptural evidence, shows there is no need to accept WT conclusions.

I don't view my work as a THEOLOGICAL DEBATE. There's no prize for the winner.
This research is to help JWs think about their eternal destiny -- it's about you & God, not about me.
If WT teaching is wrong, you are picking a fight with the most AWESOME BEING in the universe!
The Holy Spirit has emotion (intellect & will) & can be INSULTED & OUTRAGED !!!
Heb.10:26-31 warns:
For if we practice sin willfully {or stubbornly, or mindlessly, or blindly, or foolishly} after having received the accurate knowledge of the truth, there is no longer any sacrifice for sins left, 27 but [there is] a certain fearful expectation of judgment & [there is] a fiery jealousy that is going to consume those in opposition. 28 Any man that has disregarded the law of Moses dies without compassion, upon the testimony of two or three. 29 Of how much more severe a punishment, do YOU think, will the man be counted worthy who has trampled upon the Son of God & who has esteemed as of ordinary value the blood of the covenant by which he was sanctified, & who has OUTRAGED THE SPIRIT of undeserved kindness with contempt? 30 For we know him that said: "Vengeance is mine; I will recompense"; & again: "Jehovah will judge his people." 31 It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of [the] living God.
According to WT opinion:
  • only God the Father is Jehovah
  • The (Paraclete) Holy Spirit = God's Active Force
  • Jesus is a sub-God (a.k.a Michael the archangel).
  • According to Scripture:
  • Jesus is our Paraclete (Lawyer / Advocate) ~ 1Jn.2:1
  • The Holy Spirit is also our Paraclete ~ Jn.14:16,26; 15:26; 16:27

  • (Greek allos = another of the same kind -- not different-kind-heteros).

  • God The Father -- as the Active Force PARACLETE -- is same as Jesus, & must be demoted to the archangel level.

  • Or, God The (Paraclete) Son must be elevated to equality with God The Father.
  • And God The Spirit -- as same as Jesus PARACLETE -- must be promoted to equal Personhood & Godhood !!!
  • In other words, The Trinity is alive & well.
    Like the atheist who doesn't believe in God, JWs are in for a shock when they meet THE SPIRIT THE HOLY Paraclete-Lawyer-Advocate.

    Because of deliberate, consistent, repeated, systematic emphasis, programming & reinforcement
    (a.k.a. re-education, conditioning, mind control, thought reform, brain washing),
    JWs automatically equate & substitute the Bible expression
    "The Holy Spirit" with the WT's phrase "Active Force",
    ven though
    the "Active Force" phrase is a MISTRANSLATION & found only ONCE in their own Bible!!! See the NWT at Gen.1:2.

    Click here for more detail, & the WT's 28 Meanings / Senses / Interpretation-opinions for "ruach" & "pneuma" ( spirit ).

    SCRIPTURE distinguishes between:
  • The Awesome PERSON & the awesome POWER of The Holy Spirit (throughout Scripture)

  • The GIVER & the GIFT -- in Acts 2:4 for example:
    "...they all became filled with HOLY SPIRIT & started to speak with different tongues,
    just as
    was GRANTING them to make utterance".
    So obviously "pneuma" is not POWER-only or PERSON-only.
    The truth is that HE is an Awesome PERSON
    AND demonstrates HIS Awesome POWER.


    WT Basis for "FORCE" Concept

    My Response


    Scripture Basis for "PERSON" Concept

    A Absent Greek Definite Article 'the' Fact, BUT... A1 Comparison Chart: - DEMON pneuma (spirit)
    A2 Demon-Pneuma-Spirits are Sentient Beings
    A3 ABSENT Greek 'the' = Awesome POWER
    A4 PRESENT Greek 'the' = Awesome PERSON
    B Pneuma = Neuter Gender noun Fact, BUT... B1 Greek Nouns & Pronouns prove Awesome Person
    C holy spirit Associated with Impersonal Things Fact, BUT... C1 EMOTION = Personality
    C2 INTELLECT = Personality
    C3 WILL = Personality
    D The Holy Spirit has NO Personal Voice F A L S E D1 SPEAKS DIRECTLY & via Humans & Scripture
    E The Holy Spirit has NO Personal Name Unknown,
    but so what?
    E1 Names / Titles of The Holy Spirit
    E2 Testimony of Jesus (GOD-THE-WORD)
    F A 'Person' only because of Personification WT's FAULTY
    conclusion CONTRADICTS
    a host of
    "inconvenient" Scriptures
    F1 Testimony of the Whole NT
    F2 Comparison Chart: - PARACLETE (Advocate)
    F3 Awesome Scriptural Warnings
    F4 Greek Facts / Scholarship
    F5 Does the WT Misquote Scholars ?
    F6 Convincing Evidence (& "Michael")
    Click here for Kingdom Interlinear ~ Definite Article chart to see the various spellings of the neuter gender "the".

    Click here to Search a Greek Interlinear NT
    (Good info in "Tips".)
    Under "Online Bible Search" enter "spirit" beside "Search For ".
    Under "Version(s) " scroll down to "Greek Texts" & click on the next entry.
    Go back to "Search For:" box & click "Search:".

    You will be able to see (in the Greek text) when the definite article "the" is Absent (A3) or Present (A4) before or after "pneuma".
    For verses with TWO definite articles see Acts 1:16; 5:3,32; 7:51; 13:2; 20:23,28; 21:11; Heb.3:7; 9:8.
    (For more verses with double articles, click A1 above & see box 5 in all 3 columns.)

    Click here to Search a Greek NT. ~ Enter "pneuma" beside "Search" & click "GO" (top right).
    Click here for MULTIPLE Greek (& other) Bible CHOICES.

    Chart of interesting LINKS & other RESEARCH

    © 1999 - 2009 ~ All rights reserved. But non-commercial use is OK with me ~

    Email me if you feel I've made any errors, or misrepresented Watchtower theology in any way.
    I will make corrections immediately.
    P.S. There are no unanswered emails, so be assured that what I've written is fair, accurate, truthful, correct (& seemingly irrefutable).