January 17th - shit space shrine

Hey. A quick update to let you know that the new record 'The Luge vol.1' is finished and can be downloaded in full for free
HERE. We're also finalising the details of a cd release with artwork from Greg Haines (S.C.C). In other news Bryn's first solo album 'World of Duvet' is also available to download from lastm, and the new record 'Sturt Logic', which Lloyd and myself have been working on with Bryn since we wrapped up the S.E.F record, looks set to be released in the next month or so. Hope you had a good christmas and a Happy 2009 to you! RaLPh (SEF)

February 6th
-next thing you know your wisdom teeth will be gone along with your virginity

Hey. Time for an update. Since September we've made a live return or three. They've gone pretty well. Thanks to everyone who turned out to see us. If you didnt (or did and want to relive the memories) the olden gigs section has some gig reports and pictures for you to peruse. We've got another show planned for this Friday (February 8th) at the Jug of Ale Moseley. We're headlining for the first time in two years or so. It'd be cool if you could make it along.

The rest of February should see us get the new record started over in Redditch at the Sunset Cinema Club studio. Since September we've come up with a handful of completely new songs to go with the ones we'd been saving up through the University years. It's shaping up to be a really good record and should be with you though Giant Manilow Records soon..  Hopefully see you Friday. Inabit.
RaLPh (S.E.F)

September 7th
- from the pre-season

Sup. Hope you've been
keeping well. Apologies to those hoping for more in the way of shows and stuff this summer, the pre-season is taking a little longer than expected, if you bear with us a little longer, we'll make it worth your while. In between trips to see Devo, Prince and Serbia and er, Liverpool we've been cooking up a lot of new jams. All i can say is it's sounding good so far so stick around and we'll see you when Autumn hits. Good luck to everyone headed to University. Play safe. Catch you soon. ReLPh (SeF)

May 8th
- time trap

Hey all. For old time's sake let me just apologise for the lack of updates. S.E.F action has been little and far between recently. We did get a practice in at Easter which went well but then it was back to school. That is however about to change. Bryn returns from Norway in a matter of days and myself and David plan to follow Andrew's example and be certified collegemen by June. So all being well we'll have plenty in the way of new songs and shows by the middle/end of the summer.

Until then there is a lot of SEF related/approved action going on. David is taking his Gentle Friendly on a mini tour in May/June, check out their
Myspace for more details. As if that wasnt enough Devo, Built to Spill, Modest Mouse and Steely Dan are all touring. Be warned, however great Steely Dan are you might find yourselves a little weirded out to be in this crowd. I know i would. Ok so hope you're keeping well. Catch you soon.
RaLPh (SeF)
*Why Not Leave a Message on the Shocked Elevator Family   Almanac?
*Olden gigs (& pics)
*Olden News
*Discs  (mp3)
*if you're on myspace or wanna join SEF at myspace click here
*watch videos of S.E.F at youtube.com
*Giant Manilow Records