62 "The Show Where Diane Comes Back"

Written by:
Christopher Lloyd

Directed by:
James Burrows

Regular Cast:
Frasier Crane
Niles Crane
Martin Crane
Daphne Moon
Roz Doyle

Guest Cast:
Diane Chambers (Shelley Long)
Mr Carr (Don Sparks)
Dr Franklin Crean (John Carrol Lynch)
Stan (Perry Stephens)
Clark (Danny Breen)
Ned (Googy Gress)
Darla (Judith Corber-Wexler)
Mary Anne (Cali Timmins)

Guest Callers:
None this episode.

Read the script of this episode here.

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Skyline: A shooting star passes over the skyline.

Plot: Frasier's show is just finishing when Roz informs him that a woman has come into the studio asking for him. Frasier isn't pleased when he discovers who she is - it's Diane Chambers, his ex-fiancée from Boston.

Frasier turns to Niles for help. Niles is convinced that Frasier and Diane still have some unfinished business, such as Frasier telling her how he felt when she jilted him at the altar, so Frasier invites Diane around for dinner that evening.

Diane comes over and manages to offend Niles and Martin. Diane reveals the reason she's in Seattle - the premiere of her new play, Rhapsody and Requiem, but every time the play is mentioned Diane gets a twitch. This is because the investors in her play have pulled out and she is unsure of its future. Frasier offers to invest in the premiere instead.

Martin and Niles think Frasier is falling for Diane again, and Frasier does not deny it. He thinks Diane has changed and no longer thinks the world revolevs around her. However, when he sees the dress rehearsal of her play (based on her years at Cheers, and revolving very much around the character based on Diane!), and sees the scene where "Mary Anne" dumps "Dr Franklin Creen" at the altar, Frasier reveals to Diane all the hurt she caused him back in 1985. Afterwards, Frasier and Diane apologise to each other and say their final goodbyes to each other.

Subtitles: Interplay; Foreplay; Afterplay.

It's Maris!!!: Diane once went to a dinner where Maris was present. Maris ate everyone's sorbet and then had her stomach massaged (bet that didn't take very long did it?).

Where Everybody Knows Your Name: Mention of Lilith. The cast in the play is based on the Cheers bar regulars - Stan/Sam, Darla/Carla, Clark/Cliff, Ned/Norm, Mary Anne/Diane and Franklin Creen/you know who.

Trivia: Mention of Hester. This episode's beginning is great - after seeing Diane the screen fades black, a scream is heard and then the camera pulls out, revealing the blackness to be Frasier's open mouth!!! This is Diane's second appearance, and the only appearance where she appears as "herself" rather than being in one of Frasier's dreams. It is also the second (and final) appearance of Niles' patient Mr Carr, although he is lucky enough to actually get credited this time!


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Frasier created by David Angell, Peter Casey and David Lee. Based on the character "Frasier Crane" created by Glen and Les Charles and featured in the NBC / Paramount production "Cheers". Frasier is a Grub Street Production for NBC and Paramount. All Frasier characters are copyright NBC, Paramount and Grub Street Productions.

Goodnight Seattle created and maintained by Gareth Thomas (gjthomas84@hotmail.com). Any comments? E-mail me and let me know. I'm listening.

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