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Site Info & Summary

If you aren't one of the subscribers to CC, then you are no doubt wondering "what in tarnation is Crash Course?" (well, maybe not in those terms, exactly, but you get the idea...) Well, my friend, I am here to answer this question for you.

Crash Course is a newsletter that was started in the good ol' town of Prescott, Arizona by some much-less-than-normal teenagers in high school to save them from the emmense (and no doubt, obvious) boredom that their current situation was bringing to them. The newsletter is not your typical "spotlight on corny events happening about the city" type of document, actually, it is a weekly deliverance of an overdose of insanity, hitting on such topics as Rocky Horror, Labyrinth, Spaceballs, Monty Python...the list goes on and on. An average issue sports feature articles, contests, trivia, games and the beloved "Four Question Celebrity Interview" section.

Who is the founder of this new form of nutsness?

CC Pres

The President of Crash Course is Laura, a graduate of the institution called Prescott High School, or Hell, as it's more well-known, as well as Northern Arizona University, or the Ninth Circle of Hades, as it's fondly remembered as. The person pictured next to her is none other than the Elfen Archer, Legolas Greenleaf. Corey Feldman was not available for pictures at the time, and for this Laura was quite thankful. Laura is obsessed with David Bowie and anything related to him, owning nearly every album that he has ever made and has a collection of Ninja Turtles that would even impress their creators. Her favorite songs are "The Ballad Of Maxwell Demon" from Velvet Goldmine and "Moonage Daydream" by Bowie, although she likes just about anything that comes out of his soft, beautifully curved lips. Laura likes to write, does practically every kind of art there is (but no, not that kind, does your Mama know you think like that?!), program, game, and loves to sing. She plays the guitar, piano, and is pretty good at electronic music creation (she's turning into one of those damned New Age freaks). She has stupidly gotten her BA Extended Major in Psychology/Spanish/Communication and now, because she is clearly a moron, is working on her MA in Psychology (oh yeah, just what the world needs, a crazy psychologist. Ptththhtht. As if anyone would ever go to a crazy Psychologist.) And even more disturbing, she's actually studying to become nothing less than a COLLEGE INSTRUCTOR! Like Windows in The Thing, she is turning into the very creature that terrifies her most!