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Family History
The first known generation of over 20748 persons counted 31 Dec 2006 forming Pioneer families (most in Victoria).
The first event is often a Wedding or birth in Australia, otherwise the date they came to Australia is given, or an estimate of it. I am particularly interested in the ship they came on.

Home, Heraud, or Hines,

Alice Emma Hill wed 1894 to William Poynton
Alice Maud Huntly Hill wed 1888 to Spencer Ivens
Ann Hill came c1854 with Thomas Wright
Ann Hill came c1856 with Fredk Edwd Haydn
Ann Eliza Hill came c1863 with William Peake
Arthur Hill wed 1886 to Matilda Salter
Charles Hill wed 1895 to Mary Ann Rowley
Charles Ernest Hill wed 1886 to Evangeline Bickerdike
Charles Ernest Hill wed 1902 to Martha Conduit
Edward Hill wed 1854 to Sarah Toe
Eliza Hill came 1854 as Assisted Immigrants on the ship Geelong with George Binding
Eliza Ann Hill wed 1887 to George Henry Elliott
Elizabeth Hill came c1846 with Richard Stevens
Elizabeth Hill wed 1842 to Edward Pope
Emma Ada Hill wed 1888 to Norman McLeod McPherson
Flora Irene Daphne Hill wed 1912 to Andrew Louis Frederick Miller
Hannah Hill wed 1857 to Thomas Ellis
Henry Hill wed 1858 to Emma Toe
Herbert Vickery Hill wed 1888 to Ada Laura Collas
James Fredk Hill came c1857 with Jane Mcgregor
Jane Hill wed 1857 to William Trembath
Jane Hill wed 1892 to Alfred Ernest Edward Goddard
Leopold Elijah Hill wed 1898 to Emily Matilda Croxford
Maggie/Margaret Hill wed c1892 to Charles Grist
Margaret Hill wed 1895 to Charles Percy Kerrison
Margt Kemp Hill wed 1889 to Charles Herbert Yardley
Maria Hill wed 1875 to John Whyte
Martha Hill wed c1869 to John Tainsh
Mary Hill came c1855 with Thomas Bath
Mary Hill wed David Benallack
Mary Hill wed 1842 to Thomas Sloane
Rebecca Hill wed 1860 to George Argles
Sarah Emma Hill came c1861 with Charles Blick Robinson
Thomas Hill wed 1852 to Elizabeth Barker nee Ibbotson
Thomas Hill wed 1875 to Janet Johnston
Walt Jas Hill wed 1894 to Mary Edith Peach
William Hill came 1854 on the Merlin with Ellen Caroline Barnett
William Hill came c1887 with Mary Milligan
William Henry Hill wed 1874 to Elizabeth Bower
Ann Hillard wed 1881 to Samuel James Grant
Elizabeth Hillard wed 1873 to Edward Fletcher
Jane Hillard wed 1852 to Sharp Brearley
Jane Elizabeth Hillard wed 1874 to John Watson
John Berty/Beatty Hillard wed 1883 to Hannah Jane Margaret Mathewson
Margaret Hillard wed 1852 to Joseph Brearley
Mary Ann Hilliard/ Hillard wed 1861 to Francis Armstrong
Rebecca Hillard wed 1854 to William Smith
Robert Hillard came 1850 as Assisted Immigrants on the Bussorah Merchant with Ann Somerville
Robert Hillard wed 1865 to Rosa (Rose Sarah) Piggott
Robert Hillard wed 1876 to Amelia Fairhurst
Thomas Hillard came 1851 on the Statesman with Mary Kurr
Thomas Hillard wed c1890 to Emma Boddington
Donel Hillgrove wed 1902 to Clara Jane Bolden
Duncan Hillgrove wed 1904 to Susannah Mcdonald
John Blair Hillgrove wed 1883 to Sarah Arnel
Lucy Hillgrove wed 1880 to William Henry Leng
Mary Ellen Hillgrove wed 1897 to Irvin Aimsley Goudy/ Goudie
William Hillgrove wed 1892 to Jane Mahood
Thomas Hilliard wed 1887 to Eliza Charlotte Kemplen
Ann Elizabeth Hillman wed 1904 to Edward Bowyer Eyre
Clara Ellen Hillman wed 1915 to Victor Llewellyn Trotman
Fran Jno Hillman wed 1906 to Idalie Leone Blanche Jiggins
George Hillman wed 1869 to Mary Fagan
Nathaniel Thomas Hillman wed 1876 to Clara Ellen Copley
Ann Elizabeth Hill/Hills wed 1848 in Hobart to Henry Wicker
Catherine Louisa Hills wed 1878 to William John Bryant
Charles Hills came c1854 with Emma Fryer
Albert James Hince wed 1888 to Elizabeth Grace Powell
Charles Henry Hince wed 1889 to Harriet Georgina Smith
Elizabeth Amelia Hince wed 1892 to Richd Edgar Steel
Emily Annie Hince wed 1901 to Edward John Wake
Henry James Hince wed 1865 to Emily Thorogood
Wm Hines/ Hince wed 1890 to Rosanna Youren
Amos Hinchcliffe came c1856 with Jessie Jane Brown
Amos Hinchcliffe wed 1889 to Mary Jane Edwards
Catherine Alice Hinchcliffe wed 1876 to John Driver
Ellen Ann Hinchcliffe wed 1897 to Pat Patten
Jessie Hinchcliffe wed 1897 to James Jones
Laura Alberta Hinchcliffe wed 1898 to Angus Laney
Thomas Cooper Hinchcliffe wed 1866 to Agnes Fyfe
Annie Maria Hinchey wed 1910 to Peter Marshall Corby
Joseph Hinchy came c1871 with Ellen Kitchen/ Kitsen
Joseph Hinchy wed 1879 to Hanora O'Connors/ Connors
Henry Hinck wed 1882 to Eleanor Spedding
Jacob Hindhaugh wed 1867 to Alice Elizabeth Wilton
Ada Hindle wed 1888 to John Angus Walpole
Alice Ann Hindle wed 1883 to William Lindors Golightly
Emily Hindle wed 1884 to William John Watson
Henry Hindle came c1856 with Maryann Pickup
Henry Hindle wed 1879 to Louisa Claringbold
Mary Hindle wed 1882 to James Gane
John Hinds wed 1870 to Lydia Glover
Jane Hindson came c1862 with John Beacham
Albert Isaac Hine wed 1877 to Catherine Mary Asset/ Hassett
Albert Isaac Hine wed 1877 to Catherine Mary Hassett/ Asset
Charles Hine came 1853 with Mary Ann Atrell
William Thomas Hine wed 1888 to Matilda Van heurck

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