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Heavy Weapons

Support Team

The Heavy Weapons Support team is a a very important unit of SODVGRU.  These guys are trained to use a wide array of weapons that range from the M249 SAW to shoulder held Stinger missile launchers.  This team deploys along with CRT #1 every time it deploys, however, it is a separate unit in itself and can operate effectively alone.  Their primary objective is to provide cover for the CRT when needed and take out large scale targets such as armored vehicles, helicopters, other heavy weapons targets. 

Although these guys train with the larger weapons, each member is trained in CQB - close quarters combat, and can also operate as a 4 man extension of CRT #1 when needed.  

Members of the Heavy Weapons Support Team are:

Sgt. Major Thomas M. Wahl Conan  Team Lead - M60 Gunner
MSgt. William J. Baker Fuzz M-60 Gunner
Spc. Jackson LaFave Jack CQB - Cover Fire for Team M249
Spc. Alan Timmerman T-Man CQB - Cover Fire for Team M249