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The Integrated Automatic Fare Collection System


Until now most of the Road Toll, Parking, Public Transport (Bus, Metro, Train) and Public Sites Access Control ticketing system were independent and mostly incompatible obliging people to use different type of ticket (ISO, Edmondson,…) and different type of Automatic Vending machines.

Hopefully these last years the ISO Type ticket became a standard not only in Public Transport but also in Parking, Road Toll System and Access Control.


For the city management it makes really sense to have an Integrated AFC System opening the possibility for the city managers & administration:

1.      to offer better and easier facilities to citizens

2.      to allow developing social projects

3.      to control more efficiency the use of Public Transport, Parking, Road Toll and Public Site Access (Administration, Sport Stadium, …) system through a clearing house


Having one single ticket (magnetic or contactless card) to be able to use the Road Toll, the Parking,  and Public Transport. Giving the possibility for good citizens to get discount each time they are using a public transport, a public parking or a public service as an incentive for helping to reduce pollution, traffic noise, …

Last update : 03/07/02                                           Copyright @ Global City Management                                                   Michel GENOT