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Hall Of Quotes

This is our beloved Hall of Quotes where you can find great quotes from many different movies that can be used in a variety of irrelevant situations. Doesn't that just sound GREAT?!

Top Rocky Horror  Shock Treatment Spaceballs  Labyrinth TMNT  Velvet Goldmine Monty Python  

David Bowie Beetlejuice  Galaxy Quest Garfield  Star Wars Misc

Rocky Horror:

"It's not easy having a good time. Even smiling makes my face ache. "-Frank N. Furter

"That's a rather tender subject. Another slice, anyone?" -Frank N. Furter

"One from the vaults." -Frank N. Furter

"Oh, Rocky!" -Frank N. Furter

"You mean, he's gonna send us to another planet?!" - Janet Weiss

"Planet, Schmanet, Janet!" Frank N. Furter

"What diabolical plan had seized Frank's crazed imagination?" - Criminologist

"I don't like men with too many muscles." -Janet Weiss

"I didn't make him FOR YOU!" - Frank N. Furter

"WAIT! I can explain!" - Frank N. Furter

"We came here to discuss Eddie." - Dr. Scott

"Dammit, I knew I should have gotten that spare tire fixed." - Brad Majors

"Magenta, I am indeed grateful to both you and your brother Riff Raff. Such loyal service shall not go unrewarded."-Frank N. Furter

"I ask for nothing, Master."-Magenta

"And you shall receive it - in abundance!"-Frank N. Furter

"Janet! Dr. Scott! Janet! Brad! Rocky! Janet! Dr. Scott! Janet! Brad! Rocky! Janet! Dr. Scott! Janet! Brad! Rocky!"-Janet, Dr. Scott, Brad, Frank N. Furter

"How sentimental." - Riff Raff

"Master, dinner is prepared!" - Magenta

"Oh, don't be upset. It was a mercy killing. He had a certain...naive charm, but no muscle!" - Frank N. Furter

Top Rocky Horror  Shock Treatment Spaceballs  Labyrinth TMNT  Velvet Goldmine Monty Python 

David Bowie Beetlejuice  Galaxy Quest Garfield  Star Wars Misc

Shock Treatment:

"Is this your bird?"-Security Guard

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!"-Betty Monroe-Hapschatt

"Amateurs." - Nation McKinley

"In the last episode we didn't get a convertible." - Cosmo McKinley

"Hooplah everyone!" - Bert Schnick

"Hooplah Bert!"-Audience

Top Rocky Horror  Shock Treatment Spaceballs  Labyrinth TMNT  Velvet Goldmine Monty Python 

David Bowie Beetlejuice  Galaxy Quest Garfield  Star Wars Misc


"Fooled you!" - Dark Helmet

"The ring is nothing! I found it in the bottom of a Cracker Jack Box! The Schwartz is in you, Lone Star! It's in you!" - Yogurt

"Whatsa matter, Colonel Sanders....Chicken?!" - Dark Helmet

"What the hell was that?!"-Dark Helmet

"It's Spaceball One! They've gone to plaid!"-Colonel Sanders

"Prepare ship for ludicrous speed! Close up the atrium mall! Cancel the three ring circus! Secure all animals in the zoo!"-Colonel Sanders

"Give me that! Ludicrous speed! Go!"-Dark Helmet

"But Yogurt, what is it that you do down here?"-Lone Star


"Merchandising?"-Lone Star

"Merchandising! Merchandising! They put the picture's name on everything! Spaceballs the lunch box! Spaceballs the breakfast cereal! Spaceballs the FLAME THROWER! (The kids love that one). And let's not forget my personal favorite....Me. Yogurt, the Talking Doll." "May the schwartz be with you!"-The Talking Doll

"BARF! BARF!!!!!" - Lone Star

"Always when I'm eating!" - Barf

"Checking in? What the hell is all that?!" - Lone Star

"Her royal highness's matched luggage!" - Barf

"Listen! I am a Princess! And first of all, I want you to clean this place up! I will not be rescued in such filth!" - Princess Vespa

"Funny. She doesn't look Druish." - Barf

"What the hell is this?! I said take only what you need to survive!" - Lone Star

"It's my industrial-strength hairdryer. AND I CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT IT!!!" - Princess Vespa

"Listen, Lone Star. You'll deliver that money, or else Pizza is gonna send out FOR YOU!" - Vinnie

"...and the notorious gangster Pizza the Hut apparently has met a gruesome end when he alledgedly got locked in his stretch limo, and ate himself to death."-News Announcer

"Sir! Are you alright, Sir?!"-Colonel Sanders

"Yeah, fine..."-Dark Helmet

"It's a good thing you were wearing that helmet, Sir."-Colonel Sanders

"Yeah..."-Dark Helmet

"So, what do you want to do now, Sir?"-Colonel Sanders

"Well, are we stopped?"-Dark Helmet

"We're stopped, Sir."-Colonel Sanders

"Then, why don't we take a five minute break? Smoke 'em if you got 'em. *Crashes to floor*"-Dark Helmet

"I told you never to call me on this wall! This is an unlisted wall! " - President Scroob

"Shall I have Snotty beam you down, Sir?"-Commander

"Well, I don't know about all of this 'beaming'! Is it safe?!"-President Scoob

"Oh, yes, Sir. Snotty beamed me twice last night. It was...wonderful.."-Commander

"If you do not give us the combination to the airshield, we will give your daughter back.....HER OLD NOSE!!!"-Doctor

"Very well....the combination to the airshield is....one..."-King Roland

"One!"-Crew member

"One!"-Dark Helmet

"...Two..."-King Roland

"Two!"-Crew member

"Two!"-Dark Helmet

"...Three..."-King Roland

"Three!"-Crew member

"Three!"-Dark Helmet

"...Four..."-King Roland

"Four!"-Crew member

"Four!"-Dark Helmet

"....Five."-King Roland

"Five!"-Crew member

"Five!"-Dark Helmet

"...So, the combination to the airshield is...one, two, three, four, five? One, two, three, four, five?! What the heck kind of combination is that?! That's the kind of combination an idiot would have on their luggage!"-Dark Helmet

*enter President Scroob*

"So, do we have the combination to the airshield?"-President Scroob

"Yes, Sir."-Crew member

"Wonderful. What is it?"-President Scroob

"It's one, two ,three, four, five."-Crew member

"One, two three, four, five?! That's amazing! I've got the same combination on my luggage! Oh well. Let's go to the main deck and continue with the airshield. Oh, and change the combination to my luggage!"-President Scroob

"That's my Virgin Alarm. It's programmed to go off before you do!" - Dot

"Did you see anything?!"-Dark Helmet

"No, Sir. I didn't see you playing with your dolls again!"-Colonel Sanders

"Good!"-Dark Helmet

"Spaceballs?! Oh shit, there goes the planet."-Planet of the Apes Apes

"We're not just doing this for the money... we're doing this for a LOT of money!" - Lone Star

"And so, Princess Vespa, you see I shall always win because evil is best and good is dumb." - Dark Helmet

" Dark Helmet! So we meet at last for the first time for the last time! " - Lone Star

Top Rocky Horror  Shock Treatment Spaceballs  Labyrinth  TMNT  Velvet Goldmine Monty Python 

David Bowie Beetlejuice  Galaxy Quest Garfield  Star Wars Misc


"Well...laugh!" - Jareth

"I wish the Goblins would come and take you away...right now!" - Sarah

"Look what I'm offering you!" - Jareth

"..It's a crystal - nothing more...but if you turn it this way and look into it, it will show you your dreams." - Jareth

"It's not fair!" - Sarah

"You say that so often. I wonder what your basis of comparison is." - Jareth

"In nine hours and twenty-three minutes, you'll be mine!" - Jareth

"Through dangers untold, and hardships unnumbered, I have fought my way here to the Castle beyond the Goblin City to take back the child that you hath stolen. For my will is as strong as yours, and my Kingdom is as great. You have no power over me!"

"Where'd she learn that rubbish?! It doesn't even start with 'I wish'!" - The Goblins

" Oooooooooo who's she?" - The eyeball plant

" Don't go that way! Never go that way! " - The Worm

" One door leads to the Castle at the center of the labyrinth, and the other leads to...bu bu bu bum.... Certain death! Ooooooooooo! " - Alph and Ralph

"He's there, in my Castle. Do you still want to look for him?" - Jareth

"It doesn't look that far." - Sarah

"It's further than you think, and time is short. You will have thirteen hours in which to solve the Labyrinth before your baby brother becomes one of us...forever. Such a pity." - Jareth

"Turn back, Sarah. Turn back before it's too late. " - Jareth

"Well, come on, feet." - Sarah

" 'allo. " - The Worm

"Did you say, 'hello'?" - Sarah

"No, I said, 'allo, but that's close enough." - The Worm

*burp* "You're welcome."-Jareth

"Ah! My aching a-sushi!" - Goblin

"What's this?! A pasta vazool is a-writing on my friggin' a-walk-a-walk! Your mother was a friggin' aardvark!" - Little guy that lives under the sidewalk

" That's it! I've had it! I'm going to bed! *rock rolls right through the front door* Get out of my house!" - Little goblin

Top Rocky Horror  Shock Treatment Spaceballs  Labyrinth TMNT  Velvet Goldmine Monty Python 

David Bowie Beetlejuice  Galaxy Quest Garfield  Star Wars Misc

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles:

"First we should observe the ancient ritual of the...uh...Traditional Pre-Fight Donut!" - Leonardo, TMNTII

"You guys must be studying the Abridged Book of Ninja Fighting!" - Raphael, TMNT

"It's a Kodak moment." - Donatello, TMNT

"*ahem* Ohio Saki!" - Donnie

" 'Hello Mustard'? " - Raph

"Ok, so my Japanese is a little rusty!" - Donnie

*knocking on Michy's head* "Hmmmm. Not quite ripe yet." - Donatello, TMNTII

"Well they're not stupid, they're infants.....*Rahzar bangs Tokka in head with big rod thing*...okay, so they're stupid infants." - Prof. Perry

*Looking at de-mutated Tokka and Rahzar* " Gosh, we could make a fortune in the diet racket!" - Michaelangelo TMNTII

"Isn't Oprah on?" - Raphael, TMNTII

"Uuuuhhhg!! I can't take this anymore! We've got the Foot up there, with the ooze, and we're down here playin' Century 21! That's it. I'm outta here!" - Raphael, TMNTII

"HA! I made a funny!" - Splinter

"*Taquila plays in background, Turtles dance* Well, this is like meditating!" - Michaelangelo, TMNT

"Go on! Get out of here! Or I'll kick your butt!" - Raphael, TMNTII

April: "You guys eat pizza?"

Turtles: "Doesn't everybody?!

April: "So, what do you guys like on your pizza?"

Mike: "You know, just the regular stuff. Flies, stinkbugs..."

"Are you crazy?!" - Leo

"Yeah, Leo, I'm crazy, ok? A loony, ok?!" - Raph

"Why?!" - Leo

"Why?! Why?!!! Oh, I don't know, because I wanted to redecorate, you know? A couple throw pillows, a TV newsreporter, what do you think?!" - Raph

" I was there, Leo! Ol' Shredhead did a swandive with a half gainer right into the back of a garbage truck!" - Raph

April: "Why don't I get you guys some napkins?"

Turtles: "What for?"

"So that's the plan from our great leader huh? Just sit here on our butts?!" - Raph

Venus: "We return to your home in the toilet. "

Raph: "That's sewer, Venus."

Venus: "Sewer, toilet, what's the difference?"

Top Rocky Horror  Shock Treatment Spaceballs  Labyrinth TMNT  Velvet Goldmine Monty Python 

David Bowie Beetlejuice  Galaxy Quest Garfield  Star Wars Misc

Velvet Goldmine:

"...I will mangle your mind..." - Curt Wild

*doorbell rings, man answers door*

Lady: "Hi, I'm Shannon."

Man: "Who?"

Lady: "Shannon. I rang up about the position."

Man: "The what?"

Lady: "The position. It says, "assistant clerical aid"."

Man: "Oh, right, the position, marvelous. Right this way. Now, I understand that your talents lie mainly with the clerical arts, but I was wondering, perchance, if you had any experience in fashion design?"

Lady: "No, I -"

Man: "Terrific! I think that's everything!"

Lady: "No, I said I didn't!"

Man: "Everyone, I'd like you to meet our new warddrobe assistant, Shannon!"

Man: "Mr. Slade, is it true that you and Mr. Wild have some major plans up your sleeve for the future?"

Brian Slade: "Oh, yes! Quite soon, actually, we plan to take over the world!"

Curt Wild to Brian Slade: "The world is changed because you are made of ivory and gold. The curves of your lips rewrite history."

Brian Slade: "Man is least himself when he talks in his own person; Give him a mask and he'll tell you the truth."

Brian Slade: "Rock and roll is a prostitute; it must be tarted up, performed..."

Brian Slade: "Nothing makes one so vain as being told one is a sinner."

Brian Slade to his wife: "Worlds, Mandy are built on suffering - there is suffering at the birth of a child as at the birth of a rock star."

Curt Wild to Brian Slade: " Excuse me, ladies and gentlemen, while I raise a glass to the loveliest man in Europe."

Brian Slade to Audience: "And they say it's not natural!"

Top Rocky Horror  Shock Treatment Spaceballs  Labyrinth TMNT  Velvet Goldmine Monty Python 

David Bowie Beetlejuice  Galaxy Quest Garfield  Star Wars Misc

Monty Python:

"...on second thought, let's not go to Camelot. 'Tis but a silly place." - Arthur

"Help, help I'm being repressed!" - Man

"I'm not interested!" - King Arthur

Arthur: "Old woman!"

Man: "Man!"

Arthur: "Old man!"

Man: "I'm not old!"

Arthur: "What?"

Man: "I said I'm not old. I'm 37!"

Arthur: "Well, I can't just call you 'man'!"

Man: "Well you could call me Dennis!"

Arthur: "I didn't know you were called 'Dennis'!"

Man: "Well you didn't bother to ask, now did you?!"

"We are no longer the Knights who say 'Ne'. We are now the Knights who say 'Icky icky spi-kang wong.....'" - The Knights Who Until Recently Said 'Ne'

"We are the keepers of the Sacred Words: Ne, Ping, and Nuuuu---wom!" - The Knights Who Say 'Ne'

" ..and after you bring us the shrubbery, you must cut down the tallest tree in the forest with.....a HERRING!" - The Knights Who Until Recently Said 'Ne'

"I am Arthur, King of the Britains, and this is my trusty servant, Patsy."

"I nearly soiled my armor I was so scared!" - One of the Knights

Top Rocky Horror  Shock Treatment Spaceballs  Labyrinth TMNT  Velvet Goldmine Monty Python 

David Bowie Beetlejuice  Galaxy Quest Garfield  Star Wars Misc

David Bowie:

"Bye bye, we love you!" - Ziggy Stardust Final Tour

"Get out of my mind! All of you! Go back to where you came from! Leave my mind alone!" - Tommy Jerome Newton, The Man Who Fell To Earth

Top Rocky Horror  Shock Treatment Spaceballs  Labyrinth TMNT  Velvet Goldmine Monty Python 

David Bowie Beetlejuice  Galaxy Quest Garfield  Star Wars Misc


"Help me, help meeeeeeeeeee!" - The fly

"You want qualifications? How 'bout I've seen the Exorist 167 times and it gets funnier every time I see it, not to mention the fact you're talking to a dead guy!" - Beetlejuice

"Go ahead. Make my millenium. " - Beetlejuice

Top Rocky Horror  Shock Treatment Spaceballs  Labyrinth TMNT  Velvet Goldmine Monty Python 

David Bowie Beetlejuice  Galaxy Quest Garfield  Star Wars Misc

Galaxy Quest:

Tawny Madison to Malfasar: "Surely you don't think that Gilligan's Island was based on reality - "

Malfaszar and Crew In Unison: " Those poor people!"

"Hey, guys? The fellas down here just wanted me to let you know that the ship can't take much more of this. She's breakin' apart, man. Just, you know, FYI."

"Did any of you guys ever WATCH the show?!"

"Am I the only one who saw the thing all *raspberry*- with the eye?!!!"

"Let's get out of here before one of those things kills Guy!"

"By Grapthar's Hammer, you shall be avenged!" - Dr. Lazerus

"By Grapthar's Hammer, what a savings." - Dr. Lazarus

"The show must go on!" - Commander Taggert

"Damn you." - Dr. Lazarus

"Did you ever think that maybe you're just the plucky comic relief?"

Guy: "Plucky?"

"Yeah! Besides, *smiling stupidly* I just had this great idea..."

Guy: "Dude, are you stoned?!"

Top Rocky Horror  Shock Treatment Spaceballs  Labyrinth TMNT  Velvet Goldmine Monty Python 

David Bowie Beetlejuice  Galaxy Quest Garfield  Star Wars Misc


"Sign in front of someone's house: Beware of dog. *Next sign: No, really, I mean it. This dog is bad news. *Next sign: I'm warning you! *Next sign: Oh, ok fine. *Next sign: I always wanted a dog but noooooo to stinkie Mother said! *Next sign: Well I'll show you, I'll show you all! *next sign: Beware of man in dog suit*

Jon Arbuckle: "That's it! Jon - you're a genius!"

Garfield: "If he had a brain, he'd be dangerous!"

Jon Arbuckle: "Garfield, I need help."

Garfield: "Puh! Understatement of the Year!"

"What's this? Looks just like something the cat dragged in *laughs*...uh, if you'll pardon the expression, Garfield. " - Grandma

Top Rocky Horror  Shock Treatment Spaceballs  Labyrinth TMNT  Velvet Goldmine Monty Python 

David Bowie Beetlejuice  Galaxy Quest Garfield  Star Wars Misc

Star Wars:

"Ex - squeeeze - me!" - Jar Jar Binks

"Yousa Jedi are ca-wazy!" - Jar Jar Binks

"Be weary: I sense a disturbance in the Force." - Qui Gon Jin

"Usa Gungans no like outsiders!" - Jar Jar Binks

"I will not condone a course of action that will lead my people to war!"

"A long long time ago, in a galaxy far away, Naboo was under an attack. They found me and Qui Gon Jin to talk the Federation in to maybe cutting them a little slack. Their response, it didn't thrill us, they locked the doors and tried to kill us, But we escaped from that gas, met Jar Jar and Boss Nass. Took a Bongo from the scene and went to Theed to see the Queen. We all wound up on Tatooine. That's where we found this boy. My my this here Anakin guy may be Vader some day later now he's just a small fry. He left his home and kissed his mommy goodbye sayin' "soon I'm gonna be a Jedi"." - Weird Al

Top Rocky Horror  Shock Treatment Spaceballs  Labyrinth TMNT  Velvet Goldmine Monty Python 

David Bowie Beetlejuice  Galaxy Quest Garfield  Star Wars Misc


"Eagles may soar but weasles don't get sucked into jet engines."

"Roses are red, Violets are blue, Most poems rhyme, This one doesn't."

"Roses are red, Violets are blue, I'm a schizophrenic and so am I."

"Right now I'm having amnesia and deja vu at the same time. I think I've forgotten this before."

"You didn't take your brainy pill today!" - Ishmael

"Just smile and nod."

"How about a nice even number - Like Five? "

"You hockey puck!"

"It's better to enter the mouth of a tiger than a court of law." - Chinese Proverb

"When you have no basis for an argument, abuse the plaintiff." - Cicero

"Your Honor, in the first place, as they say, I am going to say it. I was going to say what you said and the reason I am going to say it, is not just because you said it. If you had not said it, I was going to say it first. " - A lawyer speaking to a judge

"...And on the seventh day, God let Murphy take over. "

Top Rocky Horror  Shock Treatment Spaceballs  Labyrinth TMNT  Velvet Goldmine Monty Python 

David Bowie Beetlejuice  Galaxy Quest Garfield  Star Wars Misc