From this page you can click through each major character, each supporting character, and virtually every actor and actress who ever guested in the show.
supporting cast
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small wonder
Mr. Belvedere played by actor Christopher Hewett.The man. The Big Guy. The butler around which the entire show revolves around.
Mr. Belvedere's page
George Owens played by actor and Sports Personality Bob Uecker.  Father of the house and Belvedere's arch nemesis.
George's page
Marsha Owens played by actress Ilene Graff. George's wife, the family's mom and lawyer, and a great voice to boot!
Marsha's page
Kevin Owens played by actor Rob Stone. Eldest son, avarage B- student and always struggling with the girls. 

Kevin's page

Heather Owens played by actress Tracy Wells. Boy crazy teenager with a social conscience. Wesley's favorite victim.
Proceed to Tracy's page
Wesley T. Owens played by actor Brice Beckham. The runt, the brat, and Mr. Belvedere's nightmare. The show's real star. 
Brice's page
Angela Chatstikovich  played by actress Michele Matheson. Heather's ditzy beautiful  friend.

Michele's Page

Carl played by actor Willie Garson. Kevin's best friend.

Willie's page

Miles Knobnoster played by actor Casey Ellison. Wesley's best friend and the butt of many jokes because of his "headgear". Casey played by actress Eileen Seeley. Kevin's one-time supervisor turned serious girlfriend.
Skip Hollings played by the late actor Norman Bartold.  George's co-anchor at the TV station.  Wendy played by actress Winifred Freedman. Kevin's friend who's head over heels in love with him.
Allan played by actor Walter Olkewicz. Wendy's wife and bug expert. Louise Gilbert played by actress Rosemary Forsyth. The woman who who married Mr. Belvedere.
Mrs. Checcinni played by the late actress Eve Smith. Spririted old lady who has the hots for Mr. Belvedere.  The Hufnagels. The family next door who are never seen only mentioned.
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