The Poet's Verses
This is a collection of my poetry written in the past decade or so.  As you'll soon learn, I tend to find inspiration in the opposite sex...most of my poetry was written for or about women.

Despite this previously stated fact, not all of these compositions are nice and romantic - some have to do with the heartache following a breakup, etc...and aren't pretty by any means.  Those titles will be in

I do proscribe to the philosophy that 'it's better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all'. 
That being said, I also believe that you've never felt heartache until you've felt love.

Please note that all works are original and copyrighted.  The poems have NOT been edited for minors (
gasp!), so there are some potentially offensive words afoot.  Any of these poems will be listed in bright red, so beware before you read.

Click on the icon to link to the poem in question.
"If You Were..."   4   
"Accursed Imagination
"If You Were..."   5    
"Ironic Inspiration"
"Butterfly Lament"
"Casa Rosa" "Lost Angel"    
"Masochistic Me"  
"Cut Deep"  
"Memories of a Masterpiece"    
"My Body, My Soul, My Heart"
"No More"
"Dinner Conversation" 
"Doubly Entertained"  
"The Parting"
"Do I"
"Perfect Dessert"
"Plan of Attack"  
"Playful Souls"   
"Fresh Sensations"    
"Fruit of Love"
"Fruitless Efforts"    
"Simple Wishes"
"Sleepless Night"  
"If You Were..."   1   
"Tactile Conversation"
"If You Were..."   2   
"Things Have NOT Changed"
"If You Were..."   3  
"Valentine's Day Massacre"
UPDATE - April 2008.  New Verses!  I have again found my muse and am in the process of composing again.  Below are the first of what I hope to be many more.  Check back for updates...
"La Gran Pena"
"The Big Shame", a rough translation of "La Gran Pena"
"Affection = Infection"
"Siren's Song"
All works copyright 1998-2006
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