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This page is slow to load, so while its loading I'll tell you what's here. That way you don't have to wait four minutes just to find out you don't care. There is short biographical information on Isaac Chase, Isaac Robinson, and Rev. John Robinson. There are pictures of the very cool and very old tombstones of Isaac Chase and Mary Tilton Chase. The family pictures here are
  1. Mary Arkansas Elizabeth Henderson, my gg grandmother
  2. Harry Brown, my g grandmother's brother
  3. Rev. Albert Ernest Thompson, Bruce's gg grandfather
  4. Rev. Robert Franklin Leonard, Bruce's g grandfather
  5. Robert Lee Stange, my wonderful grandad
  6. Sam Jones Jowers' mother, my gg grandmother
  7. Roger Jr., Larry, and Roger Ulery, Sr., my uncle, dad, and grandfather
  8. Lucinda Fox and Oliver Osterwise, my g grandparents

The Signature of Lieut. Isaac Chase. Isaac Chase was the first of the family to settle in Martha's Vineyard. He is descended from the Chase family of Chesham, Buckinghamshire, England, through his father Thomas, his grandfather Aquila (baptized 14 Aug. 1580), and his great grandfather Richard (baptized 23 Aug. 1542, married Joan Bishop 15 May 1564). Isaac first came to Martha's Vineyard in 1674. He was a blacksmith and a quaker. For more on the Chase family, see The Chase Family from The History of Martha's Vineyard by Charles E. Banks.

Isaac Robinson was the son of the Pilgrims' beloved pastor, John Robinson. Rev. John Robinson was the leader of the Pilgrims during their thirteen years in Leyden, Holland. He had planned to accompany the Pilgrims aboard the Mayflower, but obligations to his parishioners remaining in Holland forced him to postpone his trip. He died unexpectedly of the plague in 1626 and never saw the new world. See his farewell letter written to those of his parish who sailed the Mayflower here. Much of the language and tone of the Mayflower Compact was taken from this letter. According to some sources, Isaac Robinson came to the new world on the Lyon in 1631 with his mother Bridget White Robinson, and his sisters Mercy and Fear. Isaac Robinson eventually settled at Falmouth, Cape Cod, Mass.

Mary Arkansas Elizabeth Henderson
My great, great grandmother, died 1964, one year before I was born

Harry Brown, died from mustard gas, WWI
would have been my great, great uncle

Rev. Albert Earnest Thompson, collapsed in pulpit, age 32
died later that week

Rev. Robert Franklin Leonard
Bruce's great grandfather, also a minister

Robert Lee Stange
my granddad, lives in Orange Park, FL, still lifts weights (real big ones) and plays tennis

Sam Jones Jowers' mother, name unknown
my great great grandmother

Larry, Roger Jr., and Roger Reed Ulery, Sr.
my dad (little guy), my Uncle Roger, and my grandfather

Lucy and Oliver Osterwise
my great grandparents

"Here lies the body of Lieut. Isaac Chase who died May ye 19 1727 aged about 80 years"

"Here lyes buried ye body of Mrs Mary Chase wife to Lieut Isaac Chase who departed this life June 14, 1746 in ye 88th year of her age"


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