Urban Traffic Management
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It is today possible to implement a DYNAMIC Traffic Management system based on proved technologies and regulations.

These technologies involve:

Toll System and Parking to reduce the number of vehicles entering in the City

Paying lanes during rush hours

Extra fees during rush hours

Control Systems

On the Highway

Video System

Speed detection

Incident Detection & queue detection

Vehicles Detection

Road users information panels

In the City

Video System

Speed detector

Incident Detection

Vehicles Detection

Road users information panels

Speed limit information panel

Queue management

Central Information Center

Specific regulations

Priority lanes for Public Transport and Priority vehicles

Paying lanes during rush hours

Fast & easy Public transport

Public Transport ticket giving free parking out of the city

Easy, fast, efficient & attractive Public transport

A transport system based on a spider net configuration

One single Integrated Automatic Fare Collection System for all the transport including parking and Road Toll System

Priority lanes

Defining best itineraries for buses using Planning Management Software 

Users (passengers) Information panels

Drivers information dynamic technology system

Control System for traffic data collection on board 

Localization system


Site Information:




Urban Traffic Management involves:

- Public Transport

    - Buses

    - Tramways

    - Trolleybuses

- Public Services (Priority vehicles)

    . Ambulance

    . Firemen

    . Police


- Private Cars

- Trucks

    . Goods Transport

    . Dangerous or inflammable material

- Toll System 

- Parking



To develop

- The existing Traffic System

    . lighting

    . Control system

    . security system

    . Rules & regulation


- The number of vehicles entering and going out of the city everyday

    . Build

        . By days/ hours/ type of vehicle/ area/...

- The existing Public Transport System

- ...


Last update : 03/07/02                                           Copyright @ Global City Management                                                   Michel GENOT