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HP & Scorcerers Stone

I looooooved this movie. do you remember that sense of excitement when you first saw the preview? Its such an awesome movie and so true to the book. lets compare it to LOTR. for those of you who have read the LOTR books, you know how different the stories in the movies are to the ones in the book. they leave SO MUCH out! now look back to HP. you could only find somewhere around 10 major things (if that many) that were differnt. i think they did a wonderful job on casting (especially Draco). the only thing i think i didn't like was Dumbledore. Richard Harris was an excellent choice, but the script wasn't as funny and lively as Dumbledore really is. last, but not least, Alan Rickman is the imbodiment of Snape. OMG he was the perfect choice. he was so evil.....

HP & Chamber of Secrets

To be honest, i was extremely dissapointed in this movie. the acting was ok except for Dan. when he acts, he does the exact same thing over and over again. you might not know what i'm talking about and if you don't, never mind. COS was more along LOTR standards. they made it about the same length as the first, but it's a longer book. entirely too much was left out. i felt as i watched the first time that it was one thing after the other. it had one problem then resolved it and went to the next. it was kinda boring. i don't know. maybe i'm crazy. i was also a little mad about them not showing the Basilik's eyes getting poked out. not that i like blood and gore or anything, but it kinda forshadowed that they're gonna try to make the rest of the movies children movies. i would have to scream! it'll totally ruin the effect especially in the fourth movie. i was glad to hear that POA is taking longer. that means they're working harder. fortunatley for COS, Tom's hotness made up for everything.

HP & Prizoner of Azkaban

I thought this movie was soooo funny!!! alfonso did an EXCELLENT job on the random funniness. "i don't want to tapdance" haha!! i love it..... i'm not particularly happy with how much was different than the book was. for one thing, at the end of every book there's always a conversation between Harry and Dumbledore in which Dumbledore explains everything and you think "ohhhhhhh" but there was no such thing in POA. the convo was between Harry and Lupin. i can't say that i like that. they had enough one-on-one time; give some to Dumbledore. Dumbledore and Harry didn't even speak to eachother once in the whole movie. that implys that they are nothing more than student and headmaster and they're not friends. don't get me wrong, i understand that you can put everything in a movie rendition of a book, but some of the stuff they leave out or change is totally rediculous(no pun intended). it was definatly a better movie that COS, though. overall, i thought is was a great movie and if it wasn't a book first, it would have been so completely awesome. i'm really looking forward to the next one. wonder who'll be directing it...

If you have opinions on Hp movies or books, feel free to e-mail them or post in the guestbook. Don't worry. I won't post those submissions.

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