Characters - Other Characters

Scroll down the page to find information on several other characters in the Frasier world.

The Crane Family and Cheers Regulars

Frederick Crane Dr Hester Crane Diane Chambers Sam Malone Rebecca Howe Woody Boyd Cliff Clavin Norm Peterson Carla LeBec Paul Kraypantz Phil John Allen Hill

The Moon Family

Grammie Moon Mr Moon Mrs Moon Simon Moon

The Doyle Family

Rick Garrett Alice Doyle Joanna Doyle Denise Dawson Jen Doyle

Frasier's Girlfriends

Madeline Marshall Maureen Cutler Faye Moskowitz Cassandra Stone Lorna/Lana Lynley Nanette "Nanny Gee" Gooseman Charlotte


Tom Duran Kate Costas "Chopper" Dave Bonnie Weems Big Willy Carlos & the Chicken Dr Mary Thomas Portia Sanders Julia Wilcox

Other Characters

Brian Patchett Ben Duke Frank, Jimmy and Leo Joe DeCarlo Yoshi Marta Ferguson Derek Mann Waitress Waiter Eric Girl Baby Kirby Gardner Cam Winston Roger Leland Barton


The Crane Family and Cheers Regulars

Frederick Crane

Frederick Crane is Frasier and Lilith's son. He lives with his mother in Boston, visiting his father, uncle and grandad regularly. Frederick tended to take after his father in the respect that he detests sports and had a small social life. These days he has a lot of friends and is a (fairly!) normal teenager. Frederick Crane attends Mulberry Academy in Boston. He also has a crush on Daphne and has managed to get kisses and cuddles from her (much to Uncle Niles' disgust). Frederick is now 13 years old and is starting to become interested in girls. He has recently had his Bar Mitzvah (since Lilith is Jewish, Frederick is half-Jewish).

Frederick's first word by the way was "Norm!!!" (whenever Norm entered the Cheers bar everyone else called out his name) but Lilith thought he said "Mom".

Frederick has been played by 4 different people. On Cheers he was played by Christopher and Kevin Graves. Luke Tarsitano played him in Ep 57 "Frasier Grinch". He is now played by Trevor Einhorn.

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Dr Hester Crane

Hester is Martin's deceased wife and Frasier and Niles' mother. She was an opera loving psychiatrist too (the boys definitely take after their mother) and is mentioned many times throughout the series. She once came to Boston to stop Diane marrying her son (in the Cheers episode "Diane Meets Mom"). She passed away soon afterwards. Hester was always looking out for her boys and only wanted the best for them. She obviously passed away before Frasier married Lilith or Niles married Maris, neither of whom she would have probably approved of. She also never made anyone feel inferior or out of place either. Hester and Martin first met over the body of a murder victim, she being hired by the cops to do psychiatric profiles of murders and help the police in their investigations (like determining whether suspects were fit to stand trial). (Thanks to Val for the info).

Hester Crane was played in that Cheers episode by Nancy Marchand. She also appeared in Ep 143 "Momma Mia", where she was seen in a home video of her and the boys when they were small. She was played there by Rita Wilson.

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Diane Chambers

Diane was a barmaid at Cheers. She was dumped by her fiancé Sumner Sloane and was offered a job at the bar. Diane got together with Sam Malone. She was the intellectual and witty counterpart to Sam's womanising and unromantic lifestyle. She dumped him and then introduced her new boyfriend, a certain Doctor Crane, to the bar. They got engaged but she dumped him at the altar because she still loved Sam. In 1987 Diane left for LA to become a novelist, and eventually got a job with the TV show Dr Quinn, Medicine Woman. Diane later came to Seattle in 1996 to the premiere of her play based on life in the Cheers bar. Frasier was not pleased to see her, but later thought he started to have feelings for her once again. They later realised their true feelings and said a proper goodbye to each other.

Diane Chambers is played by Shelley Long.

Related Articles:


Ep 62 "The Show Where Diane Comes Back"

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Sam Malone

Sam was the owner of the Cheers bar. In his heyday, Sam was a pitcher for the Boston Red Sox. However he became an alcoholic and was forced to quit the team. Sam stopped drinking and bought Cheers, owning the bar for a few years until he sold it and sailed round the world. Sam's boat sank and he came back to Cheers to find it had been bought by a corporation. Sam managed to get a job as a bartender under new owner Rebecca Howe and eventually regained ownership of the bar. Sam came to visit Frasier in Seattle and later confessed to jilting his girlfriend Sheila at the altar. Trouble is, Frasier had slept with Sheila!!! Frasier told Sam both his parents were dead and he was an only child - something Sam found out to be untrue. When Martin found out Sam was a baseball star, he insisted Sam sit in his chair.

Sam Malone is played by Ted Danson.

Related Articles:


Ep 40 "The Show Where Sam Shows Up"

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Rebecca Howe

Rebecca Howe was the manager of Cheers after Sam sold the bar. She worked for a corporation that owned it. When Sam came back after his boat sank, Rebecca gave him a job as a barman, and for her first few years he kept chatting her up. Rebecca got together with Robin Colcord, a rich businessman, but that relationship broke up after she discovered he was using her to get at her corporation. Sam bought the bar back for $1 and Rebecca was fired. Sam felt sorry for her and bought her back to Cheers, where he hired her as manager to help him out. Rebecca and Sam had a thing going for a while - they both wanted a kid - but they realised they didn't love each other and it ended. She married Don, a plumber who became rich and then dumped her. Rebecca is whiny, a bit lazy and a smoker, who once burnt the bar down by mistake.

Rebecca was played by Kirstie Alley. She is the only Cheers character not to appear in Frasier.

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Woody Boyd

Woodrow Tiberius Boyd was the bartender at Cheers and was friends with Cliff and Norm. He was hired by Sam after Coach, the old bartender, passed away. Woody comes from a farm in Hanover, Indiana and his dream was to be a big city bartender. He's naive and clueless, but also genuine and caring. Woody also did some acting jobs in local plays and was once an extra on Spencer: For Hire, making friends with show star Robert Ulric. He came to Seattle to attend his cousin's wedding and to see Frasier but realised they had nothing in common. Later he met Kelly Gaines, a rich woman from a rich family who is also not the sharpest pencil in the box, and falls in love with her, but as she's a "daddy's girl" there's a bit of a problem with her relationship - namely her father. They eventually got married, and they have 2 children. Woody also became a Boston City Councillor in 1993 due to an experiment of Frasier's.

Woody Boyd is played by Woody Harrelson. His wife Kelly was played by Jackie Swanson.

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Cliff Clavin

Clifford C Clavin Jr was a mailman who always seemed to know some pointless fact. Sometimes he can be the most boring man in Boston but he's fairly well liked. His best friend is Norm. His mother was very dominant over him and he didn't have the guts to stand up to her. On the rare occasions he did he either felt guilty himself or Esther Clavin ("Ma") made him feel guilty by manipulating him. He didn't leave her house for a while ever since he read an article about a flesh-eating bacterium. Later Cliff ordered a bride over the Internet but she got homesick and returned to Bosnia. In 2002 Cliff finally retired from the Post Office and almost moved to Florida.

Cliff is played by John Ratzenberger.

Related Articles:


Ep 207 "Cheerful Goodbyes"

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Norm Peterson

Hilary "Norm" Peterson was a regular who sat at the bar throughout the series. Norm's real name is Hilary, after his grandfather, but he obviously doesn't like the name so he calls himself Norm. Whenever he enters the bar everyone yells out "Norm!!!". Norm was married to Vera, who, just like Maris Crane in Frasier, was never seen by the audience (although she was once heard, voiced by George Wendt's real-life wife). Norm's been through various jobs, including an accountant, decorator and beer taster. He now has his own bar stool engraved with his name.

Norm is played by George Wendt.

Related Articles:


Ep 207 "Cheerful Goodbyes"

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Carla LeBec

Carla LeBec (formerly Tortelli at the start of the show) is the superstitious and spunky barmaid who played off of Diane's snobbery. Her full name is Carla Maria Victoria Angelina Teresa Apollonia Lozupone Tortelli LeBec. At the beginning of Cheers, she had four children by her ex-husband, Nick Tortelli. She had another child with him, then one, Ludlow, with noted psychiatrist Dr. Bennett Ludlow (Frasier's mentor at the time). She finally dated and married Eddie LeBec, and had a set of twins with him, Jesse and Elvis, for a grand total of 8. After Eddie died in an accident, Carla discovered she wasn't his only wife... Carla can be vicious at times, both psychically and mentally, but she gets on well with the bar regulars most of the time - except Diane and Cliff, neither of whom she particularly liked much.

Carla is played by Rhea Pearlman.

Related Articles:


Ep 207 "Cheerful Goodbyes"

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Paul Kraypantz

Paul Kraypantz often hung around with Norm and Cliff during the last 2 years of the show but still felt like he didn't fit in. Paul's also slept with Carla when they were drunk (she was horrified when she found out) and has dreams of being a cat burglar. He is divorced. Sam's fiancée Sheila also slept with Paul before their wedding day. Even in 2002, Paul still doesn't fit in that well, as he was not invited to Cliff's retirement party and was only there because he lives above it.

Paul is played by Paul Wilson.

Related Articles:


Ep 207 "Cheerful Goodbyes"

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Phil was one of the bar regulars who would pop up from time to time. He didn't say much but was liked by all. He was also at Cliff's party and called him a "dumb son of a bitch" when Cliff confused Phil for Al, a deceased regular.

Phil is played by Phillip Perlman.

Related Articles:


Ep 207 "Cheerful Goodbyes"

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John Allen Hill

John Allen Hill was the owner of Melville's, the restaurant above Cheers. He and Sam didn't get on well, so he sent Carla upstairs to deal with him. She did alright - by sleeping with him!!! Their affair continued for a while, neither of them loving each other because they found out the sex was better if they hated each other. Carla always called him Hill rather than John anyway, and he always called her Ms Tortelli. He hasn't appeared on Frasier but I liked him so I've included him here. :-)

John Allen Hill was played by Keene Curtis.

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The Moon Family

Grammie Moon

Grammie Moon is the most infamous member of Daphne's very large and eccentric family. She is widowed, Grampa Moon having died recently. She likes cooking and has made many bizarre recipes. Daphne often refers to her but we have yet to actually meet her.

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Mr Harry Moon

Daphne's dad spent a lot of time down the pub, but loves his children and says they were the most wonderful things to come out of his 40 year marriage to Mrs Moon. Mr and Mrs Moon hadn't been in love for years but had stayed together just for their children's sake. Mr Moon used to work in the docks and also shared a cigar with Winston Churchill during a blackout in the war (or so he says).

Mr Moon is played by Brain Cox.

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Mrs Gertrude Moon

Daphne's mum is pushy, conniving and very bossy. She also "smokes like a chimney". Mrs Moon first came to Seattle for Daphne's wedding, then later she comes out to visit. She stayed at the Montana but later announced that her husband had left her. Mrs Moon doesn't seem to realise that her daughter has dreams and ambitions - in fact, she thinks Daphne is a virgin!!! Daphne soon set her straight during a huge argument, and Mrs Moon said she was leaving, but a "trip" by her means she'll be staying in Seattle for some time to come.

Mrs Moon is played by Millicent Martin.

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Simon Moon

Simon is one of Daphne's brothers. He is a slob and very lazy, as well as being a womaniser. He was invited over early for the wedding by Donny, who thought that Simon was Daphne's favourite brother - when that title went to Steven..... Simon also apparently has/had a substance abuse problem.

Simon Moon is played by Anthony LaPaglia.

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The Doyle Family

Rick Garrett

Rick Garrett is the father of Roz's daughter Alice. He was a waiter at Café Nervosa, using the money to save up to go to Paris to study there for college. When he found out Roz was pregnant, he offered to drop out and work at the café to support her, but she insisted that he go to Paris and study, which he did.

Rick is played by Todd Babcock.

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Alice Doyle

Alice May Doyle is Roz's daughter, her father is Rick (see above). She was born in 1998, after Roz went into labour at one of Frasier and Niles' parties! Roz has raised Alice by herself and loves her very much. Roz bought Alice a dog, Arial, in 2001. Alice is now 5 and was flower girl at one of Niles and Daphne's weddings! They have also babysat her at times. Alice doesn't like Gertrude Moon that much, but she likes Nanny Gee, her favourite children's entertainer.

Alice was 3 years old before she made an appearance in the credits, on her first speaking role. She is played by Ashley Thomas.

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Joanna Doyle

Joanna is Roz's mother, the State Attorney of Wisconsin. She is very close to her daughter, despite getting divorced from Roz's dad in 1981. Since 1979 she has been involved in politics, and is now the Attorney General for Wisconsin. Roz and Joanna speak regularly on the phone, and in 199 Joanna came to Seattle to visit Roz where she was set up on a date with martin. Joanna liked Martin, but Martin didn't like her. In her spare time, Joanna likes extreme sports such as wind-surfing and paragliding.

Joanna Doyle is played by Eva Marie Saint.

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Denise Dawson

Denise is Roz's "perfect" sister. Roz finds her annoying because (probably without realising it) Denise is always making her feel inferior. She was happily married, something she continually rubbed into Roz's face, and she thought she had the "perfect" marriage to Craig. But although they may have the "perfect" life, they realise they aren't as perfect as they think they are when they see Roz and "Roger" (Frasier pretending to be Roger) happily together. Craig left Denise in 2003 for another woman and told her over the phone whilst she was visiting Roz in Seattle.

Denise Dawson is played by Suzanne Cryer.

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Jen Doyle

Jen is Roz's 20 year old cousin, and when Roz was younger she and Jen used to party a lot. When Jen comes to visit Seattle, she expected the now 38 year old Roz to still act like that, and Roz didn't want Jen to think she'd become "boring". Jen is very opinionated about a lot of things and annoyed Frasier when she put down Freud and his theories. She also likes travelling around the world.

Jen Doyle is played by Zooey Deschanel.

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Frasier's Girlfriends

Madeline Marshall

Madeline was Frasier's girlfriend during the "Adventures In Paradise" episodes. He first heard of her when she featured in Seattle style magazine and Roz fixed a date for them. They went to Bora-Bora together where they met Lilith and her new boyfriend Brian. They broke up after Frasier embarrassed them. He tried to make it up to her but she though he was seeing Lilith again after she turned up at his apartment. Madeline then left him for good.

Madeline was played by JoBeth Williams.

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Maureen Cutler

Maureen is a Seattle cop who once pulled Frasier over after he was caught speeding whilst he was taking Roz to her date. She let him off because it was his birthday and Frasier fell for her. After Martin's force buddies found out her name, they met up in a police bar. But Maureen had feelings for Martin rather than Frasier. Eventually Frasier gave them his blessings but the relationship broke down later on when they both met someone else.

Maureen Cutler is played by Jane Kaczmarek.

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Faye Moskowitz

Faye is Frasier's girlfriend during the latter half of the sixth season. A pastry chef by trade (formerly a lawyer), her mother helped Frasier in a store before Christmas and she set them up. Frasier and Faye hit it off right away but Faye's mother thought Frasier was Jewish as Frasier at the time was buying a menorah for Frederick who is half-Jewish. Frasier had to pretend he was Jewish to keep Faye's mother happy!!! She went to Paris for a while with her mother but returned later on. Frasier dumped new girlfriend Cassandra Stone to be with Faye but each found out about the other's existence and left him.

Faye Moskowitz is played by Amy Brenneman.

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Cassandra Stone

Cassandra is KACL's publicist. On Valentine's Day she and Frasier went out for dinner, but Frasier wasn't sure whether it was a romantic or business dinner. Eventually Frasier and Cassandra went out for a while but he left her when Faye (see above) came back into his life. However Cassandra and Faye found out about each other and both left him.

Cassandra Stone is played by Virginia Madsen.

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Lorna/Lana Lynley

Lorna Lynley (now Lana) went to the same high school as Frasier and Niles, where she was the prom queen. Both brothers had a crush on her. Later on Frasier meets her again, and chickens out of asking her out. Eventually he does and they date for a while, but he soon finds out she has a short temper and smokes. They break up but she returns later on - as Lana - with a deal for Frasier - she'll get him a date with her friend Claire if he'll tutor her son Kirby in history. She is divorced and has a daughter as well.

Lorna was named after a real person who decided she didn't want her name to be used any more, hence Lorna becoming Lana.

Lana is played by Jean Smart

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Nanette "Nanny Gee" Gooseman

Nanette was Frasier's first wife. She and Frasier met in about 1971-2 and were married soon afterwards. They dreamt of owning their own place and growing things - much like hippies actually. The marriage didn't last long and they divorced. Nanette became a children's entertainer in the 1980s under the name "Nanny Gee" and became very popular with the kids, counting a young Frederick Crane and Alice Doyle amongst her fans. Frasier didn't mention the marriage until he and Lilith took Frederick to see Nanny for his birthday in 1992, and they recognised each other. Lilith, distraught that Frasier hadn't mentioned his first marriage, had a catfight in Cheers with Nanette! Frasier and Nanette next met in 2004 when Roz wanted tickets for Alice to see Nanny Gee, and became attracted to her, but then discovered she was married to her assistant/producer/songwriter Donald Burwell. Nanette was unhappy in her marriage and tried seducing Frasier, leading to Frasier unwillingly becoming part of her show.

Nanette has been played by 3 actresses. Emma Thompson played her in the Cheers episode "One Hugs, The Other Doesn't", Dina Waters played the younger Nanette in Ep 188 "Don Juan Is Hell", and Laurie Metcalf took over the role in Ep 249 "Caught In The Act"

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Charlotte was born in 1969 and lived in Chicago for many years. She worked in advertising for 5 years, dreaming up slogans for Crunchios. One of them was "Crunchios are a munchy with your lunchy or your brunchy". She then worked with a cigarette company before turning to matchmaking after setting her boss up with her friend. Charlotte and her husband had a successful matchmaking business, but he got it in the divorce and she moved to Seattle to set up her new matchmaking business, Charlotte's Web. This is how she met Frasier, who became one of her clients and fell in love with her. Charlotte currently lives with her mother in Seattle and her new business isn't doing so well, as she has debts to pay, but she is determined to find the right woman for Frasier - little knowing that it could be herself!

Charlotte is played by Laura Linney.

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Tom Duran

Tom is KACL's station manager during the second season. Frasier invited him over to set him up with Daphne, but didn't know that Tom was gay and Tom thought Frasier had invited him over to set the two of them up with each other. Confusion reigned, especially when Tom also thought Niles was gay!!! ("This Maris guy he sees is a woman?", to which Frasier replies "The jury's still out on that one.")

Tom Duran is played by Eric Lutes.

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Kate Costas

Kate Costas was the boss of KACL during the start of the third season. She told Frasier that his ratings were good but could be better, and suggested "theme" days. When Frasier refused, she moved him to the early hours of the morning. Frasier managed to get his show back to its normal timeslot eventually. After Kate denied the producers like Roz their 5% pay rise, Frasier confronted Kate. After they had a big argument, they suddenly turned and kissed each other! Next day Frasier and Kate had sex in the studio, not knowing she'd accidentally hit the on-air button..... Despite this Kate and Frasier's love affair continued, although it was mainly based on lust and the desire for sex rather than love. Kate eventually accepted a job in Chicago, and at the airport she and Frasier finally realised they had little in common.

Kate Costas is played by Mercedes Ruehl.

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"Chopper" Dave

Chopper Dave is KACL's traffic reporter, flying over the streets of Seattle in his helicopter reporting of any traffic problems. Frasier thinks his job is distasteful. Dave has a habit of shouting, this is because he normally shouts over his 'copter blades.

"Chopper" Dave is played by Richard Poe.

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Bonnie Weems

Bonnie Weems hosts KACL's motoring show. She is mentioned a few times during the series but only seen once. Her show is broadcast in the early hours of the morning - this is due to Gil Chesterton taking her hours because he proved so popular with her listeners when he was filling in for her. She is also an awful cook.

Bonnie is played by Katherine Daniels.

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Big Willy

Wilford S Boone aka "Big Willy" is a Texan millionaire who owned KACL. He was also Bebe Glazer's fiancé, but wouldn't marry him unless she gave up smoking. Frasier, of course, was told to help her with this. He tried many methods to cure her. In the end he succeeded by telling her about the inheritance she'd lose if he didn't marry her. Unfortunately, Big Willy died just before the wedding.

Big Willy was played by Richard Hamilton.

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Carlos and The Chicken

These two hosted the early morning show Morning Zoo on KACL. The highlight of their show was when they would phone someone as a prank call. They did this to Frasier three times; first of all when they pretended to be the head of the psychiatrist association, secondly when they claimed to be the superintendent of his building (Frasier revealed some embarrassing stuff here) and thirdly when they made up a "conversation" of Frasier and Roz having sex (taken from recordings of their shows). They argued over who was the funniest later on and fell out. Oh, and the Chicken's real name is Dwayne.

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Dr Mary Thomas

Dr Mary is another radio host. She started off working at KACL as part of Frasier's show, but Frasier thought she was trying to take it over. It wasn't that - Mary was just excited - but Frasier didn't know how to tell her to back off a bit because he didn't want her to think he was being racist (Dr Mary is black). He did tell her and she was sorry. She went to work for KEZW but when that show was a success Kenny bought her back to KACL. She co-hosted the Televised Christmas Parade with Frasier and he thought she was going to ruin it with all her excitement and improvising.

Dr Mary is played by Kim Coles.

Portia Sanders

Portia was Bebe Glazer's assistant for 4 years, but became Frasier's agent after Bebe started representing his rival Dr Zach and passed Frasier onto Portia. Frasier wasn't impressed with Portia at first - she was quiet, high voiced and a bit scatty, everything Bebe wasn't. But Portia soon proved whose assistant she used to be! Frasier was impressed with this no nonsense Portia and she became his agent, until a year later when Bebe, with a little help from Dr Phil, managed to win Frasier back.

Portia is played by Kristin Chenoweth.

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Julia Wilcox

Julia Wilcox is KACL's financial analyst. She used to work for CNBC and wrote a book on how to get rich quick. Sadly, a lot of people lost a lot of money after reading it, she got fired, and sued them for unfair dismissal. She arrived at KACL but saw it as just a stopover until something better came along, and as such didn't form any relationships with the other staff until Frasier realised what was wrong. Julia is conceited, stuffy and quite rude at times, but deep down she has feelings too - possibly feelings for Frasier? She also has a strained relationship with Roz, as they like bitching at each other. :-)

Julia is played by Felicity Huffman.

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Other Characters

Dr Brian Patchett

Dr Brian Patchett is Lilith's second husband. He is a seismologist (someone who studies volcanoes and earthquakes) and Frasier said to Lilith he was the perfect match ("Brian being a seismologist and you having so many faults!!!"). However after 3 years Brian left Lilith for someone more feminine - a contractor named Stan. Niles had to pay Martin $5 when he heard this as they had made a bet that Brian would leave Lilith for another man.

Brian is played by James Morrison.

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Ben was Frasier's agent for three days after he refused to go back to Bebe. During those three days Frasier and Martin were both attacked by a crane (bird that is) and Frasier became the laughing stock of Seattle. Ben was a good man however, he was always helping the orphanage, or the Scout troop, or the church.....

Ben was played by Robert Stanton.

Related Articles:

Ep 107 "Zoo Story"

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Duke is Martin's friend who used to run a bar - named Duke's. The bar unfortunately shut down after a company Frasier and Niles had shares in knocked it down to build a mall. Martin often refers to Duke, even though we have only seen him twice so far. Duke is also one of Martin's card-playing buddies. Duke is divorced, and has a daughter Marie and a son.

Duke is played by John LaMotta.

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Frank, Jimmy and Leo

These three are some more of Martin's card-playing friends. They are ex-force buddies. Frank has a wife,

Frank is played by Ron Dean, Jimmy by Al Fann and Leo by Bill Gratton.

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Joe DeCarlo

Joe is Niles' favourite handyman. He was called to Frasier's place after the brothers dropped Martin's chair, scratching Frasier's floor. Trouble is, he had a big meeting with his wine club that night (hence the chair being moved out of the way). Joe and Daphne fell in love and dated for a while before splitting up.

Joe DeCarlo is played by Tony Carreiro.

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Yoshi is Maris' gardener. He is frequently referred to during the series, though like Maris we never saw him. He once destroyed Maris' flowers after an argument with Niles. Yoshi passed away due to a heart attack during the seventh season - Maris was very upset.

Click here for more of Maris' staff.

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Marta is Maris' maid. But unlike her mistress or Yoshi the gardener, we actually get to see her!!! Marta originally couldn't speak English that well (she comes from Guatemala) but is learning the language well. She also got a Chanel basket for her birthday from Maris. Marta can also speak German, as she worked for a German speaking family that arrived in Guatemala...just after the war...

Marta is played by Irene Olga Lopez.

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Ferguson was Frasier's butler for a couple of weeks. Frasier hired him because he didn't want Daphne to clean now as she was Niles' girlfriend. Ferguson used to work for Colonel Turner, but when Col Turner died he went to Frasier's. His father and grandfather were butlers too and his mum comes from Manchester. Ferguson likes to be formal as "it helps draw the line between a family and its servant." Ferguson warned Daphne about employee-employer relationships and made Daphne worried, but this made Niles stand up to Mel and declare his love for Daphne. Ferguson was inspired by this and resigned to become more aquatinted with a Lady Westerfield.

Ferguson was played by Victor Garbner.

Related Articles:

Ep 169 "Taking Liberties"

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Derek Mann

Derek is a columnist for a Seattle paper who wrote some unflattering things about Frasier and his show. The two of them eventually have a "war-of-words", Derek eventually phoning Frasier's show asking for a fight. Reluctantly, Frasier agrees. Martin however saves the day by making sure the fight never happens - therefore letting Frasier get out of it yet still look "manly" at the same time.

We never saw Derek Mann, only heard him. He was voiced by Joe Mantegna.

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This particular waitress is the longest serving member of staff at Café Nervosa. Her name is never mentioned but she and the rest of the staff seem to know how to deal with the Crane boys, even though sometimes they forget Frasier and Niles' orders. The waitress left during the fifth season - to pastures new???

The waitress is played by Luck Hari.

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Cafe Nervosa gained a new waiter in the 8th season, and he's been working there ever since. This waiter usually stays behind the counter but often ventures out to give Frasier and/or Niles their drinks. He is often sarcastic to the Crane brothers, but then again who wouldn't be? :-)

The waiter is played by James Oliver.

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Eric was the waiter at Café Nervosa. He appears during the first half of Season 1. He started going out with Daphne for a while, but then dumped her. Niles was very irritated about Eric and Daphne, and with Maris stuck in Arizona his feelings for Daphne get even stronger. Eric wasn't seen again after this - we can only assume he got a job somewhere else.

Eric is played by Dean Erickson.

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"Girl" was Niles' whippet during the fourth season. He was separated from Maris and Daphne suggested he get a dog for company after seeing how Martin and Eddie gave each other company. Her name was never mentioned - unless her name actually was "Girl"??? Girl was seen as a Maris clone by Frasier - "She is highly strung, cold to the touch and ignores you. My God, stand her up right, take ten pounds of her, put her in a Chanel suit, whatch-ya got?". "Girl" had to go and live somewhere else when Niles moved into the Montana, as no cats or dogs were allowed.

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Baby is Niles' cockatoo. After he moved into the Montana apartment block, he was lonely. So along came Baby. Baby likes perching on people's heads, although when someone rings the doorbell she digs her talons in very sharply (she has a phobia of doorbells). She unfortunately met her end after she tried to eat one of Daphne's earrings which had fallen off.

Related Articles:

Ep 86 "To Kill A Talking Bird"

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Kirby Gardner

Kirby is Lana's teenage son. Frasier agreed to tutor him in exchange for Lana setting him up with Claire, and although reluctant at first Kirby studied hard to get a B in his history. Kirby has a crush on Roz, and Frasier told him she would go to the prom with him if he studied. Kirby has an ex-girlfriend Kristy and wants his divorced parents Lana and Bob to get back together. He also has at least one sibling. Kirby currently works as a intern at KACL.

Kirby is played by Brian Klugman.

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Cam Winston

Cam lives directly above Frasier in apartment 2001. He and Frasier do not get on well, which is quite surprising as they have so much in common. My dad has described Cam as "the black version of Frasier"! Cam's "insults" to Frasier include stealing all Frasier's party guests, taking Frasier's parking space and causing a leak in Frasier's apartment. Cam has his mother Cora staying with him for a few months whilst her place is being decorated.

Cam is played by Brian Stokes Mitchell.

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Roger was Roz's boyfriend during the 9th season. He collects Seattle's rubbish for a living, and Roz was embarrassed about that at first, but soon realised that it didn't matter what job he did, she loved him and he loved her. They dated for at least 6 months, and Roger was very romantic towards Roz that she couldn't stop talking about him. Sadly they broke up after Roger felt the fireworks had gone out of their relationship.

Roger is played by Tony Goldwyn.

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Leland Barton

Leland Barton was Hester Crane's old research assistant. He loved Hester very much and Martin used to joke that Leland was jealous of him. In 1959 Leland left Seattle and moved to Paris, where he eventually became a member of the board of the Paris Museum of Modern Art. Leland is allergic to rosehips and Jerusalem artichokes - just like Niles, and when Leland came to visit the Cranes in 2003 the similarities between his sons and Leland made Martin wonder if he was their real father. However they are martin's sons - because Leland is gay, and Hester Crane was just a confident to him.

Leland is played by David Ogden Stiers.

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Frasier created by David Angell, Peter Casey and David Lee. Based on the character "Frasier Crane" created by Glen and Les Charles and featured in the NBC / Paramount production "Cheers". Frasier is a Grub Street Production for NBC and Paramount. All Frasier characters are copyright NBC, Paramount and Grub Street Productions.

Goodnight Seattle created and maintained by Gareth Thomas ( Any comments? E-mail me and let me know. I'm listening.

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