Hole physics, teleportation and levitation, V1, nr. 1, August 2001

The contents of first HPTL journal issue

The foreword........................................................................................................................3

Comments to first number of HPTL magazine...................................................................4

Leshan C - From limited universe - to hole vacuum...........................................................5

    The fundamental fact of presence of virtual vacuum holes in any point of the universe follows from finiteness of the universe in volume and transmutation of elementary volumes. The universe looked like as a point at the first moment of expansion, and  its center and border coincided. Now after billions years of expansion the universe also looks like a point, and its center and border coincides in any point.

Leshan C - The properties of hole teleportation ................................................................7

        Instantaneous  teleportation by sending a body outside of limited universe after that one appear in a random point. It is a superanalogue of uniform and linear motion. The space is curved by creation of Puancare model of non-Euclidean universe in order that point A coincides with B, therefore  a body disappear in A and appear in B instantly.

Leshan C  - No relativity violation in random teleportation.............................................12

     The appearance of random body in a random physical system may not result to causality violation. It is not possible to prove superluminal transmission of signals in random teleportation, because it is impossible to measure an interval between random events.

Leshan C - Hole theory of gravitation.................................................................................15

   The mass is the parameter describing ability of a particle to emit out holes, the more the particle emits holes, the more its the mass. The matter radiates holes which curve space - time and this curvature influences movement of a matter. Hole radiation of massive bodies has all properties of a gravitational field. The hole version of universal gravitation law was formulated.

Leshan C - There are no causality violation at address teleportation
of bodies faster than light .................................................................................................. 21

     It is impossible to find a teleportatioal experiment with causality violation. The dependence of «causality violation» from spatial position of observer concerning events,  from selection of data carrier and impossibility for “effect” to influence the cause proves, that the supervision of signal from «effect» before «cause» is not causality violation as movement backward in time but is simply an visual effect. The teleportational principle of causality was introdused for superluminal processes.

Leshan C - Gravitation becomes strong on small distances and  carries out a
function of non-exchange nuclear forces by help of vacuum holes...................................36

    Vacuum holes are capable to glue nucleons into nucleus, carrying out thus function of nuclear forces. The vacuum short-range attraction has all properties of nuclear forces, for example property of saturation, short action, charging independence, noncentrality, there is a mass defect of a nucleus etc.. The fact of combination of gravitational and strong interaction is proved, as both interactions are carried out by the same particle - vacuum hole. It is strong or nuclear gravitation.

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