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November 26, 2003

The Chair of Unity Octave

St. Peter, the Foundation Stone of Christ's True Church    The Feast of St. Peter's Chair at Rome is celebrated on January 18th. This important Feast was instituted, in part, in response to the ridiculous rumor spread by ignorant Protestant heretics that St. Peter had never come to Rome. Yet, following his seven year reign in Antioch, St. Peter did in fact travel to Rome to establish his See, and there shed his blood for our Crucified Savior. This Feast also enshrines the solemn dogma of Papal Infallibility, and the Supreme Apostolic Authority conferred upon St. Peter by Our Divine Lord. St. Paul the Apostle likewise came to Rome towards the close of his apostolic career, and was also martyred there for Christ. The Feast of his Conversion is observed on January 25th. Holy Mother Church has always united her praises for the Prince of the Apostles, St. Peter, with Her veneration for the zeal and holiness of St. Paul, a "vessel of election" for the spread of the infant Church. Thus, She has reserved eight days of solemn prayer--from the Feast of St. Peter's Chair at Rome until the Feast of the Conversion of St. Paul--for the observance of "The Chair of Unity Octave"; eight days of solemn prayer for the Apostolic Catholic Church.

    These eight days of solemn prayer for Unity possess a doctrinal significance which is of critical importance. As Catholics know, one of the chief essential "Marks" (or visible qualities) of the Church established by Christ is that Unity for which He prayed at the Last Supper. As Jesus asked "that they may be one...", His prayer was immediately granted by the Eternal Father, as it was the request (on the very eve of His death) of His Only Begotten Son, to Whom nothing is refused. Therefore, His Church has now, and will always have, that Unity (or oneness) of teaching, worship, and government which is so evidently a sign of truth, "the same yesterday, today, and the same forever." It was for this reason that Christ established Peter as "the Rock", or Foundation of His Church, against which the Gates of Hell could never prevail.

    Consistent with Christ's words, therefore, the only unity for which the Church and her faithful children can pray, is that which results from the conversion of those who are outside the One, True Fold of the Church. Thus, each of the days of the Chair of Unity Octave is dedicated to prayers for the conversion of some poor segment of mankind which is still "walking in darkness," imploring that they may open their hearts to God's grace, and return to the true Shepherd of their souls. This is the exercise of true charity. To imagine, as do the liberal ecumenists of our day, that we can achieve "unity" by pretending that those outside the Church do not stand in desperate need of conversion, is to deny the foundation of Christ's True Church, and to renounce the very reason for the heroic apostolic labors and martyrdom of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul.

    The Church also prays for that unity which draws her faithful children closer together in a spirit of humility and charity, by their fervent living of the great "law of love" taught by Jesus Christ Our Lord. Finally, we are exhorted to pray and to work for that unity which results from our own humble obedience, respect, and loyalty to the Apostolic Authority of the Church, which will, in fulfillment of Christ's promise, remain with us as His very own Presence, even unto the consummation of the world.


The following prayers have been prescribed by the Most Reverend Bishop for public recitation before all Masses and public devotions:

  1. as a triduum in preparation for the Feast of St. Peter's Chair at Rome - January 18th, and daily throughout the Chair of Unity Octave, which concludes on the Feast of the Conversion of St. Paul - January 25th;

  2. as a triduum in preparation for the Feast of St. Peter's Chair at Antioch - February 22nd, and daily throughout the Octave;

  3. selections of these prayers are to be prayed on the Feasts of Mary, Queen of the Apostles, Mary, Help of Christians, St. Joseph, the Feasts of Sts. Peter and Paul, the Feasts of the other Apostles; and other Feasts as designated by the Bishop.

Daily Prayers throughout the Chair of Unity Octave (January 15-25; February 19-March 1)

January 18 & February 22


January 19 & February 23


January 20 & February 24


January 21 & February 25


January 22 & February 26


January 23 & February 27


January 24 & February 28



January 25 & March 1




(January 15-25; February 19-March 1)

    Eternal Father, by Thy infinite mercy, and by the infinite merits of Thy Divine Son, Jesus, make Thyself known and loved by all souls, since it is Thy will that all should be saved. Glory be to the Father...

    Through the sacred mysteries of human redemption, send, O Lord, laborers into Thy harvest, and spare Thy people. Eternal Word Incarnate, Redeemer of the human race, convert all souls to Thyself, since for them Thou wast obedient, even to the death of the Cross. Glory be to the Father...

    Through the merits and intercession of Thy most holy Mother, and all the Angels and Saints, send, O Lord, laborers into Thy harvest, and spare Thy people. O Holy Spirit of God, by the infinite merits of the Passion and death of Jesus Christ, diffuse Thy most ardent and all powerful charity in all hearts, that there may be one Fold and one Shepherd throughout the world, and that all may come to sing Thy Divine mercies in Heaven forever. Amen. Glory be to the Father...


Mary, Queen of the Apostles    Queen of the Apostles, and all ye Angels and Saints, pray the Lord of the harvest to send forth laborers into His harvest and spare His people, that we may all rejoice with Him and the Father and the Holy Ghost forever, unto ages of ages. Amen.

    Immaculate Mother of God, Queen of Apostles, I know that the Divine precept, by which I am bound to love my neighbor as myself, obliges me to procure by every possible means, not only my eternal salvation, but also that of my neighbor. But I confess that, through my sins, I am not worthy of the grace to labor effectually and constantly for the eternal salvation of my soul and of the souls of my relations and neighbors; much less am I worthy of the grace to promote good works, and to increase the means, both spiritual and temporal, of restoring faith and rekindling charity among Catholics, and propagating the truth throughout the world. Do thou then, O Mother, obtain for me this grace through the mercy of God and the infinite merits of Jesus Christ; and in union with the heavenly court and all the just, who are or will be in the Church of God, from henceforth I intend to offer these same merits of Jesus as a thanksgiving, in anticipation of this grace obtained by thee for us, as thou didst obtain it for the Holy Apostles.

    And so, trusting in thy powerful intercession, I resolve from henceforth to use whatever I have from God of power, talents, learning, riches, position, health, sickness, or sorrow, for the greater glory of God and the salvation of my soul, and that of my neighbor, more especially by working for the propagation of piety and the true holy Catholic Faith throughout the world. And when all other means to this end fail me, I will never cease to pray that there may be one Fold and one Shepherd. By so doing, I hope to reach Paradise, there to enjoy the fruit of the Apostolate of Jesus Christ for all eternity. Amen. Hail Mary thrice; Glory be. (Plenary indulgence once a month - Pope Leo XIII; 200 days, once a day during Octave; plenary at end of Octave.)

    "That all may be one as Thou, Father, in Me and I in Thee, that they may be one in Us; that the world may believe that Thou hast sent Me."

V. I say to thee, that thou art Peter.
R. And upon this rock I will build My Church.

Let us pray: O Lord Jesus Christ, Who hast said to Thy Apostles: "Peace I leave you, my peace I give unto you"; regard not my sins, but the Faith of Thy Church, and do Thou grant it peace and unity, Who livest and reignest, God, forever, unto ages of ages. Amen. (200 days, once a day during Octave; plenary indulgence at end of Octave.)


    O glorious St. Peter, who, in return for thy lively and generous faith, thy profound and sincere humility, and thy burning love, wast honored by Jesus Christ with singular privileges, and, in particular, with the leadership of the other Apostles and the primacy over the whole Church, of which thou wast made the foundation stone, do thou obtain for us the grace of a lively faith, that shall not fear to profess itself openly, in its entirety, and in all its manifestations, even to the shedding of blood, if occasion should demand it, and to the sacrifice of life itself in preference to surrender. Obtain for us likewise, a sincere loyalty to our Holy Mother, the Church; grant that we may ever remain most closely and sincerely united to the Heir of thy Faith and thy Authority, the one, true, visible Head of the Catholic Church, that mystic Ark outside of which there is no salvation. Grant, moreover, that we may follow, in all humility and meekness, Her teaching and Her counsels, and may be obedient to all Her precepts, in order to be able here on earth to enjoy a peace that is sure and undisturbed, and to attain one day in Heaven to everlasting happiness. Amen.

V. Pray for us, St. Peter the Apostle.
R. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.

Let us pray: O God, Who hast given unto Thy blessed Apostle Peter the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven, and the power to bind and loose, grant that we may be delivered, through the help of his intercession, from the bonds of all our sins, Who livest and reignest forever and ever. Amen. (500 days.)

"My God, make us to be of one mind in truth and of one heart in charity."
(300 days - St. Pius X.)


    Immaculate Virgin, Mother of God and our Mother, Mary, thou seest the attacks that are everywhere made by the devil and the world upon the Catholic Faith, in which, by God's grace, we intend to live and die, in order that we may attain to eternal glory. Do thou, the Help of Christians, renew thine ancient victories and save thy children. They entrust to thee their firm purpose never to enroll themselves in societies hostile to our holy Religion; do thou, who art all holy, present to thy Divine Son our good resolutions, and obtain for us the grace we need to be unshaken in their observance, even to the end of life. Console the visible Head of the Church, sustain the Catholic Episcopate, protect the clergy and people who proclaim thee Queen; by the power of thine intercession hasten the day when all nations shall be gathered at the feet of the chief Shepherd. Amen. Mary, Help of Christians, pray for us! (500 days.)

St. Nicholas of Myra


    Glorious St. Nicholas, our special patron, from thy throne in glory where thou dost enjoy the presence of God, turn thine eyes in pity upon us, and obtain for us from Our Lord the graces and helps that we need in our spiritual and temporal necessities. Be mindful, likewise, O glorious and saintly Bishop, of our Most Reverend Bishop Francis Konrad Maria, of Holy Mother Church, and all of the remnant faithful. Bring back to the right way of salvation all those who are living steeped in sin and blinded by the darkness of ignorance, error, and heresy. Comfort the afflicted, provide for the needy, strengthen the fearful, defend the oppressed, give health to the infirm, cause all men to experience the effects of thy powerful intercession with the Supreme Giver of every good and perfect gift. Amen. Pater, Ave, Gloria.

V. Pray for us, O Blessed Nicholas;
R. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.

Let us pray: O God, Who hast glorified blessed Nicholas, Thine illustrious Confessor and Bishop, by means of countless signs and wonders, and Who dost not cease daily so to glorify him, grant, we beseech Thee, that we, being assisted by his merits and prayers, may be delivered from the fires of Hell and from all dangers, through Christ Our Lord. Amen. (300 days.)

(Insert here the special prayers for each day of the Octave)


St. Paul, Apostle of the Gentiles    O Glorious Apostles, Peter and Paul, we earnestly beseech thee to intercede with Our Divine Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, Who founded the one, true, holy Catholic Church to lead us to salvation, on behalf of the remnant flock of faithful Clergy, Religious and laity. Do thou, O glorious St. Peter, Prince of the Apostles, implore the Heart of Our Divine Redeemer to guide and sustain our Most Reverend Bishop Francis Konrad Maria in guiding and governing the remnant Catholic flock; to grant to all faithful members of the Church the precious gift of perseverance; and to grant also that every member of the Church will grow daily in their love and fervent practice of their holy Catholic Faith.

    O glorious St. Paul, who was converted while persecuting God's holy Church, do thou implore the merciful Hearts of Jesus and Mary to convert and bring back to the true Catholic Church under Bishop Francis Konrad Maria, all the former members of our Community and Congregation, and all those who have gone astray throughout the world. And do thou, O glorious warrior of Christ, defend our Bishop, Religious, and all members of our remnant Community against the snares of the Devil and the attacks of our enemies and persecutors. Implore the Holy Ghost to grant us a favorable decision and outcome in every court case and legal action in which we are presently involved, or may be involved in the future.

    Finally, O glorious Saints Peter and Paul, do thou implore Mary, the Immaculate Queen of the Apostles, to make every member of Christ's remnant Church fervent apostles in zealously spreading the true Catholic Faith, and loyally supporting and defending the holy Catholic Church against all of Her enemies and detractors; through Jesus Christ Our Lord, Who with the Father and the Holy Ghost, liveth and reigneth, one God, forever, unto ages of ages. Amen.

St. Joseph, Patron of the Universal ChurchDAILY PRAYER TO ST. JOSEPH

    O glorious St. Joseph, Patron of the Universal Church, we implore thee during this Chair of Unity Octave, to obtain from the Hearts of Jesus and Mary, the preservation of our remnant Catholic Community and all its members, from all division, dissension and discord. Do thou, faithful guardian of the Holy Family, grant that our spiritual family--all the members of our remnant Catholic Community under Bishop Francis Konrad Maria--shall ever be united in the bonds of faith and charity, and shall remain always of one heart, mind and soul in the Hearts of Jesus and Mary. St. Joseph, special protector of our Community, do thou guide, bless and protect us against the attacks of all our enemies and detractors; through Our Lord Jesus Christ, Who livest and reignest with the Father and the Holy Ghost, one God, forever, unto ages of ages. Amen.

Closing Hymn: Faith of our Fathers.

Prayers for the First Day of the Octave
January 18th or February 22nd


    This first day of the Chair of Unity Octave is dedicated in a particular way to prayers for the conversion of those infidels who do not acknowledge the One, True God--Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Much less do they acknowledge Our Divine Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, Who nevertheless shed His most Precious Blood for their redemption. Among these blinded infidels, pagans, or unbelievers, we number the countless souls groaning under the tyranny and hopelessness of the demonic eastern religions, such as Hinduism and Buddhism; the masses of aboriginal peoples enslaved to Satan in the ancient rites, worshipping the earth and nature; and not least of all, the vast acceptance and propagation of these Satanic religions and their rituals by present-day infidels who pervade the earth in every disguise--from the gurus of new age cults to the Vatican II sectarians--who blasphemously attempt to ally Christianity with the demonic native religions.

    That the Most Precious Blood of Jesus may not be shed in vain for these benighted souls, we pray that their minds might be enlightened by Divine Grace, and that they may be induced to abandon their slavery to the false gods and idols of their demonic religions, which will lead them to certain damnation.

    In order to animate our faith and fervor in praying for the conversion of these miserable souls, let us reflect briefly upon these words of the Fathers of the Church in their regard:

His Holiness, St. Pius X

Pope St. Pius X:

"Christians, when asked, must answer that those who die as infidels are most certainly damned."

St. Fulgentius:

"No one can by any means be saved outside the Church; all pagans and heretics are infallibly damned."

Pope St. Gregory the Great:

"We can no more pray for a deceased infidel that we can for the devil, since they are condemned to the same eternal and irrevocable damnation."

St. John Chrysostom:

"Jesus Christ will convict the world of sin; that is, He will cut off their excuses and show them that they have sinned in not believing."


"He who does not believe will be condemned. He who is of little faith, let him be reproved; he who is without the Faith, let him be despised. Those who are estranged from the Faith will be punished. Such were the Jews and the pagans, and in their evils they have vanished. And so, on the Day of Judgment, they will be condemned."


Let us Pray: Have mercy on us, Lord of Heaven and earth. Look upon us and send Thy fear upon the nations which have not sought Thee, or, even worse, have persecuted Thy Divine Son in His Apostles and missionaries. Grant that they may know that there is no other God than Thee, and may finally be converted to Thy Holy Catholic Church, and proclaim Thy greatness. Shorten the time, and be mindful of the end, that they may spread abroad Thy wonderful deeds and all the ends of the earth may fear Thee.

V. Rejoice, all the earth.
R. And serve the Lord in gladness.

Let us Pray: Almighty, everlasting God, Who seekest not the death but the life of the sinner, receive favorably our prayer and deliver the pagans from the worship of idols and bring them into the fold of Thy One, True Church, to the praise and glory of Thy Name. Through Christ Our Lord. Amen. (300 days.)

Let us Pray: O God, the everlasting Creator of all things, remember that the souls of unbelievers were made by Thee and formed in Thine own Image and Likeness. Remember that Jesus, Thy Son, endured a most bitter Death for their eternal salvation. Permit not, we beseech Thee, O Lord, that Thy Son should be any longer despised by unbelievers, but do Thou graciously accept the prayers of thy faithful children, and of thy One, True Church, the Immaculate Spouse of Thy most holy Son, and be mindful of Thy mercy. Grant that the infidels may renounce their pernicious idolatry and wicked unbelief, that they too may some day know Him Whom Thou hast sent, even the Lord Jesus Christ, Who is our Salvation, our Life, and Resurrection, by Whom we have been redeemed, to Whom be glory for endless ages. Amen. (500 days.)

Let us pray: O Mary, most clement, refuge of sinners, listen to our prayers, and beg of Thy Son that God Almighty may take away iniquity from the hearts of pagans; that abandoning their idols they may turn to the living and true God, and Christ, His only Son, our Divine Lord.

V. Be all confounded, who adore graven images;
R. And who glory in their idols.

Let us pray: O God, Whose will it is that all men be saved and come to the knowledge of the Truth: we beg Thee to send laborers into Thy harvest and grant them to speak Thy word with all confidence; that Thy word may be spread and be glorified, and that all people may know Thee, the only true God, and Him Whom Thou hast sent, Jesus Christ, Thy Son, Our Lord, Who livest and reignest with Thee forever, unto ages of ages. Amen. (3 years indulgence.)

Let us pray: O Lord Jesus Christ, Who alone art the Savior of the whole human race, Who "rulest from sea to sea, and from the river to the ends of the earth," mercifully open the treasures of Thy most Sacred Heart to the wretched inhabitants of China, Mongolia, Japan, India and the other Asian countries, who still sit in darkness and the shadow of death, that through the intercession of the most Blessed Virgin Mary, Thy Immaculate Mother, and of St. Francis Xavier, they may abandon their idols, and prostrating themselves before Thee, may be united to Thy holy Church, Who livest and reignest, forever, unto ages of ages. Amen. St. Frances Xavier, Apostle to the Indies

Let us pray: O Lord Jesus Christ, the one and only Savior of the whole human race, "Who reignest from sea to sea and from the river unto the ends of the earth," open Thy most Sacred Heart in mercy to those wretched souls in Africa, and their descendants throughout the world, who still sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, that through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Thy Immaculate Mother, and of St. Joseph, her most glorious spouse, they may abandon their idols of every form, and prostrating themselves before Thee, be admitted into Thy holy Church, Who livest and reignest with the Father and the Holy Ghost, One God, forever, unto ages of ages. Amen.

Prayers for the Second Day of the Octave
January 19th or February 23rd


The second day of the Chair of Unity Octave is specially dedicated to prayers for the conversion of those perfidious Jews who, once the Chosen People, rejected the true Messiah when He manifested Himself in their midst, calling down the curse of His Blood upon themselves and upon their children. The pride and obstinacy of this fallen and hypocritical people persists to this very day, as they claim to await for another than the true Messiah, Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

In order to animate our faith and fervor in praying for the conversion of these wretched enemies of Christ, let us reflect briefly upon these words of Sacred Scripture and the Fathers of the Church in regard to the Jews:

The Gospel of St. John:

"And Pilate was looking for a way to release Jesus. But the Jews cried out, saying, 'If thou release this man, thou art no friend of Caesar; for everyone who makes himself king sets himself against Caesar.' Pilate therefore, when he heard these words, brought Jesus outside... and he said to the Jews, 'Behold your King!' But they cried out, 'Away with Him! Away with Him! Crucify Him!' Pilate said to them, 'Shall I crucify your king?' The chief priests answered, 'We have no king but Caesar."

The Gospel of St. Mark:

"Pilate said, 'I am innocent of the blood of this Just Man; see to it yourselves.' And all the people said, 'His Blood be upon us and upon our children.'"


Let us pray for the unbelieving, perfidious Jews, that the Lord our God may take away the veil that blinds their hearts, and that they may acknowledge Jesus Christ Our Lord.

Let us Pray: O God, Who dost also manifest Thy omnipotence by mercy and compassion, listen to the prayers we offer up for the enlightenment of the unbelieving, perfidious Jews, that they may acknowledge the light of Thy truth, Which is Christ, and may be saved from their blindness. Grant, we beseech Thee, all-powerful God, that the remnant of the Jewish people may walk in the way of salvation; and by following the preaching of the blessed John, Thy Precursor, they may safely come to Him Whom he foretold, Jesus Christ, Thy Son, Our Lord. Amen. (300 days.)

Let us Pray: Most Sweet Jesus, Redeemer of the human race, turn Thine eyes of mercy toward the children of that race, once Thy chosen people. Of old they called down upon themselves the Blood of the Savior; may It now descend upon them a laver of redemption and of life. Amen. (200 days.)

Let us Pray: God of goodness and Father of mercies, we beseech Thee, through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, and by the intercession of the Patriarchs and holy Apostles, to look with compassion upon the remnant of Israel, so that they may come to a knowledge of our only Savior, Jesus Christ, and share in the precious graces of Redemption. Amen.

Prayers for the Third Day of the Octave
January 20th or February 24th


    The third day of the Chair of Unity Octave is dedicated in a particular way to prayer for the conversion of the Muslims, who have for so many centuries waged unceasing war against the One, True Church established by Christ. Today in countries throughout Asia and Africa, such as Pakistan, Indonesia, Ethiopia, and the Sudan, literally millions have been slaughtered by the militant forces of Islam, simply because they bear the name of Christian. These demonic Mohammedans have vowed to conquer the entire world and to put to death all Christians and non-Muslims. Their terrorist forces are engaged in a constant so-called "Holy War" to exterminate everyone in the world who will not embrace their diabolical religion.

    In order to animate our faith and fervor in praying for the conversion of these wretched enemies of Christ, let us reflect briefly upon the satanic nature of the diabolical forces of Islam.

    Among the saints who were brutally tortured and martyred by these savage enemies of Christ we find the heroic St. Peter Mavimenus, who was dragged before the Muslim tribunal and ordered to blaspheme Christ and to embrace Islam, or else suffer a horrible death. Just as Christ had promised to those who confessed His Holy Name before kings and emperors, it was given to Peter, by inspiration of the Holy Ghost, how to answer his enemies as he cried out steadfastly: "All those of you who do not embrace the Catholic Christian religion will be damned as surely as was your false prophet Mohammed!" His brief Martyrology ends with the words, "Whereupon they stoned him to death," and thus his confession of Christ not only won for him a heavenly crown, but gave to us a magnificent example of the uncompromising heroism of a true disciple of our Crucified King.

    Let us now consider these descriptions of the Saints and Fathers of the Church given to the diabolic religion of Islam:

St. George of San Saba:

"Mohammed was a disciple of the devil, and his followers are in a state of perdition."

Blessed Nicholas Tavilich:

"You Mohammedans are in a state of everlasting damnation. Your Koran is not God's law nor was it revealed by Him. Far from being a good thing, your law is utterly evil. It is founded neither in the Old Testament nor the New. In it are lies, foolish things, buffooneries, contradictions, and much that leads not to virtue and goodness, but to evil and to all manner of vice."

Pope St. Gregory the Great:

"We can no more pray for a deceased infidel that we can for the devil, since they are condemned to the same eternal and irrevocable damnation."

St. Alphonsus Maria Liguori:

"If you do believe there is a God, you must also believe that there is a True Religion; and if you do not believe that the Holy Catholic Church is the true one, tell me, which one is? Perhaps that of the pagans who admit many gods, and thus destroy and deny them all. Perhaps that of Mohammed, a religion invented by a famous imposter and framed for beasts rather than for humans. Perhaps that of the Jews, who indeed at one time had the true Faith, but because they rejected their expected Redeemer, have lost their faith, their country, their everything. Perhaps that of heretics, who separating themselves from the Church, have confused all revealed dogmas in such a way that each man's belief is contrary to that of his neighbor. O Holy Catholic Faith! Enlighten all those poor blind creatures who run to eternal perdition! But this light always shines forth and enlightens all men, both the faithful and the unbelievers. How is it then, that so many are lost? O cursed sin, it is you who blind the minds of so many poor souls who open their eyes only when they enter eternity, but can then no more remedy their error! O ye damned souls! Speak and tell me from the prison in which you live, what torments you most in Hell, the fire that burns you, or the love that Jesus Christ has borne you? Ah, assuredly, the hell of your Hell is this: to see that a God came down from Heaven to earth to save you, but you, shutting your eyes to the light, have chosen of your own free will to be lost, and to lose this Infinite Good, your very God, Who will be yours no longer, nor will you ever be able to regain Him!"


    Let us pray for the diabolical Muslims, that Almighty God may remove evil from their hearts, inspiring them to give up forever their imposter prophet and their worship of the devil, and be finally converted to the One True God and His only Son, Jesus Christ Our Lord.

Let us Pray: O Jesus, true God and true Man, Redeemer of the whole world, we beseech Thee through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, to turn Thine eyes of mercy on those peoples who for so many centuries have been enslaved beneath the cruel yoke of Islam. Grant that they may no more scorn Thy most holy Name nor insolently persecute and enslave the Christian nations. With one ray of Thy light disperse the darkness in which they dwell, that renouncing the evil teachings of Mohammed, they may be brought to the baptism of regeneration, that in the confession of the One True Faith they may adore and glorify Thee, the eternal Word, made man for our salvation, together with the Father and the Holy Ghost. Amen.


    Virgin most powerful, loving helper of the Christian people, how great thanks do we not owe thee for the assistance thou didst give our fathers, who, when they were threatened by the Turkish infidels, invoked thy maternal help by the devout recitation of Thy Rosary! From Heaven thou didst see their deadly peril; thou didst hear their voices imploring Thy compassion; and their humble prayers, enjoined by the great Pope, Saint Pius the Fifth, were acceptable unto thee, and thou camest quickly to deliver them. Grant, dear Mother, that in like manner the prolonged sighs of the holy Bride of Christ in these our days may come to thy throne and engage thy pity; do thou, moved anew to compassion for Her, rise once again to deliver Her from the many foes who encompass Her on every side.

    Rise, then, O Mary, incline thyself to hear the prayers of the whole Catholic world, and beat flat to the ground the pride of those wretched men, who in their insolence blaspheme Almighty God and would destroy His Church, against which, according to the infallible words of Christ, the gates of Hell shall never prevail! Let it be seen once more that when thou dost arise to protect the Church, Her victory is sure. Amen.

Prayers for the Fourth Day of the Octave
January 21st or February 25th


    The fourth day of the Chair of Unity Octave is dedicated to prayer for the conversion of the prideful schismatics who have separated themselves throughout the centuries from the legitimate authority of the One, True Church established by Christ. Although pride and disobedience had resulted in the separation of early schismatics from the Church, even in the Apostolic age, the year 1054 marks the formal schism of the Churches throughout the entire Byzantine Empire, which today includes the Greek Orthodox Church, the Russian Orthodox Church, and several other formerly Catholic rites. Until very recently, these churches had largely retained the doctrines and some of the sacraments of the true Church, but tragically, it profits them nothing, as long as they remain outside the Mystical Body of Christ. Although Holy Mother Church, through her prayers and exhortations, has had the joy through the centuries of reclaiming some of her penitent lost sheep for the true Fold, vast millions yet remain obstinate in their arrogant refusal to submit to the Shepherd appointed by Christ.

    In order to animate our faith and fervor in praying for the conversion of these lost souls, our former brethren in the Faith, let us reflect briefly upon the condemnations which the Saints and Fathers of the Church have pronounced upon the schismatics:

Pope Eugene IV:

"The most Holy Roman Church believes, professes, and teaches that none of those who are not within the Catholic Church, not only pagans, but also Jews and heretics and schismatics, can ever have a share in eternal life, but that they will go into the everlasting fire which was prepared for the devil and his angels, unless before death, they shall have entered that Church; and that so important is the unity of this ecclesiastical body, that only those abiding within this unity can profit from the Sacraments of the Church unto salvation, and that they alone can receive an eternal reward for their fasts, their almsgiving, their other works of Christian piety and duties of a Christian soldier. No one, let his almsgiving be as great as it may be, no one, even if he pour out his blood for the name of Christ, can be saved unless he abide within the bosom and unity of the Catholic Church."

St. Fulgentius:

"Hold most firmly, and do not doubt it at all: not only all pagans, but also all the Jews and all the heretics and schismatics who terminate this present life outside the Catholic Church will go into the everlasting fire which was prepared for the devil and his angels."

St. Bede the Venerable:

"Beelzebub rules untroubled in the hearts of the unbelieving. This can also be understood of any heretic or any schismatic."

St. Cyprian:

"The Spouse of Christ cannot be defiled; she is incorrupt and chaste; she knows only one home. It is she who rescues us for God, she who seals for the kingdom the sons she has borne. Whoever is separated from the Church is joined to an adulterous union and cut off from the promises made to the Church. He who has abandoned the Church of Christ shall not come to the rewards of Christ: he is a stranger, a worldling, an enemy. He cannot have God for his Father who does not have the Church for his Mother. If there was escape for anyone who was outside the Ark of Noah, then there is for one found to be outside the Church. Our Lord warns us when He says: "He who is not with Me is against Me, and he who gathers not with Me, scatters" (Luke 11:23). Whoever breaks the peace and harmony of Christ acts against Christ; whoever gathers elsewhere than in the Church, scatters the Church of Christ. He who does not keep this unity does not keep the law of God, does not hold the Faith, and does not save his soul. This holy mystery of oneness, this unbreakable bond of close-knit harmony, is portrayed in the Gospel by the cloak of Our Lord Jesus Christ which was not divided. That man cannot possess the garment of Christ who rends and divides the Church of Christ. Can anyone, then, be so wicked and faithless, so insane with the madness of discord, as to believe it possible that the one-ness of God, the garment of the Lord, the Church of Christ, should be divided, or dare to divide it himself? Do you think a man can hold his own, or survive, when he leaves the Church and sets up a new place and a separate home for himself? How can a Christian breast harbor the fierceness of wolves and the madness of dogs and the deadly venom of serpents and the bloodlust of wild beasts? It is a blessing when such men break away from the Church!"


Let us Pray: O Lord, Who hast united all nations in the confession of Thy Name, we pray Thee for our formerly Catholic brethren of the East. Mindful of the eminent place they once held in Thy Church, we beg of Thee to inspire them with the desire to occupy it again, so as to form with us one single Fold, under the guidance of one and the same Shepherd. Grant that they, together with ourselves, may be penetrated with the teaching of those holy Doctors of the Eastern Church, who are also our Fathers in the Faith, and submit themselves in all humility to the voice of Peter, the Prince of the Apostles, Who so dearly desires to feed the lost sheep and lambs who have wandered from the Fold. Grant that the spirit of peace and charity, which is the mark of Thy presence with the faithful, may hasten the day in which our prayers may be united with theirs, so that every people and every tongue may acknowledge and glorify Our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son. Amen. (300 days)

Let us Pray: O Mary, Mother of mercy and Refuge of sinners, we beseech thee, be pleased to look with pitiful eyes upon miserable heretics and schismatics, especially those pitiful souls once united with us in our former community and congregation who have now separated themselves from the true Church. Thou who art the Seat of Wisdom, enlighten the minds that are miserably enfolded in the darkness of ignorance and sin, that they may clearly know that the one Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church is the one true Church of Jesus Christ, outside of which neither holiness nor salvation can be found. Finish the work of their conversion by obtaining for them the grace to accept all the truths of our holy Faith and to submit themselves to the true Bishops of Thy Church, the successors of Thy Apostles; that so, being united with us in the sweet chains of Divine charity, there may soon be one only fold under the same one Shepherd; and may we all, O glorious Virgin, sing forever with exultation: Rejoice, O Virgin Mary, thou alone hast destroyed all heresies in the whole world. Amen. Three Aves. (500 days.)


St. Therese, Patroness of the Missions    O Loving and compassionate Saint, deign to comfort our former brethren in Russia, the victims of a long and cruel persecution of the true Church of Christ; obtain for them the graces of conversion to the Catholic and Apostolic Faith and perseverance therein; progress in the love of God and true love of their neighbor. Bestow upon them a loving confidence toward the most holy Mother of God; prepare for them someday holy priests who shall make reparation for the blasphemies and sacrileges committed against the holy Eucharist; grant that a love of chastity, especially in the young, and every Christian virtue may once more flourish amongst them, to the end that their nation, being delivered from all slavery and repression, may return freely to the one Fold entrusted by the loving Heart of the Risen Christ to St. Peter and his Successors, and taste at length the joy of glorifying the Father and the Son and the Holy Ghost in the bosom of our Mother, the Catholic Church. Amen.

Prayers for the Fifth Day of the Octave
January 22nd or February 26th


    The prayers of this fifth day of the Chair of Unity Octave are dedicated in a particular way to the conversion of the adherents of the so-called "Christian" sects which, in the sixteenth century, "protested", or rebelled against the true Church of Christ, and declared unrelenting war upon Her Apostolic Authority and the Catholic Kingdoms. The rise of Protestantism began with the personal revolution of wicked men, such as the vile John Knox, Calvin, and Martin Luther, who, appointing themselves as the so-called "reformers" of the Church, denounced the supreme and infallible authority given by Christ to Peter and his Successors. They then declared that Christ had established no visible authority on earth, but had given to each individual the right to be his own teacher and guide. The Protestants then repudiated the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, Fasting, Confession, Prayers for the Dead, and all good works in general; they denounced the veneration of the Saints, especially the Immaculate Virgin Mother of God, whom they viciously reviled. Thus, the Satanic nature of this wicked revolution was revealed, as Europe erupted into a bloody battleground between the forces of the Catholic Kingdoms and the militant Protestant revolutionaries. By the end of the Thirty Years' War, over half of Christendom had been swallowed up into the Luciferian fold of Protestantism, and millions of faithful Catholics had given their lives rather than surrender to this demonic heresy.

    Today, Protestants and so-called "non-denominational Christians", with all of their conflicting and heretical beliefs, are viewed favorably by our pluralistic and tolerant society. Yet the sentiments of our Fathers in the Faith, who died in defense of the Catholic and Apostolic Church, will serve to animate our faith and fervor in praying for the conversion of these miserable souls, who blaspheme Christ by their very existence. Christ Himself condemned these blasphemers when He said:

"Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' shall enter the Kingdom of Heaven; but he who doth the will of my Father in Heaven shall enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Many will say to Me in that day, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Thy Name, and cast out devils in Thy Name, and work many miracles in Thy Name?' And then I will declare unto them, 'I never knew you. Depart from Me, ye workers of iniquity!'" (Matt. 7:21-23)

St. Cyprian:

"Nay, though they should suffer death for the confession of the Name [of Jesus], the guilt of such men is not removed, even by their blood, for not even blood can wash away the stain of heresy."

St. Athanasius the Great

St. Athanasius:

"Christ has told us, 'Beware of false prophets who come to you in the clothing of sheep, but inwardly are ravening wolves' (Matt. 7); and also by the apostles, 'Believe not every spirit' (1 John 4). For such is the method of the adverse powers, and such the confederation of the heresies. For each has, as the parent of its peculiar opinion, the devil, who, being perverted from the beginning, became a murderer and a liar; and, ashamed to adduce his hateful name, each assumes falsely that excellent Name, which is above every other, the Name of the Savior, and clothes itself in the language of the Scriptures, and speaks indeed the words, but hides the true meaning; and for the rest, having developed the peculiar opinion which it has formed in a kind of ambush, it also becomes the murderer of those who go astray."

Pope Pius IX:

"He is excommunicated who believes that Protestantism is nothing else than a different form of the same True Christian Religion, and in it one can be as pleasing to God as in the Catholic Church."

St. Alphonsus Maria Liguori:

"In the history of the foundation of the Society of Jesus, in the Kingdom of Naples, is related the following story of a noble youth of Scotland, named William Elphinstone. He was a relative of the Scottish king. Born a Protestant heretic, he followed the sect into which he was born; but enlightened by Divine grace, which showed him his errors, he went to France, where, with the assistance of a good Jesuit Father, he at length saw the truth, abjured his Protestantism, and became a Catholic. He went afterward to Rome, and joined the Society of Jesus, in which he died a happy death. When at Rome, a friend of his found him one day very much afflicted and weeping. He asked the cause, and the young man answered that in the night his mother had appeared to him amid the flames of Hell, and said: 'My son, it is well for thee that thou hast entered the True Church; I am eternally lost, because I died in heresy."


To St. Fidelis of Sigmaringen, Protomartyr
of the Congregation for the Propagation of the Faith

    O Glorious St. Fidelis of Sigmaringen, who courageously withstood the vicious opposition of the enraged Protestants whom thou didst so forcefully refute, while winning thousands of former Catholics back to the one, true Fold of Christ; obtain for us an abundance of thy ardent love of the holy Catholic Faith, and thy burning zeal for souls, which led thee to embrace joyfully thy cruel martyrdom by vicious Protestant soldiers, at the command of a Calvinist minister. By the holy indignation whereby thou didst repulse their threats and demand for thy apostasy, obtain for the remnant Catholic faithful a spirit of earnest zeal in our fervent prayer for the conversion of all who have embraced the errors of the demonic sects of Protestantism. Implore the Hearts of Jesus and Mary to dispel the vicious errors which keep them from the Immaculate Heart of the great Mediatrix of All Graces, that they may quickly experience therein the abundant graces of conversion to the one true Catholic Church of Her Divine Son, and final perseverance in grace, through Jesus Christ Our Lord. Amen.

Prayers for the Sixth Day of the Octave
January 23rd or February 27th


    The prayers of this sixth day of the Chair of Unity Octave are dedicated to the conversion of those infected by the diabolical philosophy of Freemasonry and the various occult sects. In the late 1600's, following the infernal thread of Luciferian "enlightenment" which flourished in medieval Alchemy, lodges of Rationalists and Freethinkers began to congregate, forming their battle plans for the utter overthrow of Christ and Christendom, to be replaced with the new world order of Man, who, as Lucifer promised, would "become as gods." As early as 1738, His Holiness Pope Clement XII, sounded the alarm against these insidious sects by his solemn condemnation, In Eminenti. Seeing far into the future, with the unerring vision of the Holy Ghost, to the spiritual and temporal catastrophes to which the Freemasonic philosophy would lead, the Successors of St. Peter repeatedly warned, in a series of pronouncements stretching over two centuries, that this evil constituted the most highly organized element of the Kingdom of Satan which had yet issued forth from the bowels of Hell. Christ's Vicars plainly described the unmistakably Satanic goal of Freemasonry, which aimed at nothing less than the dethronement of God Himself, the destruction of His One, True, Holy Catholic Church, and the utter overthrow of that whole religious and political order of the world which the teaching of Christ, the true Son of God, had produced. Freemasonry purposed the establishment of an entirely new world order, one in which man alone is supreme. Tragically, as the warnings of the Popes went unheeded, the Freemasonic scheme unfolded in all of its Luciferian glory, spawning a multitude of new evils--Rationalism, Pluralism, Indifferentism, Humanism, Secularism, Communism, Socialism, the fallacious philosophies of Democracy, to name a few--and finally, the ultimate synthesis of these errors in the crowning heresy of Americanism.

    The tragic success of the Freemasonic conspiracy is witnessed, in this our sad age, by the absolute domination enjoyed by every evil which the Holy Fathers foresaw and condemned. Following the bloody revolutions whereby Freemasonry fulfilled its goal, no longer need any man cloak his evil rebellion against God and His Holy Catholic Church in the occult secrecy of the lodge, for it is now their philosophy, replete with its hatred of the Divine Authority of the Apostolic Church, that is presently the accepted standard among men.

    This Satanic rebellion against the Divine Authority of Christ in His Church is the defining characteristic of the Freemasonic and occult philosophy and its multitudes of miserable adherents, from the atheist who refuses to acknowledge that God exists, to the phony traditional Catholic who refuses to acknowledge the Divine Authority which Christ established in His Church, except insofar as he himself will oblige.

    In order to animate our faith and fervor in praying for the conversion of these various multitudes of miserable souls, caught up through their own pride and egotism in the pernicious errors of the occult and Freemasonry, let us gain further insight into the evil by reflecting further on the words of Christ's Vicars:

Pope Clement XII:

"Bearing in mind the great harm which is created by such societies and conventions, not only to the peace of the temporal state, but also to the well-being of souls... in fact, to prevent the hearts of the simple from being perverted, and the innocent from being secretly wounded by their arrows, and to block that broad road which could be opened to the uncorrected commission of sin... with the plenitude of the Apostolic power [We] do hereby determine and have decreed that these same societies, congregations, or conventions of Liberi Muratori, or Free Masons, or whatever name they may go by, are to be condemned and prohibited, and by Our present Constitution, valid forever, We do condemn and prohibit them." (In Eminenti)

Pope Pius IX:

"He is excommunicated who believes that human reason is the exclusive judge of truth and falsehood, good and evil, God being left completely out of account."

"He is excommunicated who believes that human reason is its own law and that by its own natural resources is sufficient to procure the good of men and of peoples."

"He is excommunicated who believes that every man is free to embrace and profess that religion which, guided by the light of reason, he shall have come to consider as true."

"He is excommunicated who believes that, as the State is the source and fountain of every right, its own rights are unrestricted."

"He is excommunicated who believes that the Church should be separated from the State, and the State from the Church." (From the Syllabus of Errors)

Pope Leo XIII:

"Since in general, no-one obeys cunning and crafty schemers so readily as those whose courage and self-control have been sapped and broken by subjection to the yoke of their passions, there have been found in Freemasonry, men who have proclaimed their determination to strive skillfully and cunningly to saturate the masses with every form of vice. They hope that the masses, thus debased, will be like putty in their hands to carry out their future projects, no matter what may be their nature."

"Let us remember that Christianity and Freemasonry are fundamentally irreconcilable, so much so that to adhere to the one is to cut oneself off from the other.... Freemasonry is the permanent personification of the Revolution, whose sole reason for existence (raison d'etre) consists in waging war against God and His Church." "Tear away the mask of Freemasonry, and let it be seen as it really is!"


Let us Pray: O Lord Jesus Christ, we implore the clemency of Thy Sacred Heart on behalf of those souls, made in the image and likeness of God, but most miserably deceived by the treacherous snares of Freemasonry and other satanic sects, and going more and more astray in the way of perdition. Let not the Church, Thy Spouse, any longer be oppressed by the domination of this Luciferian cult; but, appeased by the intercession of the Blessed Virgin, Thy Mother, and the prayers of the just, be mindful of Thy infinite mercy; and, in spite of their perversity, cause these very men to return to Thee, that they may bring consolation to the Church by a profound humility, a most abundant penance, making reparation for their wicked persecution against the Kingdom of God on earth, the Holy Catholic Church, and thus secure for themselves a glorious eternity; Who livest and reignest, forever, unto ages of ages. Amen. (100 days, once a day.)

Let us Pray: Omnipotent and Eternal God, Who desirest that none should perish, look upon the souls deceived by the snares of the devil that the hearts of these who have gone astray may again be restored to health. Hear the prayers which we offer for the willful blindness of these unbelievers, that recognizing the light of Thy truth, which is Christ, they may be delivered from darkness. Stretch forth Thy hand over this nation, which has embraced the wicked errors of Freemasonry, that our countrymen may finally acknowledge Thy power over them; that they may know Thee as we know Thee, for there is no God but Thee, O Lord, and no other true Religion but the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Faith, to which we submit ourselves with our entire being, imploring the conversion of our nation. Hear the prayers of Thy faithful servants, that all who inhabit our country may know that Thou only art God, Who beholdest from age to age. Amen.

V. May the peoples confess Thee, O God.
R. May all nations acknowledge Thee.

Let us pray: Almighty and everlasting God, Whose will it is that all men should be saved and that none should perish, look upon the souls that have wickedly elevated themselves to the divinity, through the foul abomination of Freemasonic thinking and philosophy, and humble their prideful hearts, in order that they may put aside all the perverseness of heresy, and, being truly repentant, may return to the unity of Thy truth. Through Christ Our Lord, Who livest and reignest with Thee and the Holy Ghost, One God, forever, unto ages of ages. Amen.

Prayers for the Seventh Day of the Octave
January 24th or February 28th


    The prayers of this seventh day of the Chair of Unity Octave are dedicated to the conversion of those former Catholics who, in the 1960's, embraced the new modernist religion of the false Second Vatican Council, with its false popes, protestantized liturgy, and heretical doctrines. We pray also for those heretics who employ the Latin Mass as a means to deceive, most of whom are affiliated with the Vatican II sect, and acknowledge its false popes, such as the blasphemous Lefebvre movement; and we pray for all others who have fallen into the errors of the numerous false traditionalist sects which have separated themselves from all legitimate Apostolic authority, and are thus in spiritual chaos.

    At Fatima in 1917, the Immaculate Heart of Mary warned that men must cease offending Almighty God, Who was already too much offended. In consequence of mankind's refusal to amend, great chastisements were allowed by God, such as the great world wars, the spread of Communism, and the annihilation of nations. Ultimately, Our Lady predicted that a great spiritual chastisement would descend upon the earth, in just punishment for the sins of men. The ravages of materialism, immodesty, blasphemy, and every kind of sin had made the world ripe for such a punishment, and it descended with all the rigor of God's just vengeance. After the death of His Holiness Pope Pius XII in 1958, the insidious errors spawned by Freemasonry---Indifferentism, Pluralism, Modernism, and Americanism--blossomed forth in a false council held in the Vatican precincts, dominated by wicked infiltrators posing as cardinals, bishops, and theologians, resulting in a great, universal apostasy from the Catholic Faith.

    The age of the Remnant Catholic Church in the Catacombs was begun, as the Modernist, Marxist, and Masonic infiltrators destroyed the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and the Sacraments, and inaugurated an entirely new religion based upon all of the demonic errors which past Holy Fathers had universally condemned, and which we have been considering during this Octave of prayer. Tragically, this new religion was hailed by the people, who, already saturated with error and vice, readily accepted the plethora of heresies embodied in the false teachings of Vatican II, which collectively are known as the pernicious, all-embracing heresy of Americanism.

    And just as the Protestant revolution resulted in multitudes of sects, each calling itself Christian, this new universal revolution spawned a multitude of so-called "traditionalist" sects, each calling itself Catholic, yet easily distinguished by their Satanic revulsion for the legitimate Apostolic Authority of the one, true, Catholic Church established by Christ.

    Thus began also an age of vicious persecution against Christ's true Shepherds, driven into the modern-day catacombs by the ever-growing Satanic fury and hatred of all those who are allied with the Legions of Hell, and especially those miserable reprobates who have apostacized from the Mystical Body of Christ, modernist and false traditionalist alike.

    In order to animate our faith and fervor in praying for the conversion of these heretical apostates, our former brethren in the Faith, let us reflect briefly upon the words of Christ which foretold their fall, as well as the condemnations which the Saints and Fathers of the Church have pronounced upon those who have apostacized from the Mystical Body of Christ:

"And this Gospel of the Kingdom shall be preached in the whole world, for a testimony to all nations, and then shall the consummation come. When therefore, you shall see the abomination of desolation, which was spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy place; he that readeth, let him understand... Behold, I have foretold it to you."

"Yet, when the Son of Man comes, will He find, do you think, faith upon the earth?" (Luke 18)

"As in the days of Noe, so shall also the coming of the Son of Man be." (Matt. 22)

St. Paul:

"For there will come a time when they will not endure the sound doctrine; but having itching ears, will heap up to themselves teachers according to their own desires, and they will turn away their hearing from the truth, and turn aside, rather, to fables." (2 Timothy 4:3-4)

"Let no one deceive you in any way, for the day of the Lord will not come unless the apostasy comes first." (2 Thess. 2:3)

St. Jerome :

"To put it briefly, I have never spared heretics, and have always striven to regard the Church's enemies as my own... if you ask me to spare heretics, you ask me not to prove myself a Catholic."

St. Ignatius of Antioch:

"It is fitting, therefore, that you keep aloof from such persons, and neither in private nor in public speak to them. But flee from all abominable heresies and those who cause schisms as the beginning of evils. For as many as are of Christ are also with the Bishop; but as many as fall away from Him embrace communion with the accursed and shall be cut off along with them. Brethren, be not deceived. If any man follows him who separates from the truth, he shall not inherit the Kingdom of God; and if any man does not stay away from the preacher of falsehood, he shall be condemned to Hell. If anyone walks according to a foreign doctrine, he is not of Christ nor a partaker of His Passion. Have no fellowship with such a man, lest you perish along with him, even though he should be your father, your son, your brother, or a member of your family."

St. Irenaeus of Lyons:

"We must obey only those in the Church who have true succession from the Apostles; for with their Episcopal succession they have received the gift of certainty in the truth according to God's holy will. We must suspect all those who are cut off from this original succession, whoever they may be."


Let us Pray: O Mary, Mother of mercy and Refuge of sinners, we beseech thee to look with pitying eyes upon the miserable heretics and apostates of the Vatican II sect and all the false traditionalists. Do thou, who art the Seat of Wisdom, illuminate their minds, wretchedly involved in the darkness of ignorance and sin, that they may know the true, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church to be the only true Church of Jesus Christ, out of which no sanctity, or even hope of salvation can be found. Humble their proud minds and hearts, that grace may enter, for God despises the proud, and gives His grace only to the humble and to the meek. Obtain for them the grace to accept, with humble and childlike faith, every truth of our Holy Catholic Faith. Finally, complete their conversion by causing them to submit themselves with their entire being to the true Vicar of Jesus Christ on earth, that by this submission, they may be united with us in the bonds of Divine charity, making with us but one Fold under one and the same Pastor, and that we may, O glorious Virgin, all sing exultingly forever, "Rejoice, O Virgin Mary, thou alone hast destroyed all heresies in the whole world. Amen. (Ave Maria, three times)

Let us Pray: O Mother of Sorrows, standing at the foot of the Cross, with trusting hearts we turn to thee, in these hostile and unbelieving days, to implore thine intercession on behalf of those who are separated from the one true Church of Thy Divine Son, Jesus Christ, especially those who have been led by the devil into the heretical sects Modernism, Americanism, Vatican II, Lefebvre, Thuc, Pivarunas, McKenna, Vizelis, and all false traditionalists. By the clear knowledge thou dost possess of the bitter sufferings of our Crucified Redeemer and the shedding of His most Precious Blood, the Price of our salvation, we offer thee our supplications to obtain the grace of the True Catholic Faith for those who are outside the one true Fold, that so the sheep who are scattered may return to the one true Shepherd, the Vicar of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

Feast of the Conversion of St. Paul
Eighth Day of the Octave of St. Peter's Chair at Rome
January 25th


    O glorious St. Paul, who, from being a persecutor of the Christian name, didst become its most zealous Apostle, and who, to carry the knowledge of Jesus, our Divine Savior, to the uttermost parts of the earth, didst joyfully suffer prison, scourgings, stonings, shipwreck and all manner of persecutions, who didst finish thy course by shedding the last drop of thy blood: obtain for us the grace to accept, as favors bestowed by the mercy of God, the infirmities, sufferings and misfortunes of this life, that we may not grow slack in our service of God by reason of these vicissitudes of our exile, but that we may rather show ourselves all the more devoted, through Christ Our Lord. Amen.

V. Pray for us, St. Paul the Apostle.
R. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.

Let us pray: O God, Who has taught the multitudes of the Gentiles by the preaching of blessed Paul the Apostle: grant unto us, we beseech Thee, that we who keep his memory sacred, may feel the might of his intercession before Thee. Through Christ Our Lord, Who liveth and reigneth with Thee and the Holy Ghost, One God, forever and ever. Amen. (500 days - plenary if recited daily for one month.)

The Eighth Day of the Chair of Unity Octave
January 25th or March 1st




    The prayers of this final day of the Chair of Unity Octave are dedicated to a fervent supplication for a greater spirit of humility, obedience, charity, and true Christian unity among the Catholic faithful, as well as a more fervent loyalty and faithful adherence to the Shepherd and Bishop Whom God has appointed over us, in Whom alone can we have that unity for which Christ Our Lord prayed.

    In order to animate our faith and fervor in prayer, let us reflect upon the doctrines of our holy Faith which teach us of the necessary union, obedience, respect, devotion, and love for our Shepherd, through which we are made true members of Christ's Mystical Body.

The Words of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, to His Apostles:

"As the Father hath sent Me, I also send you. Whose sins you shall forgive, they are forgiven them; and whose sins you shall retain, they are retained." (John 20:21-23)

"Amen I say unto you, whatsoever you bind on earth, shall be bound also in Heaven; and whatsoever you shall loose on earth, shall be loosed also in Heaven." (Matt. 18:18)

"He that heareth you, heareth Me; and he that despiseth you, despiseth Me." (Luke 10:16)

Our Lord and Master Jesus Christ


    By means of this great commission Christ instituted a hierarchy, or sacred authority, founded upon the Apostles. For this reason the hierarchical Catholic Church is also called a "Divine Monarchy." The Apostles were the first "Princes of the Church" who exercised the Divine Authority which Christ imparted to those whom He chose to govern His Kingdom, the Church. We read in the Acts of the Apostles how faithfully the early Christians obeyed their commands:

"Now the multitude of the believers were of one heart and one soul, and not one of them said that anything he possessed was his own, but they had all things in common.... Nor was there anyone among them in want. For those who owned lands or houses would sell them and bring the price of what they sold and lay it at the feet of the Apostles, and distribution was made to each, according as anyone had need." (Acts 4:32)

    As these early Christian communities increased, the Apostles chose elders from amongst them, consecrated them Bishops and appointed them everywhere as rulers of the faithful, with the commission that they should likewise ordain and appoint others as the needs of the Church dictated. All of their legitimate successors, the Bishops, inherit the sacred authority of this Divinely constituted Monarchy, the Holy, Catholic, Apostolic Church, and the Scriptures are replete with exhortations to humility, to obedience, to reverence, and to love the Shepherds appointed by Christ.

St. Peter the Apostle:

"Likewise, you who are younger, be subject to the Presbyters. And all of you practice humility towards one another; for God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble. Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God." (1 Peter 5:5-6)

"As obedient children, do not conform to the lusts of former days when you were ignorant; but as the One who called you is holy, be you also holy in all your behavior; for it is written, <you shall be holy, because I am holy." (1 Peter 1:14-16)

St. John the Beloved:

"We are of God. He who knows God listens to us; he who is not of God does not listen to us. By this we know the spirit of truth and the spirit of error." (1 John 4:6)

St. Paul the Apostle:

"Christ has not given to all the members of the Church the same right and the same power, but hath set the members, every one of them, in the Body as it hath pleased Him... And He gave some Apostles, and some Prophets, and other some Evangelists, and other some Pastors and Doctors, for the perfecting of the Saints, for the work of the ministry... Are all Apostles? Are all Prophets? Are all Doctors?" (1 Cor. 12:18-29; Eph. 4:11-12)

"Obey your superiors and be subject to them, for they keep watch as having to render an account of your souls; so that they may do this with joy, and not with grief, for that would not be expedient for you." (Hebrews 13:17)

    The early Church Fathers were very emphatic about the absolute necessity of adhering to and obeying the Apostles and their Successors, and we find their teachings echoed through the centuries by the infallible Vicars of Christ, even in this our own century:

St. Irenaeus of Lyons:

"We must obey only those in the Church who have true succession from the Apostles; for with their Episcopal succession they have received the gift of certainty in the truth according to God's holy will. We must suspect all those who are cut off from this original succession, whoever they may be."

St. Ignatius of Antioch:

"Every one of you, follow the Bishop as Jesus followed the Father... Let no man perform anything pertaining to the Church without the Bishop. Wherever the Bishop appears, there let the people be, just as wheresoever Christ Jesus is, there is the Catholic Church. He who honors the Bishop is honored by God. He who does anything without the knowledge of the Bishop, worships the devil."

Pope Benedict XV:

"He who is not with his Bishop is not with the Church. Therefore, those who are not with the Bishop are not with God; neither are they with Jesus Christ. "

Pope Leo XIII:

"You must know that the Bishop is in the Church and the Church in the Bishop, so that if a man be not with the Bishop, he is not in the Church. On this subject, here are the grave words of St. Cyprian: 'The people united to the priest, and the flock cleaving to the Shepherd: this is the Church.'"

The Apostles and Fathers were equally zealous in denouncing the evils of disobedience and murmuring:

St. Paul:

"A factious man avoid after a first and second admonition, knowing that such a one is perverted and sins, being self-condemned." (Titus 3:10-11)

St. Ignatius Loyola:

"Laying aside all private judgment, we ought to keep our minds prepared and ready to obey in all things the true Spouse of Christ Our Lord, which is our Holy Mother, the hierarchical Church. To attain the truth in all things, we ought always to hold that we believe what seems to us white to be black, if the hierarchical Church so defines it; believing that between Christ Our Lord the Bridegroom and the Church His Bride there is one and the same Spirit which governs and directs us to the salvation of our souls; for our Holy Mother the Church is guided and ruled by the same Spirit and Lord Who gave the Ten Commandments."

St. Cyprian:

"God is One, and Christ is One. His Church is One, His See is One, founded by the voice of the Lord upon Peter. No other altar can be set up, no priesthood can be instituted apart from that one altar and that one priesthood. Whosoever gathers elsewhere, scatters. Does a man think he is with Christ when he acts in opposition to the Bishops of Christ, and when he cuts himself off from the society of His clergy and people? He is bearing arms against the Church, he is waging war upon God's institutions! An enemy of the altar, a rebel against the Sacrifice of Christ, he gives up faith for perfidy, religion for sacrilege; an unruly servant, an undutiful son and hostile brother, despising the Bishops and deserting the Priests of God when he tries to set up a new altar."

Closing Reflection

    As we close these eight solemn days of prayer for true Christian unity, let us resolve to always cherish in our hearts a profound reverence and a humble submission to our Holy Father, and to the Clergy united with Him; for they are set over us in the place of God, and it is their duty to instruct us in the name of God, to make us partake of the Divine Graces, and to lead us to eternal salvation. Woe to them that despise the Shepherd and cause division and dissension in the Flock! "They have gone the way of Cain, and have perished in the contradiction of Core... These are wandering stars, to whom the storm of darkness is reserved forever." (Jude 1:11-13) As our exterior actions strongly influence our interior dispositions, we must cherish and carefully observe all marks of respect for the Person of Christ in the Bishop, such as genuflecting to kiss the Episcopal ring, a symbol of His Divine Authority, and His espousal to the Church. Should it ever occur that the Legions of Hell attempt to disperse the flock by striking the Shepherd, we must be willing to undergo any sacrifice to adhere to Christ in the Person of the Bishop, as did the flock of the holy Bishop Athanasius, who spent eighteen years in exile with His faithful children in Christ. In following their devotion to the Shepherd, we but echo the sentiments of the Prince of the Apostles, St. Peter, to Christ: "To whom shall we go, Lord? Thou alone hast the words of eternal life." (John 6)



    Our Lord and our God, to Thee, united by the most strong and sincere fraternal love, we offer our hearts; we pray that Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament may be our daily food for body and soul, that Jesus may be the central object of our love, as was that of Mary and Joseph; and lastly, we pray that sin may never disturb our union in Thy Mystical Body on earth, that union which will endure with Thee, Mary, and Joseph, and all the Saints, forever in Heaven. Amen. (300 days, once a day)


Our Lord and Redeemer Jesus Christ    O my Redeemer, will that terrible moment ever come, when but few Christians shall be left who are inspired by the spirit of faith, that moment when Thine indignation shall be provoked and Thy protection shall be taken from us? Have our vices and our evil lives irrevocably moved Thy justice to take vengeance, perhaps this very day, upon Thy children? O Thou Author and Finisher of our Faith, we conjure Thee, in the bitterness of our contrite and humbled hearts, not to suffer the fair light of Faith to be extinguished in us. Remember Thy mercies of old; turn Thine eyes in compassion upon the vineyard planted by Thine own right hand, and watered by the sweat of the Apostles, by the precious blood of countless Martyrs and by the tears of so many sincere penitents, and made fruitful by the prayers of so many Confessors and innocent Virgins. O Divine Mediator, look upon those zealous souls who raise their hearts to Thee and pray without ceasing for the maintenance of that most precious gift of Thine, the true Catholic Faith. We beseech Thee, O God of justice, to hold back the decree of our rejection, and to turn away Thine eyes from our vices and regard instead the adorable Blood shed upon the Cross, which purchased our salvation and daily intercedes for us upon the altars. Ah, keep us safe in the One, True, Holy Catholic Faith. Let sickness afflict us, vexations waste us, misfortune overwhelm us! But preserve in us Thy holy Faith; for if we are rich with this precious gift, we shall gladly endure every sorrow, and nothing shall ever be able to change our happiness. On the other hand, without this great treasure of Faith, our unhappiness would be unspeakable and without limit! O good Jesus, Author of our Faith, preserve it pure within us; keep us safe in the bark of Peter, faithful and obedient to his successor and Thy Vicar here on earth, that so the unity of Thy holy Church may be maintained, holiness fostered, the Holy See protected in freedom, and the Church universal extended to the benefit of souls. O Jesus, Author of our Faith, humble and convert the enemies of Thy Church; grant true peace and concord to all of the remnant Catholic faithful; strengthen and preserve us in Thy holy service to the end, that we may live in Thee, and die in Thee. O Jesus, Author of our Faith, let us live for Thee, and die for Thee. Amen. (St. Clement Mary Hofbauer) (500 days, once a day)


    O Lord, in union with the multitude of the faithful the world over, and prostrate here at Thy feet, we pray Thee to save, defend, and long preserve our Supreme Shepherd, the Father of the glorious society of souls, our own Father. Today, and everyday, He prays for us, fervently offering to Thee the Sacred Victim of love and peace. Turn then, O Lord, Thy loving eyes upon us, who, forgetting ourselves, pray now above all things for Him. Unite our prayers with His, and receive them into the bosom of Thy infinite mercy, as a most sweet perfume of that living and efficacious charity, in which the children of the Church are united to their Father. All that He asks of Thee today, we too ask with Him. Whether He sorrows or rejoices, or when he hopes, or offers the Victim of love for His people, we wish to be united with Him. We desire that the utterance of our souls should be one with His. Mercifully grant, O Lord, that no one of us be far from His mind and heart during the hour of prayer, and especially when He offers to Thee the Holy Sacrifice of Thine only-begotten Son. And in the moment that He, our revered Pontiff, holding in His consecrated and venerable hands the very Body of Jesus Christ, shall say to the people over the Chalice of benediction the words: "The peace of the Lord be ever with you", do Thou, O Lord, cause Thy most sweet peace to descend with a new and manifest power into our hearts, and upon all the nations of mankind. Amen. (200 days, once a day)

Let us Pray: Turn, O turn, merciful Father, Thy compassionate regard upon the Church, Thy Spouse, and upon our Supreme Shepherd. Hide Him beneath the wings of Thy mercy so that the evil-minded and proud cannot hurt Him. Convert or crush those who contend against Him, and thereby assault the Holy Ghost, Who dwells in Him, and Thy own omnipotence. Heal by His means our infirmities, let Him instruct those subject to Him, and attract also the unbelieving with the Church's celestial rule. Let Him offer to Thy Divine Majesty the fruits of eternal salvation. Let Him not grow weary in carrying the standard of the holy Cross, and let Him draw to Thy service the whole universe. Do Thou, O God, supreme and everlasting Godhead, in Thy Light, let light be seen, and we humbly beg of Thee to infuse that light into every creature that possesses the gift of reason, but especially upon our Most Reverend Pontiff, that He may, at Thy hands, shine before men as an image of Thyself. Manifest the love Thou hast for our Vicar. O God, supremely good, we offer Thee our lives; render them fruitful in extending Thy glory. Amen. (St. Catherine of Sienna)


    Our Lady of Guadalupe, Mystical Rose, make intercession for Holy Church, protect our Most Reverend Bishop Francis Konrad Maria, help all those who invoke thee in their necessities, and since thou art the ever Virgin Mary, and Mother of the true God, obtain for us from thy most holy Son, the grace of keeping our Faith, a sweet hope in the midst of the bitterness of life, a burning charity, and the precious gift of final perseverance. Amen.

The Madonna of the Americas, Our Lady of Guadalupe



    O most powerful Patriarch, St. Joseph, Patron of that Universal Church which has always invoked thee in anxieties and tribulations; from the lofty seat of thy glory, lovingly regard the Catholic world. Let it move thy paternal heart to see the Mystical Spouse of Christ and His Vicar, N.N., weakened by sorrow and persecuted by powerful enemies. We beseech thee, by the most bitter suffering thou didst experience on earth, to wipe away in mercy the tears of the Reverend Pontiff, to defend and sustain Him, and to intercede with the Giver of peace and charity, that every hostile power being overcome and every error destroyed, the whole Church may serve the God of all blessings in perfect liberty: ut destructis adversitatibus et erroribus, universis Ecclesia secura Deus serviat libertate. Amen.

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