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The Distracted Ones
Attention Deficit Disorder in your browser-
The weekly newsletter for people that just don't feel like working.
Fun Stuff
Most of these require Shockwave to play. Click here to download.
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Note: I'm working on restoring some of the links. We ran into a small storage situation. If you want to help, please host files or donate funds. Email us here.
Issue  XXIII
Monday, Nov 7, 2005
Pic of the Week
Dishonest Dubya- Watch man speak with forked tongue.
Sonic- A great Sonic clone. (Runs slow on some machines)
WallyBall- A cool little pong-type game. Trust me, it's worth taking a look.
Border Patrol- In case you were wondering if we're politically correct (No)
El Imigrante- The other side of "Border Patrol"
Penguin- Shame on you if you haven't already played this
Super Rad Color Test- Totally
Happy Pill- Fun, short game
Where's Waldo? The hardest online version on the web
Samorost- Point and Click style Flash game. Very Well Done
We is edjumacated
This Week's Issue
Fun Stuff
Other Stuff
Smiley of the week
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