-How do you feel of health? And was reason canceled the concert of Guadalajara?
-I don't know very well, the promoter told us that it was better to suspend it.
- But has your never been sick?
- Yes I have been very fucking sick, yes (laughs) for years I had a problem in the bronchuses and they operated me and I have a piece of bronchus that I cannot use it that is to say of lung.
- But it really is not that you have not been able to give the concert?
- It was the promoters' thing.
- Regarding the question of the drugs you have a song "Garantía Total" (total Guarantee) of which has been said that is an apology to the consumption, what can tell me about?
- Yeah, it's not that it is an apology it's simply the freedom, not to be hypocritical because the drug has always been there and it will always be and people will always use it, is to claim the right to be able to drug you with quality, the one that wants to make it then will make it and that at least one can make with quality, you don't have to enter shit, we simply claim the legalization of the drugs like a control because we believe that is the only solution to put an end to the mafias, with the whole shit that manages and with all the power that gives to the mafias and the governments and separate for reasons of health.
- And do you enter or not?
- Good if me when it is necessary I aim myself.
- With what do you aim yourself?
-With that it's necessary, neither of everything, I don't like the hallucinogens and things like that, the amphetamines and those things, the joints don't aim me, I don't neither smoke cause same it doesn't feel very well. Then the pills and something of falopa sometimes (cocaine). When comes to story
- And comes to story at the whows?...cause if you put on until the tiles won't be able to escape like it should be...
- We never, even drinking before the concerts.
- And then where this the soziedad alkoholika?
-After the concerts, when there is already party, when we don't have any commitment because when people come to see us we have to be well so that leaves well the concert.
- Why do you have made so many cancellations with the Mexican press? Are chopped with the Mexicans?
- Man, me on one hand it would have sent everything to the shit after the concert of the other day cause above the following day was also a, little disastrous because it was with many groups and they were bands heavys so we didn't fit there. People threw us of everything instead of simply to listen a little bit, the problem was that they had been on Monday and we play on Sunday, we came very late and was impossible at morning make press.
-Regarding what happened in Puebla they did comment me that everything had begun cause you have a song where mix hip hop with metal and people didn't like that, What do you say of these fundamentalist militancies that still subsist in Mexico at the rock scene?
-I find something very incomprehensible that people not bill that the music can get rich with any type of style and it doesn't pass anything, the important thing it's the essence of each group and that simply, enriches the songs, mixing with pleasure different styles and it is something that should overcome have anything of bad the miscegenation. We have always made it, we have never made a pure style, we have always mixed the punk with the metal with hardcore and with things more than included rock, something of ska, is something that we like and here they don't understand, it's not anything bad, the mixture is not bad.
- From when you are with the Milagritos records (Miracles)?
-Is a company that we made it ourselves for the third disk that we record, we had recorded with two houses and we didn't like they worked, we were not to pleasure and the end we cheer up to have our own records company and to try to have the control of that we make and since ' 95 are recording with our own stamp.


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