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The City of Tomorrow and Culture Heritage


The City of Tomorrow and Cultural Heritage Key Action aims to improve urban sustainability through delivering real, noticeable benefits to citizens throughout the EU by 2010. It will achieve this:

by concentrating these resources on four specific areas

city planning and management,

cultural heritage,

built environment,

urban transport,

where action is urgently required, and where there is untapped technological potential and strong demand for new solutions from cities themselves

The Key Action has thus been specifically designed to ensure rapid, EU-wide take-up of practical new approaches to urban governance, planning and management. It is expected to produce, within a decade, measurable advances in economic development, environmental performance and quality of life which will directly benefit the 80% of EU citizens who now live in cities and large towns

With the emerging technology of communication, data collection & transmission, the power of data analyzer software it is no more an utopia to build an Integrated City Management System. This system will allow:

A better management over

- Tax Collection

- Cost Management

- Investment planning

- Citizen



Last update : 03/07/02                                           Copyright @ Global City Management                                                   Michel GENOT