Thunder Zord Mythology

One of the things I loved most about the thunder zords (apart from the unarguable, undeniable fact that they kicked butt) is that they all owe their origins, in one way or another, to real-world mythology. And given that I’m a mythology buff, I thought it would be a great idea to have a page of the Thunder Dome dedicated to the zords themselves.

The zords of the second series of Power Rangers were first seen on DaiRanger, the corresponding sentai series. The connections between the DaiRanger mech and their corresponding Power Ranger zords, as well as the mythology behind each, read as follows -

Power Rangers name: Lion, zord of the Black Ranger
Dairanger name: Shi Shi

In Chinese architecture two lions, often referred to as "lion dogs" or Fo-, ie. Buddha-dogs are placed outside grand residences and institutions as protectors/guardians. Also known as Shi-shi, one is a male playing with a ball of ribbon, and the other is a female with her cub. Their mouths are shaped to form, respectively, the mantric sounds AH and HUM. The golden-red breed of dog known as the Pekinese (named after the capital city of Peking, now Beijing) was developed to resembled those protector lions. Longhaired cats are sometimes shorn to resemble these guardians.

Power Rangers name: Griffin, zord of the Yellow Ranger
Dairanger name: Kirin (Unicorn)

Kirin: The Japanese unicorn, an animal-god who punishes the wicked with its single horn. It protects the just and grants them good luck. Seeing a kirin is considered an omen of extreme good luck - if one is a virtuous person.

Griffin: The Griffin is a legendary creature with the head, beak and wings of an eagle, the body of a lion and occasionally the tail of a serpent or scorpion. Its origin lies somewhere in the Middle East where it is found in the paintings and sculptures of the ancient Babylonians, Assyrians and Persians. In Greek mythology, they took gold from the stream Arimaspias and, neighbors of the Hyperboreans, they belonged to Zeus. The later Romans used them for decoration and even in Christian times the Griffin motif often appears. Griffins were frequently used as gargoyles on medieval churches and buildings.

Power Rangers name: Unicorn, zord of the Blue Ranger
Dairanger name: Tenma (Pegasus)

Unicorn: The unicorn is a legendary animal. It is usually portrayed as a slender, white horse with a spiraling horn on its forehead, although its appearance and behavior differs, depending on the location. In the west it was usually considered wild and untamable, while in the Orient it was peaceful, meek and thought to be the bringer of good luck. There it is usually depicted as a goat-like creature, with cloven hooves and a beard. In Japan it is called Kirin, and in China Ki-lin.

Power Rangers name: Firebird, zord of the Pink Ranger
Dairanger name: Houou (Phoenix)

Greek: In ancient Greek and Egyptian mythology, the phoenix is a mythical bird and associated with the Egyptian sun-god Re and the Greek Phoibos (Apollo). According to the Greeks the bird lives in Arabia, nearby a cool well. Each morning at dawn, it would bathe in the water and sing such a beautiful song, that the sun-god stops his chariot to listen. There exists only one phoenix at the time.

Japanese: The phoenix (houou) is a bird whose existence has been reported by Japanese mythology since ancient times. It is said that when ever a saintly or holy person is about to appear on this earth, a phoenix emerges from the heavens to announce its eminent arrival.

Power Rangers name: Red Dragon, zord of the Red Ranger
Dairanger name: Ryu

The dragon for both Chinese and Japanese cultures symbolizes power and excellence. In Japanese Folklore there are nine types of dragons and in Chinese Folklore there are only three. The nine dragons on the Japanese culture are mostly related to the elements of the earth. The fire dragon is the most talked about and the most popular.

Power Rangers name: White Tiger, zord of the White Ranger
Dairanger name: Won Tiger

Tigers are highly respected animals in China, and have many myths revolving about their great deeds in helping mankind.

(my thanks go to the posters over at's Discussion Board for their amazing collective knowledge of mythology. You guys rule!)

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