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SOS Kidproof - filter that scans each page, has built in search criteria you can review, and allows you to control your children's time online. www.soskidproff.com:81/default.asp
KidDesk Internet Safe - allows parents to choose what their children see on their computer desktops without having to be constantly present. description of safety features.www.edmark/prod/kidis
TERMITE :  www.info@gis-secure.com
FamilyClick - filter aimed at preventing objectionable material and people from reaching your family. Includes daily family features.50$/yr. 5$/mo  www.familyclick.com
Net Nanny - allows you to download lists of sites that NetNanny deems good and bad for children. You can also submit sites for condsideration into either list. www.netnanny.com
Cyber Patrol - includes an explanation of the CyberYES and CyberNOT block list system, aimed at limiting access to sites inappropriate for kids ages 6-16. www.cyberpatrol.com
Cyber Snoop - Internet monitoring and control software that lets you create a log of URLs, file transfers, news groups, chat, and email. Also allows blocking sites.  www.pearlsw.com
iWayPatrol - filters and blocks sites pornography, chat, dating or escort services, illegal drugs. It can also be used to block 'timewasting' sites such as games for schools.  www.iwaypatrol.com
MoM - this software screens objectionable web sites, logs URLs, views thumbnail screen shots, and filters unacceptable words.20$  www.avsweb.com/mom
Nehemiah Filtered Internet Service - this service filters sexually explicit and adult material, crime, discrimination, drug use, nudity, and otherwise distasteful sites. 50$  www.nfinit.com
PlanetGood - from Browsesafe. Sites are reviewed by humans then entered into directories based on age level www.planegood.net
Cybersitter - gives parents the ability to limit their children's access to objectionable material on the Internet. Parents can choose to put up blocks to certain material or can be alerted when it is accessed. 50$  www.cybersitter.com
Internet Filter - this program monitors, filters, analyzes, and logs Internet access by users. It has feature of IF NOT /IF YES  www.turner.com/if
CSM - Proxy Server - this proxy server lets you limit the number of hours your child spends online, prevents the display of most sexually explicit or graphically violent material, and monitors the access your child has to the computer. www.csm-usa.com
CSM - Site Blocker - prevents the sexually explicit, violent, or illegal material www.csm-usa.com
Childrens' Internet Browser - designed to give parents control over their children's Internet use by allowing them to create a drop-down list of acceptable sites for kids. www.childrenbrowser.com
Kidweb - animated browser that sets up an exclusive Internet neighborhood of pre-approved sites. The software takes care of blocking the rest. www.edmak.com/prod/kidis
FamilyCAM - 35$ with this Silverstone Software product you can set usage guidelines for your children then easily review what they do, even if you can’t be present. www.silverstone.net
NetSnitch - provides you with a password-protected record of all the URLs your child visits. 40$.  www.netsnitch.com
Prudence - Prudence can capture cached graphic files, the history of viewed URLS, cookies placed on the system by visited web sites, documents opened, www.bluewolfnet.com/pru.htm
SentryCam for the Family - captures screenshots of the areas of the Internet your child visits with a date/time stamp. www.sentrycam.com
UC2 Lite - provides parents with direct access to viewed Web pages and images, as well as a detailed log of any e-mail messages that have been sent - including the time and date that the message was sent and details of the recipient. www.netsiren.com
WINWHATWHERE : a spy sofware.   www.winwhatwhere.com
Electric SchoolHouse - online community for parents, teachers, and kids. Features include a Search2Learn search engine, a Digital Library, age-appropriate chat rooms and bulletin boards, online activities, reference materials, SafetyMail, and Connect2School. www.eschoolhouse.com
ENUFF Parental Control - allows parents or teachers to monitor a child's activity on the computer, control access to the Internet, and determine times that children are allowed to use the computer. www.akrontech.com
spIE - allows you to monitor which web sites are visited by Internet Explorer. You can also use it to filter which sites can or cannot be visited .  www.satacoy.com/spie
We-Blocker - software that allows parents to monitor their children's Internet access and content and filter out sites they feel are inappropriate. www.we-blocker.com
Web Chaperone - pre-scans web pages before your child sees them and gently offers alternative pages when questionable material is found. www.webchaperon.com
X-Stop - besides blocking unwanted sites, the client includes a foul word filter, password protection, and automatic updates. www.8e6technologies.com
R.A.T. Control - software designed to safeguard children online with a combination of software and hardware security. www.armadillousa.com
Platform for Internet Content Selection (PICS) - establishes the specifications on which many filtering and rating systems are based. www.w3.org/pics/#introduction
RSACi - independent, non-profit organization that provides information about the level of sex, nudity, violence, and offensive language in software games and Web sites. www.rsac.org
SafeSurf - this organization is working to create an Internet Rating Standard which will allow web browsers to detect the content of web sites before displaying. www.safesurf.com

EDUCATIONS  SITES  ( internet safety )

CyberAngels - dedicated to educating Internet users about problems of safety and security online. It has many articles,news and other information  www.cyberangels.org
Don't Let the Web Catch You - this ThinkQuest site was developed by elementary school students to help other students learn how to be safe on the Internet. http://tqjunior.thinkquest.org/5210
FBI's Safety Tips for Kids on the Internet - safety tips from the FBI which all kids should know and follow while online. www.fbi.gov/kids/crimepre/internet/internet
Safe Surfing On The Internet - safe traveling on the Internet. www.ftc.gov/privacy/index.htm
US Department of Education Parents' Guide to the Internet - learn about the Information Superhighway: what it is, how and why to get on, and what to do while you're there. News  articles and information  www.ed.gov/pubs/parents/internet
SafeKids.Com - lists parental control resources, has an online safety slide show, and offers Internet safety guidelines for parents and children. www.safekids.com
SafetyEd International - helpful advice about safe web surfing, safe chatting, and safe internet use for schools and families.  www.safetyed.org
SmartParent.Com - information on blocking and filtering software, protection tips and links to parent and child-friendly sites, as well as links to agencies and organizations that focus on Internet-related issues. www.smartparent.com
The Internet Advocate - web-based resource guide for librarians and educators interested in providing youth access to the Internet. www.monroe.lib.in.us/`ichampel/netadv.html
Police Notebook: Keeping Kids Safe Online - explains the benefits and risks of the Internet and what parents can do to help their children be safe online. www.ou.edu/oupd/kidsafe/start.htm
Looney Tunes Teach the Internet - safety tips for kids of all ages from the Looney Tunes gang. And other informations  http://lttientertaindon.com/homepage.htm
National Center for Missing and Exploited Kids - conducts a nationwide effort to locate missing children and offers suggestions on how you can help. www.missingkids.com
Kids First! - list of videos, CD-ROMs, and television programs considered to be appropriate for children by the Coalition for Quality Children's Media. www.kidsfirstinternet.org
Larry's World - read news and articles from Larry Magid, author of Child Safety on the Information Highway and creator of the SafeKids and SafeTeens web sites. www.larrysworld.com
Family Guide Book - explains how to keep your kids safe in cyberspace. Includes information for parents, students, teachers, law enforcement, and web novices.  http://familyguidebook.com
America Links Up - public awareness campaign to ensure that kids have a safe and rewarding experience. Includes tips for parents and fun stuff for kids.www.getnetwise.org/americanlinksup/
Child Quest International - this group's goal is to help find missing children. The site includes listings of lost and found children and prevention tips. www.childquest.org
Children's Partnership - this nonprofit organization offers a Parents' Guide to the Information Superhighway and other information to help keep kids safe online. www.childrenpartnership.org


Kiddonet - browser and play place for kids.  www.kiddonet.com
Education World - browser geared towards educational purposes and curriculum with weekly features of internet safety  www.education-world.com
HEYnetwork - creates a closed community where friends and family can safely communicate, explore, and make purchases. In English, French, and Spanish. www.heynetwork.com
Internet Safari - animated secure browser with a jungle theme. Designed to filter sites and make the web safe to explore. www.internet-safari.com
Safe Surfin' - dedicated to teaching kids about browsing the Web safely. Includes tips for parents and educators, a great site of the week, and an Internet Safety Challege for kids. www.safesurfing.com
Surf Swell Island: Adventures in Internet Safety - follow Mickey and friends around to learn privacy issues, online manners, viruses, and more.  http://disney.go.com/family/surfswell
CyberNetiquette - join Disney characters for adventure, fun, and online awareness tips. It gives tips on safe surfing and net attiquates  http://disney.go.com/cybersafety
Tips for Kids five steps for a safe surfing internet.www.americanlinksup.org/kidstips/tipl.shtml
Internet Safety Game play game www.kidscom.com/orakc/games/newsafe/indexright.htm


Children's Online Privacy Protection Act of 1998 - examine the text of this law enacted by Congress in 1998 to secure the privacy of children online by requiring organizations which collect information about the children who visit their sites to do so only with verifiable parental consent. It is hosted by the Center for Democracy and Technology. www.cdt.org/legislation
Federal Trade Commission - links to reports on children's privacy and Internet privacy in general, and what you can do to protect your privacy.  www.ftc.gov/privacy/index.html
Kidz Privacy  www.ftc.gov/bcp/conline/edcams/kidzprivacy/
TRUSTe - an independent, non-profit privacy initiative dedicated to building users' trust and confidence on the Internet and accelerating growth of the Internet industry. www.truste.org
Americans for Computer Privacy - working to ensure that the privacy of all Americans' confidential files and communications is preserved and protected in the information age. www.computerprivacy.org
Center for Democracy & Technology - contains headlines about privacy policies, ways to protect your privacy online, a discussion on children's privacy, and more. www.cdt.org/privacy
COPA Commission - congressionally appointed panel mandated by the Child Online Protection Act. Read about their meetings and hearings  www.copacommission.org
COPPACamp.com - go to this virtual camp to learn what COPPA is and how it works to protect children's privacy online. www.coppacamp.com/content
Privacy International - human rights group that monitors privacy and surveillance issues worldwide. Good site for latest news and views  www.privacy.org


Child Safety-Net - free newsletter, message board, links to other resources, and info on the reference manual.  http://surfsafely.com
Becoming a Strong Family Doesn't Just Happen
now there's a magazine to help guide and support you in this process - Becoming Family!Filled with inspiring stories of families striving to grow stronger, Becoming Family will help guide you and your own family through the triumphs and challenges of family life.One year/4 issues + Premier $9.95 (50% off $19.75 cover price for 5 issues) http://www.becomingfamily.com/subscribe_set.html
"The book 'Innocence Lost'
is a must read for not only every parent but anyone whose life involves children. Ms. Mahoney's insight on ways to prevent child sexual assaults are brilliant and every parent should employ them." Nina-Germaine Salarno, Director Office of Victims' Services, California State Attorney General.The book's author, Debbie Mahoney, has also founded Safeguarding Our Children - United Mothers (SOC-UM), a non-profit organization dedicated to public awareness, prevention of child abuse, and a resource to those who have been wounded by childhood abuse.
A Parent's Guide to the Internet and How to Protect Your Children in Cyberspace
Just about everyone agrees that certain places in cyberspace are inappropriate for children. What people don't agree on is how to keep kids from wandering into areas where they don't belong. From the ACLU to Congress, local PTAs and national teacher's organizations, the issue is devise and polarizing. there's more to protecting children in cyberspace than just blocking pornographic sites with filtering programs. How can parents, teachers and librarians navigate this confusing issue without overstepping legal boundaries while at the same time protecting kids from the dangers--both hidden and obvious--that abound on the Net? Internationally respected attorney and cyber-expert Parry Aftab offers clear-cut guide to protecting children from the dark side of the Web. http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0071357521/netnannycom/104-3447411-6834314
Everyone who has children knows just how easily they can get hurt. Each year, for example, approximately 9,000 infants suffer injuries related to their high chairs. Thousands more are poisoned by common household substances. In total, more than 25 million children are injured annually, and more than 12,000 kids under the age of 14 succumb to their injuries. What makes these incidents even more tragic is that they can be prevented--if only parents knew how.Well, now they will. Written by an emergency physician, Child Safe is a practical parenting book that will help keep babies and young children out of trouble. It will help parents recognize the dangers to kids and provide concrete ways of preventing specific injuries.Child Safe is the most complete, organized, and parent-friendly child-safety book ever written for the general public. Dr. Mark Brandenburg, with his years of experience, Additional content can be found on the author's web site.
The Internet Kids & Family Yellow Pages
"The next best thing to having a vast reference library--and the librarian--in your own home."--San Diego Minion Tribune. resource providing more than 3,500 reviewed and approved children's and family Web sites, plus helpful parenting and Net safety tips. Renowned author Jean Armour Polly is the creator of the identity and brand NetMom, under which she consults with America Online, Disney Online, and many other major Internet interests. Companion Web site provides additional related links http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0072126620/netnannycom/104-3447411-6834314

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Updated on : Nov 10 , 2001
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