6th avenue heartache


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my songs

Posted at 103 12/03/03
these are MY songs..i wrotered them...they are all COPYWRITTEN! see? © copyright 2003! so there. here: (theres a lot gone cause i didn't like them...these are the better...and by better i lie.)[the // is for a new line (saves room)]( '[' is chorus...usually)

virus inside me by britt
kill my breath//don't let me breath//burn my eyes//don't let me see//crush my dreams//don't let me be//be the virus//inside me
(i have to write more...i haven't gotten around to it yet)

______by bea
you said you would always be there//you said you would dry my tears//i thought you ment these things//i thought you seriously would
[i didn't think i could be tricked //i thought my paranoia would save me //from heartbreak//i thought my paranoia would protect me //from jackasses like you]
how could you have fooled me so greatly//theres a billion girls in this world//yet you choose me to play your games with
your games ruined me
[i didn't think i could be tricked //i thought my paranoia would save me //from heartbreak//i thought my paranoia would protect me//from jackasses like you]
could you finally reduce me to this state//have you finally reduced me to this state?//could i have not realised what you were doing to me?//was i that blind to everything else?
i can't stop this crying//i can't stop these tears//how did you keep lying to me//after so much pain already?
[i didn't think i could be tricked //i thought my paranoia would save me //from heartbreak//i thought my paranoia would protect me //from jackasses like you]
looks like life is nothing but a lie//looks like i've sought out more from your eyes//who show's the real stupidity here?//me or you?
you are not the strength//i know i can overcome you//i know i can get back//if only i could find the courage...
i know i have to confront you//but will i be able to confront me first//will i be able to control my pathetic emotional self i posses?//i deserve answers from you, don't i?

[i didn't think i could be tricked //i thought my paranoia would save me //from heartbreak//i thought my paranoia would protect me //from jackasses like you]
you are the strength//you are confidence and capability//and what am i?//i am desperation and tears
why didn't i listen to everyone that said//"what the hell are you doing?"//"what the hell are you thinking?" //all good questions
i thought you were sweet and adorable//i thought you would be perfect for me//i thought i would allow myself to believe your lies
[i didn't think i could be tricked //i thought my paranoia would save me //from heartbreak//i thought my paranoia would protect me //from jackasses like you]
i let my guard down for the last time//fuck this, let me not love//let me die an unloved bitch//it would be happier
i'd be happier this way,//happier without having to care about soemone else//happier to have only myself to carry when broken down//but i would find myself too lonely
whats love?//whats love got to do with anything?//nothing//its just as problem i'd have to deal with
[i didn't think i could be tricked //i thought my paranoia would save me //from heartbreak//i thought my paranoia would protect me //from jackasses like you]
i was told not to complain about it//i'll complain if i want//because the words i speak//are the cold hard truth
i can't believe you did this to me//yet, look at me//i still love you//i don't beleive what has happend
if these tears start again//i'll go cry to someone else//someone who may care//someone who is there
[i didn't think i could be tricked //i thought my paranoia would save me //from heartbreak/i thought my paranoia would protect me //from jackasses like you]
you bastard//i'm going to be sick//i'm a fuck up now//a fuck up in life
send myself to hell//send myself to heaven//just get me the fuck out of this world//and off this earth
who are you anymore? //waiting for me to fall? for a simple laugh?//another who wants me to fail so you can win?//are you wishing me to lose?
[i didn't think i could be tricked //i thought my paranoia would save me //from heartbreak//i thought my paranoia would protect me //from jackasses like you]
from jackasses like you
*k, this song does have a story. my friend stephy \m/ wrote an entry in her dead journal a lot like this one and i made a song out of it because it was really...i can't say nifty cause thats not true...but good for songness...:P and i wrote it into a song...like it stephy!? \m/*

pathetic little cage by bea
i woke up this morning// and couldn't see anything//everything was black// just like my life
no one to hold/ no one to be held by/ no nothing but / the pathetic little cage / i keep myself in
no door to leave/ no window to open/ the walls are closing / in on me/ and there isn't any air in here

nuclear sky by bea
you were my life/ you were my everything /then you let it go/ and everything fell/ and everything died
my sky is nuclear / it is hot to the touch/ when it fell/ it burned me
my sky / it hurt me/ like a thousand stabbing knives/ like the lies in your eyes
when everything started to fall/ i was hit/ my world came crashing down
it burns all around me/ like the fire i feel
i walk around this empty place/ it seems so familiar/ fires burning all around/ chrased buildings/ and silent cries/ and not to mention, nuclear sky
this place seems so familiar/ a lot like my mind/ a place i once knew/ changed over night
now its just an empty feeling/ a deadly grin/ a shot in my stomach/ a dark place within
getting burned /by my nuclear sky/ again and again/ it hurts within
i want the pain to stop/ but it plays over and over/ and i just don't learn
i need to leave/ but the only way out is suicide/ i don't want to die/ but the toxic air hurts me, breathing
can you see the pain in my eyes?/ look close and hard, /you'll see burning reckage /and neuclear skies/ toxic lies/ and hear silent cries
you've peered into my soul/ my world, after you came /you tore it down/ and killed everything
see my nuclear sky?/ feel the toxic lies?/see my nuclear sky?/ feel the toxic lies? / someday you will/ nuclear sky/ toxic lie /neuclear sky/ toxic lie/ neuclear sky/ nuclear sky/ nuclear sky/ nuclear sky/ nuclear sky

where by bea and em
the dark is where/ the dead walk around/ the sun doesn't shine /the rain pours down/ we loose ourselves in pain/ the pain brings/ it doesn't help/ no it doesn't help
cause i-i-i/ want to die/ this room is haunted / bull shit/ i wanna leave but / you won't come/ have a nice funeral, hun
burning at my stake/ hanging with a rope/ at my neck/ no i won't let it happen

Coverguy by bea and emmy, july 2001
He's afraid of the world/ thats why he's a Covergirl
he's never liked to be seen/ in our world/ so he became a she/ life has become a bitch fest/ full of test/ and everyone wants to play games/ they're all gonna say/ the ame thing everyday/
there goes that guy/ that has it too hared in life/ so he made it over/ even if it meant to change/ all over
so this guy/ has it hard/ has it amazingly hard/ so it's time to start over/ and be another
he's afraid of the world/ that's why he's a covergirl
never was the star of any football team/ never could score/ a point on any team/ was falling behind/ his life is blind/ he decided to/ he found it through/ another body in which to hide
he's afraid of the world/ thats why he's a covergirl
pink pantyhose/ and lipstick tinted rose/ a drawer dominated by panties and bras/ a drawer full of he haws/
he's afraid of the world/ thats why he's a covergirl
a bunny tattoo/ and nail polish/ colour: sky blue/ are all he needs to hide/ from the feelings inside
no more jokes and wet towels on the tush/ now its all cat calls/ and hands that go places unknown/ {or at least unmentioned}
he's afraid of the world/ thats why he's a covergirl
there goes that guy/that had it too hard in life




.xcallx. .xtox. .xmex.

**start laughing cause i'm almost dead**


Email: tis_bea21@hotmail.com
