Pinewood... A place full of wonderful memories and the walls echo with laughter and tales of what went on during the days that the Carry Ons were being made.
So the Carry On events are a ideal place for al fans to go to. I love the Carry On films and was eager to go to Pinewood so when I attended my first event 'Carry On Stuffing' November 1999 it was a great feeling pulling into the Car park recognizing things from the films and knowing that the likes of Sid and Kenny used to grace the grounds of pinewood year after year.
When entering the building it felt strange with pictures of the stars hanging on the walls and the painting of Kenny Williams. Kind of sad feeling knowing that those days were over but great being were some of the best films were made.

The Carry On events are great giving fans the opportunity to meet their heroes and to chat with them and to thank them for the years of laughter. Run by Robert Ross (author of Carry On Companion and Carry On Uncensored) and Morris Bright (Also Author of Carry On Uncensored) both fans themselves.
The events consist watching a carry on to fit the theme such as Carry On Loving was held at Valentines so we watched 'Loving' then  interviews with the stars. A auction of Carry On Memorabilia. There's a sales table which also sells memorabilia. Us fans get to speak to the stars and get autographs. You are giving lunch and dinner and see some rare footage. Then you have a evening with one of the stars. At the events I attended you had a evening with the producer of the films Mr Peter Rogers and at Carry On Loving there was A Evening with Leslie Phillips. And the best thing is your chance to meet up with other fans. I have made some good friend who i meet through  CarryOnLine and the Pinewood events.
I have only attended 2 events so far and had a great time at each event. More so each time. Meeting the likes of Patsy Rowland's, Leslie Phillips, Peter Rogers, Jacki  Piper, Alexandra Dane, Huge Futcher, Norman Mitchell and Norman Rossington. Some memories I'll always carry with me. From what I can tell the stars enjoy the day as much as us fans.
All in all I have had a great time attending these events and look forwards to attending any future ones.

Take a look at my pictures form the pinewood event....