Zhane's Far History

Zhane was born in an incredibly small village supposed and expected to be far south of the castle, though for all we know it could very well be on another planet. He remembers very little actual detail, but can remember vague instances and random events. Most assuredly though, he recalls his family for they meant the most to him

Zhane's mother is a tall elegant woman, he hand have been worn tough throughout years of labor and household duties, his father, a war hero, tall strong, barely holding onto his life in his withered old age. He has a sister , somehere, with hair of the purest black and eyes the simplest blue. He remembers vividly watching his sister play beside a stream near his home, and remembers dancing with her late in the evenings watching the stars shimer every-so-elegantly

After seventeen years of life, he was forced to join the military force of his area. He excelled in weaponry and in graceful maneuvers. He was by far one of the most highly decorated officers under the Mistress of Arms. He had never seen an actual war, battles yes, bloody duels of course, but enver a full scale war, until his nineteenth year. When he accompanied his Mistress of Arms into a battle, that woudl take year for them to return from.

Almost their entire company was murdered, slaughtered by an enemy force, He and his mistress only barely got away with living in the dungeons of their enemy as a prisoner of war. Thus began his trials to stay a live. He can recall, only vaguely his Mistress forming wooden swords from the different pieces of furniture in the dungeon rooms. They were rpeparing for their excape, finaly wooden sword in hand and dinner fast approaching, they prepared for thefinal battle.It raged with vehement contempt and in the end, The Mistress sacrificed herself for the sake of Zhane, who barely made it home in a sevenday, still bloody and bruised.

Seven years had passed since he had seen his family. His sister had grown and married, father had died, mother was just barely able to do her duties, before uttering his final breath, he held his sister close and she murmured soemthing in his ear, a promise of some sort, and then with a faint whispered , "i love you", zhane slipped away and came forth to Marrach.